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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. Sprint zone> my device> dashboard> voice network Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  2. Interesting...Good find. I never knew that was there. My service hasn't been impacted as near as I can tell, but what do I know...What would really be useful would be if we had someone that could look up the details of the cell sites that these tickets refer to. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  3. Decades? Please show where anything has been promised by Sprint for "decades". Thanks!
  4. When you stated this, I just KNEW it had to be Roger Cheng that wrote the 'article'. Click the link and sure enough...
  5. Get your MSL for the device from Sprint. Go into the advanced settings of the Zing Manager web browser interface and change the band priority settings. Easy peasy.
  6. Hi Sam. Have you considered selling your Nexus 5 and buying a Note 3 instead? Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  7. Lol! I had already chalked that game up as a loss when it was 4th & 18. The play was sorta reminiscent of the Hail Mary that AJ Green caught last Sunday. Anyway, that had to feel like a swift kick to gonads for the Georgia players & fan base. Unbelievable!!!
  8. I'll exercise extreme caution! I don't watch South Park. You've got my curiosity piqued now though. What happened in the episode?
  9. Well how about that? The friendly neighborhood UPS man just brought me a gift from the Amazon fairy. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  10. It'd be nice if they would release the Q2 2013 report as it is WAYYY overdue!
  11. Yep, extremely easy and I just joined.
  12. That was probably one of the last phones that had Sanyo branding, but Kyocera had taken over by then. That phone has a 850MHz radio for roaming on VZW, USCC or whoever. It does NOT support Sprint's 1x800 network. http://www.phonescoop.com/phones/phone.php?p=3049 Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk
  13. Kyocera took over Sanyo's cell phone operations with...mixed results. That said, the Dura XT or Kona are probably the best flip phones with 1x800 that Sprint currently offers. Something new may or may not be coming soon. Flip phones are probably not a big priority at Sprint or any of the other major carriers currently.
  14. Kyocera phones such as the Dura XT. Sprint currently has on their website a certified pre-owned Samsung M400 that has it also.
  15. Why? In most cases, physics. All other things being equal, a 5x5 LTE channel will always be slower than a 10x10 LTE channel.
  16. IIRC I got my launch day PS3 from K-Mart years ago. They're definitely a viable option.
  17. I think you may have those switched around.
  18. Well perhaps somewhere in the middle. I read somewhere that the combined company could be worth $250B. I kinda doubt that T would spend $360B just to wind up with a $250B company.
  19. I somehow doubt that it'll cost T $360B to buy Vodafone. Maybe half of that seems more likely imo. I welcome that though. Maybe if they're spending a pretty penny on Voda, they won't be interested in gobbling up anymore carriers here in the US...not that there's a whole lot left for them to absorb.
  20. Lol, yeah I kinda figured that was a mistake that you picked UMass to win while also picking them to score the FEWEST points this week.
  21. http://seekingalpha.com/article/1797612-shenandoah-telecommunications-ceo-discusses-q3-2013-results-earnings-call-transcript?part=single Some more interesting information at the link.
  22. Nope, we don't know and probably never will. However, I don't *think* that it was the first thing that you mentioned. Courtesy of the link that lilotimz provided earlier in this thread: If Ericsson didn't bid, then that would've been a relatively simple way for their CTO to have answered that question.
  23. I have no qualms with AlcaLu being the vendor for my market. What I find very interesting is that for one reason or another, Sprint deemed AlcaLu worthy of being brought back for the Spark deployment unlike Ericsson...
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