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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. They definitely have plans for re-banding as the re-banding process is FCC mandated. Check out pages 29 & 30: http://www.800ta.org/content/reporting/QPR_03.31.13.pdf Unfortunately the Q1 report is the latest available. Hopefully the Q2 report will be available by the end of this month. Now what Sprint's deployment plans are, if any, may be anyone's guess at this point in time.
  2. http://www.fiercebroadbandwireless.com/story/asias-td-lte-lte-advanced-networks-deliver-scorching-speeds/2013-09-04 Some excerpts... Hopefully this is something of a preview of what to expect from Sprint in the coming months.
  3. I wonder if M$ was worried about Nokia adding Android to it's phones due to disappointing Windows Phone sales.
  4. Yeah, I was at Magic Mountain last month and I was pleasantly surprised at how strong and fast LTE was throughout the park.
  5. Even if they did that, it would be insufficient. In urban and suburban areas, IMO they need to put LTE AWS on all of their cell sites, not just the ones that they added Band 13 LTE to.
  6. That's a good thing for the other three major carriers. Of course, AT&T is rumored to want to buy international carrier(s) including perhaps Vodafone afterwards so they may wind up having to increase prices right along with VZW.
  7. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-09-01/verizon-vodafone-agree-to-130-billion-deal-wsj-reports-1-.html Is this a good thing? Perhaps this large expenditure will keep Verizon from devouring anymore US wireless carriers (few that are left) at least for a little while.
  8. Nah, the fan noise has never been anywhere near that bad. I rarely even noticed it and if so, I'd just crank the volume a bit on the home theater to cover it.
  9. How odd. Do you have A/C at your crib? I used to leave my original 60GB PS3 running for weeks at a time doing Folding@Home and it's still going strong today (knocks on wood ).
  10. PS4 for me. I haven't bought M$ products in the past. I see no reason to start now.
  11. Nope, it has to do with Strategic Roaming Alliance (SRA) agreement that Sprint has with Alaska Digitel being modified or discontinued for reasons unknown. Though they had spectrum there, Nextel never had any coverage in Alaska.
  12. That sucks, but honestly it doesn't look like they lose much in the way of 'native' coverage. http://support.sprint.com/support/article/Learn_more_about_network_changes_coming_to_Alaska/7ea17025-f90b-4b44-b256-31fb3e693e4a?ECID=vanity:coveragechange&question_box=alaska%20data%20network%20and%20coverage&id16=alaska%20data%20network%20and%20coverage
  13. Yep, very sad. I heard some folks at the call center here in Vegas got axed too.
  14. Four pages in and I still don't understand the meaning of this thread.
  15. I disagree. I believe that they should at some point. If they don't, somebody else will eventually. Just reading through some of threads over at HoFo, they really seem to be floundering: http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php/1807558-Subscribers-Would-you-sign-a-new-2-year-contract-with-USCC-today http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php/1807697-Online-account-down-again http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php/1807297-Reception-Changes-(Issues)-in-Wisconsin http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php/1808064-Eastern-NC-reception-changes and there are others. They're losing customers, customer service seems to be tanking and users are reporting network issues. Sounds a bit like what Sprint went through actually. The difference is that Sprint had around 10x the customers that USCC has to soften the blows somewhat. I've also read grumblings about the new shared data plans coming next month since the pricing structure appears similar to VZW and AT&T, but with a lot less coverage. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/report-us-cellulars-shared-data-plans-will-mimic-verizon-att/2013-08-14 If getting the iPhone doesn't jumpstart their subscriber numbers, they're done imo. Sprint would do well to be there to pick up the pieces.
  16. Sprint left behind on Boston's MBTA system. AT&T and T-mobile had already agreed to terms with some company called InSite Wireless to provide some level of service in the tunnels. Now VZW has also agreed to terms with them leaving Sprint as the lone holdout... http://www.bizjournals.com/boston/blog/mass_roundup/2013/08/verizon-to-extend-mbta-wireless.html
  17. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4339-sprint-wireline-discussion/?p=187788
  18. Can you link the article? I'd be willing to bet those figures aren't entirely for wireless. As I'm sure you know, both of those companies have sizable wireline divisions that require significant CAPEX as well and I doubt that they break out wireless CAPEX from total CAPEX.
  19. While I generally like hockey, I'd be lost. Fantasy football on the other hand...
  20. Congratulations, sincerely. However, since you're so thrilled with t-mobile, why are you still here three months later?
  21. Honestly, I didn't even check. I'm not certain how to find that out on my Zing. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  22. Yep, they've still got a long way to go though. Upon arriving at Venice Beach, it all became Band 25. I'll still take though. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
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