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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. No need to be sad. It's not complete yet, but there is LTE in Las Vegas.
  2. I'm with you. I know it isn't a popular thing to say these days, but I don't see what the big deal is about the contract. In the end it personally doesn't really matter to me subsidized or unsubsidized. In any event, if one uses the trial period and makes sure that they like the service, unless the service inexplicably just becomes bad or they move to a bad coverage area I don't see where the problem is. I'm reading this thread over on HoFo: http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php/1820948-Idea-to-ease-paying-off-my-huge-eip-balance?p=15325719#post15325719 So the guy doesn't have a contract But he's still looking at over $1000 to break away from t-mobile iPhone 5S financed at 0% on t-mobile is $25 x 24 months for a total of $600. Subsidized iPhone 5S is $199 and the contract ETF starts at $350 for a total of $549. I know that's a gross oversimplification, but at the end of the day it seems like six of one, half dozen of the other.
  3. I agree with you on all points. However, that illustrates the mistake that Sprint has made with the Spark icon showing whenever a handset is connect to any LTE. The Spark icon should only show when connected to Band 41 otherwise it's just going to lead to skewed perceptions proliferating across the internet and Sprint needs no more of that.
  4. Yeah, no kidding. They have James Earl Jones and Malcolm McDowell in a commercial and that's the best that they could come up with for them? Whoever came up with those commercials not only needs to be fired, but also banned for the advertising industry for life.
  5. Lol I was mainly being facetious. I use Samsung phones and generally find them acceptable. The only issue that I have with your theory is that early Sprint LTE handsets from HTC, Motorola and LG such as the Evo LTE, Photon Q and Viper respectively, support a 10MHz channel size. It was only Samsung that chose to solely support the 5MHz channel size. I doubt that it was a case of Sprint sending the memo to everyone except for Samsung.
  6. That was a delicious little bit of hypocrisy. Another one of their disparaging remarks about AT&T that I noticed that they while reading the Engadget transcript: If memory serves, didn't t-mobile pay for a Shakira concert in New York last year?
  7. The customer adds are impressive, no doubt. I'm curious as to what the financials are going to look like though.
  8. When you click on 4G devices, it touts a Samsung Conquer 4G sporting a 1 GHz processor and Android 2.3 So yeah, a bit old.
  9. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/sprints-bye-2014-year/2014-01-08
  10. Even though no deal has even been formally announced. http://news.yahoo.com/verizon-ceo-says-u-may-demand-spectrum-sales-182049060--finance.html
  11. Interesting. It's free for me, although no matter how many times I tried I couldn't get it to stick adding it myself using the OLAM. I just had to call in and CS added the proper SOC. Regardless, I agree with you. It needs to be free no if, ands or buts. If you don't mind me asking, what plan are you on?
  12. Another possible initiative at gaining business customers: http://www.lightreading.com/mobile/carrier-wifi/sprint-starts-big-enterprise-push-with-wifi/d/d-id/707136
  13. I doubt the FCC will throw any roadblocks up in the way of the transaction.
  14. Here's something that may have flown under the radar as I haven't seen it mentioned yet. Late last month Sprint revamped their Direct Connect Now app to include more phones and to supposedly now work on LTE, though that remains to be seen. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.qualcomm.qchat.dla Getting Direct Connect Now running on more high end handsets may be a part of Sprint's alleged attempts to revive the Nextel brand.
  15. That may be SI Wireless. Fraydog might have some more information on them.
  16. Exactly. IMO It would be premature of SoftBank/Sprint to try and buy them at this juncture. Let this play out for another 12-18 then see where they're at.
  17. I'd tend to agree. Clear Business Solutions sounds clean, crisp and concise to me. Why? What does "XOHM" even mean anyway? What would it mean to customers?
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