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Everything posted by Rawvega

  1. Heart attack Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  2. You're welcome! My very unscientific observations indicate that the dock gives my Zing up to @ -10 dBm improvement. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  3. They get away with that with a disclaimer* on their coverage map site: Every carrier is generous when drawing their coverage maps. Besides, while you declare Sprint to be "lying", what makes you think t-mobile is on the up & up with their claims? Some excerpts from just tonight on HoFo:
  4. Doubtful since publicly traded can't just flat out "lie" about information that could influence investors or potential investors. That sort of thing gets you an SEC investigation and possibly worse (if and when our government ever reopens) which no corporation wants, of course.
  5. Well I certainly wouldn't expect him or anyone else to have opinions that are contrary to his own interests. However, for all of his constant poo-pooing of Sprint, I'd wager that he's made a nice chunk of change buying S on dips that he's perhaps partially contributed to with his commentaries. I still recall when S tanked hard after he made his bankruptcy prediction/non-prediction for the company. I would be amazed if he didn't add or initiate a position in S when that happened. Anybody that is a serious investor in S should know better than to pay too much attention to what Muppet says.
  6. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/sprint-use-bandwidth-aggregation-mimo-and-comp-handle-lte-traffic/2013-10-08
  7. You said that you sold your One a while ago then MuffinMan asked how much did you get for it. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  8. Someone paid 700 bux for a used HTC One? Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  9. I'm pretty sure that he set it to be that way. Who knows if the iPhone will have that option once band 26 is widely deployed. Seems doubtful... Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  10. Not that I know of and that would be a good feature to have. You should suggest that to Netgear. I set the default band 25 as the last priority and Band 26 first with band 41 as the middle priority. It's been a moot point as all there is here is some Band 25 LTE. However, if and when I see a dramatic shift in coverage or speed I'll be ready to check and see if I'm picking up Band 26 or Band 41.
  11. I just called Sprint up and asked the rep for it. They asked why I needed it and I told the rep and they obliged. If a rep won't give it to you for some inane reason, just hang up and call back or make up some story about how the device isn't connecting properly and you need to reprogram it and they should give you the MSL for that. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4
  12. Three years? They started deploying Network Vision in 2010? News to me...
  13. No, since USCC is deploying neither band 2 nor band 25 LTE (at the moment anyway). In theory, a tri-band or dual band (iPhone 5S/5C) should be able to roam on USCC's band 5 LTE if there is a roaming agreement in place.
  14. I'd imagine that you should be fine assuming your usage doesn't hit hundreds of GBs every month. The only people that Ive ever read about getting the boot from Sprint were using roaming data excessively. I've never read of anyone getting terminated from Sprint for using native Sprint data.
  15. lol...Just do a speed test and then pull the speedometer down and an image and message will be revealed. Keep pulling it down to reveal new images and messages.
  16. Poor Charlie can't seem to catch a break. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/shareholders-sue-dish-charlie-ergen-637535
  17. I would have no problems with that as long as NOK is willing to pay a nice premium for ALU. Perhaps ERIC and/or some other companies might also take an interest and start a bidding war. That would be ideal imho . The Alcatel-Lucent patent portfolio is pretty extensive and could make for a nice asset in the hands of the right company.
  18. Well, the latest iPhones for Sprint have CDMA 800/850/1900, multiple bands of GSM/UMTS and 13 LTE bands...
  19. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/t-mobile-cfo-makes-case-145853608.html It's kind of interesting for Carter to be making these kinds of comments at this point in time. I doubt that anything would be forthcoming in the near future, but who knows?
  20. I get that acquiring USCC wouldn't make Sprint's coverage map look like VZW's. What about the customers though? As the US market gets more and more saturated it's that much harder to gain new subscribers which means that Sprint has to try to pry them away from the other three national players, among others. That's not an easy task. A USCC acquisition would bring Sprint just shy of 5 million subscribers which is still not enough to close the gap between AT&T and VZW in any meaningful way of course. However, the majority of USCC's subscriber base is of the more valuable postpaid variety unlike the T-Mobile acquisition of MetroPCS and AT&T's current acquisition of Leap which can only be a good thing.
  21. The Sprint-Alltel reciprocal 3G roaming deal greatly benefited both and we all know what happened there. Sprint needs to take the proverbial bull by the horns and not get caught with their pants down again.
  22. The dock is available on Sprint.com. I'll probably be ordering one for myself tomorrow. http://shop.sprint.com/mysprint/shop/accessory/ao_details.jsp?accSKU=75500295&accCatId=acc9002cat
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