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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. Such precise numbers. Where'd they come from anyway? I've seen in the NV sites complete thread how many NV complete cell sites each vendor has. However, and I may have missed it, but I haven't seen a thread that breaks down the exact total of how many cell sites each vendor is responsible for upgrading.
  2. Yes, I also have seen some people claim that, but to the best of my knowledge no one has ever actually been able to provide any hard evidence of that being the case. It seems almost like an urban legend
  3. Well you could always move back to Reno, home of the second best football school in the state. Back to the topic at hand though, I imagine by the time the Note 4 comes out there should be nice LTE coverage across PCS, SMR and BRS/EBS here. The timing *should* be perfect!
  4. Transcript of the earnings call: http://seekingalpha.com/article/1787062-sprints-ceo-discusses-q3-2013-results-earnings-call-transcript?part=single Some interesting tidbits in there as always.
  5. Release from Sprint with more in-depth details: http://newsroom.sprint.com/news-releases/sprint-reports-third-quarter-2013-results.htm Odd take on the results from Engadget: http://www.engadget.com/2013/10/30/stub-sprint-earnings-q3-2013/ I'm not really sure why the iPhone is even being mentioned in this context. They moved ~1.4 million of them in a quarter before the new ones debuted. It's sad what passes for journalism nowadays. Thankfully my work computer blocks Livefyre so I can't even be tempted to look at the free-for-all that I'm sure is taking place in the comments there.
  6. For indoor small cells the 2600 thing (as well as 1900 apparently) is actually an ideal solution.
  7. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out since ultimately any prices increases are eventually passed along to end users. (Bold emphasis mine) It's certainly an uphill battle when you're so beholden to two of your biggest competitors for such an integral part of your business.
  8. Yes, it is interesting that with their second place finish it seems that a fair number of Sprint users are satisfied with their smartphones despite the incessant complaining about the network on the interwebz. Another interesting note from the article: So it seems that while t-mobile is leading the race towards the bottom, Sprint needs to continue their focus on deploying Network Vision which will only enhance the user experience.
  9. Wow, this has been a brutal week of college football and it's still far from over. My picks are all jacked up.
  10. That's interesting since according to the NV sites complete map they've done more NV sites than either Samsung or Ericcson. Just sayin'...
  11. Ditto. I'd be interested in seeing some empirical data to support this assertion as well. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  12. You haven't elaborated on this subject, but I'm wondering if what you're describing could be related to this: http://teamuscellular.com/Forum/blog/2/entry-434-certain-device-blamed-for-network-issues/
  13. Are you suggesting that at&t try to buy some EBS spectrum from Sprint or utilize some other spectrum band for TD-LTE?
  14. I think USCC is going to find out that only at&t and VZW can get away with that type of pricing scheme.
  15. When a market only has 14 sites all of them are basically the last few...
  16. And Sprint is a CDMA operator, not a UMTS one and yet a number of their handsets support UMTS... Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  17. True, your words were quite prophetic unfortunately. It's just hard to believe that getting the remaining dozen or so sites online with LTE is becoming such an debacle. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  18. True, the iPhone 5S & 5C would work on both networks equally well (except for LTE band 41). From here on out every Sprint phone should include GSM/UMTS radios and perhaps every handset that SoftBank sells should include support for Sprint's CDMA & LTE networks. It's also interesting that until about a year or two ago that Sprint had arguably out of the big four the most compelling international data plan at $40 for unlimited regardless of whether it was 2G or 3G. Then they abandoned that for (much) more expensive options. Hopefully this maneuver from t-mobile will force them to rethink their international offerings a bit. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  19. It's insane how much difficulty they appear to be having getting things up and running properly in the USVI. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  20. With many LTE handsets supporting UMTS (and GSM) as well as TD-LTE starting to be incorporated, it might be nice for SoftBank to offer free roaming in Japan to Sprint customers. That certainly won't match t-mobile's 100 countries, but it's a start. They could also offer their customers free U.S. roaming on Sprint, but that would require their customer's handsets to have PCS & SMR CDMA as well as Band 25, 26 & 41 LTE so that doesn't seem likely unfortunately.
  21. People were using cell phones in the 1960s?! :jester:
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