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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. I mean if you are way out in the middle of no where then you should be nervous but if you are in an area where sprint has decent coverage then I wouldn't worry so much, battery life is another thing though. Oh ok, guess they must have had some sort of special or what not. I checked it last night when I selected upgrade or add a line and it switched to 39.99.
  2. I am not saying you will get bad speeds or have a bad experience with the gnex, what I am saying if you had another phone to compare it too the nexus will show that its signal strength is weaker at any given moment. I am in atlanta and at any given moment my evo will have a stronger connection than my gnex, whether it may be 1x, evdo or lte, I have also done this same test with a gs3 with the same results. When I am in St. Thomas at my office, where I am lucky to get 1 may be 2 bars, my evo will make and receive calls and texts just fine where as my gnex will be delayed because of the signal being even weaker on that phone or it will be roaming all together while my evo will still be on sprint just fine.
  3. I forgot about the photon q but the penny price is for a new line of service only, its 39.99 if upgrading or adding a line.
  4. Sorry but the radio's in the galaxy nexus are in fact pretty bad.
  5. I have had happen to me a quite a few times, its normal.
  6. Wow, that is a huge difference. Did you call sprint to see if maybe there were tower issues in your area?
  7. LOL, tell us how you really feel about your nexus. I am not gonna lie though, my nexus frustrates the hell out of me as well. When I first got it it was so awesome but once the newness wore off it began to show its true colors and with that being said it will get replaced with either a note 2 or whatever sprint comes out with next. As for the topic at hand, I agree with both responses, the gnex and the gs2 are a total waste at this point. If I am not mistaken you can get an evo/gs3 on amazon for a penny, I think thats your best option. Edit: That might be for a new line of service only, it may be a little more when using an upgrade but check it out and see. Edit 2: Nevermind, upgrade price on amazon for a gs3 $99 and for the evo its $49
  8. Well damn, don't you think you could have been a little bit more specific?
  9. It crashes for me as well. It will work for a few minutes then the screen will freeze, while still giving turn by turn information by voice, then the whole thing will just lock up. I can use any other navigation app just fine though.
  10. http://www.androidcentral.com/htc-m7-rumored-carry-43-ultrapixel-camera Thoughts?
  11. I have been running custom roms for a while not sure if you are running stock or not but I have been having an issue with my alarm as well. What I notice is if I set my alarm(with the alarm clock notification showing on the top of the screen) it will go off when it suppose to just fine. If I set the alarm and reset the phone, then the alarm clock notification will be gone from the top of the screen and it won't alarm but if I go into the alarm settings the alarms are still set. So basically if I have to reset my phone for any reason I make sure I go back into my alarm settings, uncheck then recheck the box and the notification icon will show up again and the alarm will go off just fine.
  12. The xperia line is gsm only so it won't be on sprint/verizon anytime soon unless something recently just changed.
  13. I have always been pro HTC but I don't know this time around. HTC has really made a lot of bad decisions not to mention basically giving the middle finger to the dev community where as samsung seems to be doing everything that HTC isn't. Its going to be tough but I think I may very well pass on the next evo and get the gs4, or at least wait for both of them to be released before I decide on which one to get.
  14. Well I am not gonna lie, I guess you can say I am somewhat of a spec whore. In reality though, I think we have gotten to a point where no one will really notice that much of a different based on hardware, at this point its all about optimized software. Like you, I think I am ready for a 5" device as well, so we will see what happens in the next few months.
  15. themuffinman

    What is a PRL?

    Great read, thank you.
  16. As far as design goes, I think the one x, jbutterfly/DNA all look way better than the gs3/note 2 but more importantly like what Sgt. Slaughter said right above you, if their flagship device is gonna be rocking an s4 pro then htc will get owned when everyone else release their flagships.
  17. I will end up checking one out but I know I won't be getting one. I read a couple of reviews and from what I can tell they are way behind on key functions compared to android, ios and even windows phone. RIM is in a lot of trouble and at this point I think it may be a little to late for them. Honestly this is what they should have come out with about 2 years ago.
  18. Yeah, the other day I was on the phone with tech support for an unrelated issue, not sure what level he was but definitely not one of the clueless ones. While waiting for the separate issue to get resolved, I asked a random network vision question which seemed to get his attention. Anyway after a 10 minute conversation about any and everything network vision he did say that work is suppose to be ongoing in St.Thomas from what he could tell(FWIW). In the last week or two, service performance on the island has hit an all time low so I don't know if it is network vision related or not, only time will tell.
  19. Same here, I haven't had any issues with my evo's RF performance at all.
  20. I think most phones will suffer from some sort of death grip, you would just have to hold it in an unconventional way which is why most won't know about it.
  21. Of course not, rooting is totally different than unlocking your phone to use on another carrier. This will still be allowed, basically its the carriers decision whether the device gets unlocked or not and not the users(if the phone is carrier branded). If you are on a gsm carrier and you bought a phone directly from htc for example then you could do whatever you want with it at any time on any carrier.
  22. The ideal thing to do is to have another lte capable phone to have a comparison. Do you know anyone with a gnex, gs3, note 2 etc.....? If so then use that device to see if you can get connected. Even though the site may be confirmed to be lte, there could be other issues involved and it could have easily been temporarily taken offline. No need to get all worked up or frustrated, like Dkoellerwx said, Raleigh is in the very early stages of getting upgraded.
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