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It will rotate between 18015/14/13 on the ul and 15/14/13 on the dl. It is calculating the frequency correctly for the displayed EARFCN, but the displayed EARFCNs are inaccurate due to Samsung's choices. I sent you diagnostic data as well.

Nothing shows up on my s8 latest update. Are those EARFCN used at all in the real world? They can be hidden if they are not possible.
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It will rotate between 18015/14/13 on the ul and 15/14/13 on the dl. It is calculating the frequency correctly for the displayed EARFCN, but the displayed EARFCNs are inaccurate due to Samsung's choices. I sent you diagnostic data as well.


Hah! Touche, Samsung.. the app displays it because those are valid EARFCNs for LTE band 1. I could come up with an ugly hack, perhaps ignoring very low values on certain PLMNs. I hate this company..



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Hah! Touche, Samsung.. the app displays it because those are valid EARFCNs for LTE band 1. I could come up with an ugly hack, perhaps ignoring very low values on certain PLMNs. I hate this company..



I wonder what function is returning them. To my knowledge the API function simply isn't there in Samsung, so it should return nothing. If it is the getearfcn method, is it possible to wrap the earfcn part with a check to see if it's a Samsung device running API 24, similar to how you check if it's running a new enough API? I'd probably error on the side of blacklisting certain API levels rather than all Samsung in case they add it in the future, but whatever is easier.


Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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I wonder what function is returning them. To my knowledge the API function simply isn't there in Samsung, so it should return nothing. If it is the getearfcn method, is it possible to wrap the earfcn part with a check to see if it's a Samsung device running API 24, similar to how you check if it's running a new enough API? I'd probably error on the side of blacklisting certain API levels rather than all Samsung in case they add it in the future, but whatever is easier.


Samsung never seems to make things simple.. if it was returning nothing, the app would recognize this and not display anything. I like your idea, but that presents more issues. Is it broken on ALL of their devices? And an API level covers multiple OS releases.. for example, API 25 covers all of Android 7.1 so far, which not only includes 7.1, 7.1.1, and 7.1.2, but a total of 25 different AOSP releases for the Pixel to date. And if I block API 24, but they push out API 25 and it's still broken, then I scramble again.


Anything is possible, just need to figure out what the "best" approach is. I'd prefer to come up with a way to implement something that immediately starts showing data once Samsung fixes things on its end. I think I have an idea that will work but we'll see.



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Nothing shows up on my s8 latest update. Are those EARFCN used at all in the real world? They can be hidden if they are not possible.

They're theoretically valid EARFCNs for band 1 which is used in China, India, Japan, and some spots in Europe including Vodafone in the UK.

Hah! Touche, Samsung.. the app displays it because those are valid EARFCNs for LTE band 1. I could come up with an ugly hack, perhaps ignoring very low values on certain PLMNs. I hate this company..

On the download side i've seen from 12-30. But yeah if you ignore those low EARFCNs on Sprint PLMNs you'll be good as far as we (Sprint Samsung users) are concerned.

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 I actually forgot what a large segment​ of users that leaves out...

Yeah they've got roughly half of the android market share and it is probably higher than that here where a couple of the Chinese companies aren't as prevalent.

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added 8390 to Sprint B25 10x10 list above.  [Credit: Joski1624]

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Just fyi, the beta appears to be crashing on the LG V20. At least Rickie's. He's been busy on the road and stuff. Hopefully will be able to send a bug report soon. Just wanted to give a heads up.


Working beautifully​ on my G5 so far! Was way surprised to see "Magic Box" on my drive home last night. Apparently the former RadioShack now sneakily flipped to a Sprint store has one.




Sent from my LG G5

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Just fyi, the beta appears to be crashing on the LG V20. At least Rickie's. He's been busy on the road and stuff. Hopefully will be able to send a bug report soon. Just wanted to give a heads up.


Working beautifully​ on my G5 so far! Was way surprised to see "Magic Box" on my drive home last night. Apparently the former RadioShack now sneakily flipped to a Sprint store has one.


Sent from my LG G5


No issues with any beta this series on my Sprint LG V20 with LS997V7 software unrooted. I Can list my SCP settings if that is the difference.

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I haven't tackled that yet but it's coming shortly. I know that was the NID range for Airave 2.5; just curious, is it the same for the 3.0?



Yes 502 is actually for the Airave 3.0, 501 for the Airave 2.5, and I believe 500 is for the earlier models (I have only seen this in logs in more remote parts of Ohio).

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B25 5x5 + 10x10 confirmed for Detroit MI with expected GCI sectors [Credit: Joski1624]

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Samsung never seems to make things simple.. if it was returning nothing, the app would recognize this and not display anything. I like your idea, but that presents more issues. Is it broken on ALL of their devices?

Yeah, I believe it's broken on all their devices. I wouldn't expect a potential fix until O, but you never know... There have been a few Reddit threads about it, and I think the CellMapper developer posted about it in his Google+ channel when Samsung released N. I can't seem to find it now though.


http://wilysis.com/networkcellinfo/10-android-issues mentions some specific Samsung devices with it and confirms the band 1 thing. Apparently the usual earfcn returned by Samsung is 0 rather than INT_MAX according to that site and several Reddit threads. But that doesn't really explain the non-zero band 1 earfcns we're seeing.


Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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Thanks for update, Samsung devices not showing earfcn so far. 3 devices on 7.0 and one on 6.0 still.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Are they missing or are they wrong? What samsung device is the phone(s)?


(Samsung users only)Are there anyone else with wrong earfcn? What is your device and does it show wrong in other apps.


Signal detector shows 0 for my phone and missing in SCP. I am just wandering if earfcn being wrong is wide spread. Maybe it is a Note 5 thing or a setting.

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Are they missing or are they wrong? What samsung device is the phone(s)?


(Samsung users only)Are there anyone else with wrong earfcn? What is your device and does it show wrong in other apps.


Signal detector shows 0 for my phone and missing in SCP. I am just wandering if earfcn being wrong is wide spread. Maybe it is a Note 5 thing or a setting.

tab e, s7, s8+


Believe it shows 0 in signal detector also... I think I read Samsung took earfcn out recently!!!!



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Thinking about this Samsung thing, perhaps you could assume that any Band 1 EARFCN with an MCC beginning with 3 is invalid.  Won't help outside of North America, but I don't know how much of your audience is international.


- Trip

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Thinking about this Samsung thing, perhaps you could assume that any Band 1 EARFCN with an MCC beginning with 3 is invalid. Won't help outside of North America, but I don't know how much of your audience is international.

Already started working on something along those lines, great minds think alike! I have a busy few days coming up but I should have another update ready by mid-week.


I appreciate everyone's feedback and suggestions, it is a tremendous help.. please keep it coming.


EDIT: Forgot to mention, I reached out to Samsung about the EARFCN issue on Friday afternoon, and received a response fairly quickly. They are forwarding my concerns to their internal dev team and I was promised a follow-up. We'll see..



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I like your fallback idea, it just might take some time to implement. I am hesitant to rely on pulling band info out of the database because if a site's configuration is changed for whatever reason, that could throw things off. SCP minimizes the number of reads and writes to the database so a little more complicated than one might expect.




First of all, I upgraded my HTC M9 to the latest build this morning and now have EARFCN via the API on it.  Looking good!


Second, I wanted to follow up on this comment briefly.  I'm trying to prevent an unnecessary write to the database with my suggestion.  What I'm suggesting is that when you read the site note, if the EARFCN isn't available, pull the previous value until the first update occurs. 


For example, suppose we're talking about my T-Mobile phone.  I connect to 00B4A004 from another cell.  When it first connects, the EARFCN is not yet available, but the database says the EARFCN was 2300, which you read out at the same time you're reading the site note for display.  You use the 2300 value to say that the provider is "T-Mobile B4" rather than "T-Mobile B12?" which the sector method would give you for that first instance.  To the extent that keeps the "T-Mobile B4" provider already in the database in place, that saves a write.  Then, on the next refresh, the root method should have returned the EARFCN by then.  It returns 2300, thus everything is the same, saving you a second write.  If it's now different, replace it and write once.  It prevents an unnecessary write and rewrite while also preventing it from flipping back and forth on-screen as it switches one way when the EARFCN is absent and then back when it becomes available.  (Also, note that I'm not saying to display the database EARFCN value on-screen at any time, only that you use it for band ID purposes.)


If I'm misunderstanding something, let me know.  It also may be too much work.  In any case, it's just a suggestion.


Finally, here's a perfect example of why I'm glad the EARFCN method is coming:  http://imgur.com/WgG4g2b


- Trip

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Just fyi, the beta appears to be crashing on the LG V20. At least Rickie's. He's been busy on the road and stuff. Hopefully will be able to send a bug report soon. Just wanted to give a heads up.


Working beautifully​ on my G5 so far! Was way surprised to see "Magic Box" on my drive home last night. Apparently the former RadioShack now sneakily flipped to a Sprint store has one.




Sent from my LG G5

No issues with any beta this series on my Sprint LG V20 with LS997V7 software unrooted. I Can list my SCP settings if that is the difference.

All good on my G6 as well.


Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

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- Trip


Good ideas. 


I personally want the EARFCN displayed by SCP, even when I know what the site should be.  It is another means to judge the accuracy of both the SCP data and the site data.  Now if we could just get the RSRP value back for known sites while using user_notes B)

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I won't be back at my desk for a couple more days, but wanted to share this.. might be additional MM sectors I need to add, perhaps:




Ie 34/3C, 35/3D, and 36/3E should correspond to the second MM on an antenna in a HC mm site.


Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk

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I am about to give the Beta a workout, driving from northern Illinois to St Louis and back over 2 days. Should see lots of data. 


A thought:  Mike, would you consider adding geolocation to the "strongest" latitude and longitude points in the data base? Doesn't need to be on screen, but would be very useful in sorting through the data base spreadsheet. 


Thanks again for all your work. 

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I am about to give the Beta a workout, driving from northern Illinois to St Louis and back over 2 days. Should see lots of data.


A thought: Mike, would you consider adding geolocation to the "strongest" latitude and longitude points in the data base? Doesn't need to be on screen, but would be very useful in sorting through the data base spreadsheet.


Thanks again for all your work.

I believe it's already there. There should be strongest coordinates and last seen coordinates.


Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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