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Hello to everyone. I'm newly registered but i've been following this blog for quite awhile. You all seem very intelligent and well informed about the LTE and sprint.


This afternoon I got an opportunity to play with the evo 4g lte in Santa Ana, ca.


I also downloaded pandora 4mb which took like 10 minutes it seemed. I didnt time it. I ran pandora and it took between 30 seconds to 1 minute to buffer when changing stations and skipping songs. I then let the song end normally and it was about 10-15 sec between songs. Sound quality sounds good. I was in the store with a 4 to 5 bar signal, no wifi. I also noticed that the pandora was add free, any idea why?



So my main use for the phone is for voice on the road with a jawbone headset and playing pandora through my custom car stereo mod 1/8th" stereo jack.


I tested the speed with speed test and got 160k down and 300 up. Is this average? How much problems am I going to have with pandora while driving? At this speed it is ludicrous to pay for premium pandora since I'm barely getting enough bandwidth for the free version?


The employee told me let is not coming for 2 years. Is this true?


She also said don't expect 3g improvement in speeds. Is this also true?


Wow, this is the first time I have ever heard of a store employee going to the opposite extreme. Usually they will sell you the moon. First, I typically only need 100k speeds to run Pandora. However, it needs to stay consistently 100k or better. If you drive into an area with less than 100k speeds, you will likely have some performance issues. And there are many sub 100k pockets in Orange County at the moment.


However, I disagree with the employee's assessment about 3G and LTE. Sprint is spending almost one billion dollars nationwide in 3G improvements ahead of Network Vision. You can see these in your area at network.sprint.com. People who live in areas who have received 3G upgrades generally are pleased with the performance improvements. And these are just temporary improvements. Network Vision will improve 3G permanently upon it's arrival in your area.


Now for Network Vision:


Network Vision is already under way in LA County. Additionally, Orange County is in the Second Round of Network Vision improvements. With Network Vision, not only will you get better 3G speeds, but you will also get better and stronger signals and 4G LTE coverage as well. Orange County Network Vision deployment is scheduled to begin before the end of 2012.


The entire Network Vision program will be complete in less than 2 years from now, nationwide.



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Welcome to the forum pcguru.



it seems that the rep is taking the premise of "The entire Network Vision program will be complete in less than 2 years from now, nationwide." into thinking it applies to orange county only. Correct me if I'm wrong, but i don't think it would take that long for a 2nd round network to get LTE.



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Welcome to the forum pcguru.


Robert' date='

it seems that the rep is taking the premise of "The entire Network Vision program will be complete in less than 2 years from now, nationwide." into thinking it applies to orange county only. Correct me if I'm wrong, but i don't think it would take that long for a 2nd round network to get LTE.




Yeah, I think the rep has crossed wires. I'm not near the schedule at the moment, but it probably is not more than 6 months to complete the market.


Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner

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Yeah, I think the rep has crossed wires. I'm not near the schedule at the moment, but it probably is not more than 6 months to complete the market.


Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner


6 months? awesome. Now if only I hadn't reached my maximum quota of positive votes today. Kudos anyway

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6 months? awesome. Now if only I hadn't reached my maximum quota of positive votes today. Kudos anyway


Just to clarify...I'm not saying its six months from now that the OC will be done, but rather it is six months from the start to finish after it begins.


Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner

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Just to clarify...I'm not saying its six months from now that the OC will be done, but rather it is six months from the start to finish after it begins.


Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner


Thanks for the clarification. at least knowing there is progress is sufficient enough. They will probably start working on San Diego around the same time. joy for me

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One thing I found an issue with is the 3G radio falling on its face. It's done it 3 or 4 times so far. When I leave my house from Wifi coverage the 3G doesn't kick in. I can drive for miles and still no 3G. Toggle Airplane. Nothing. Toggle LTE/CDMA / CDMA only setting which cycles radio, nothing. Only thing that gets my 3G back is a reboot. I remember the Samsung Epic doing this when it first came out and they finally fixed it.


And after more use with the phone I will say that it's a tad less in the RF capabilities than my Samsung Epic. I was in a store and the wife was on the phone..my phone rang and I could tell it was a marginal signal breaking up. Her call was fine. But in another case her phone was trying to hang on to an unusable signal and mine was roaming. So in that place I would say my phone got better as it was usable without me having to touch anything. So its a mixed bag. Hopefully when they finally roll out the 800 band for 1X I can just prefer those SIDs in the PRL over the others and not have to worry about it.


Do I want to return the phone after a week? Not a chance. The Wifi radio in this thing is awesome!!


Now last but not least... I'm hoping someone can come up with some aftermarket back panels with improved antennas. That would be awesome!! Just pop them on and instant improvement. Kinda like those stickers you were sporting on your Nokia candy bar style phone, but these would work for real.

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One thing I found an issue with is the 3G radio falling on its face. It's done it 3 or 4 times so far. When I leave my house from Wifi coverage the 3G doesn't kick in. I can drive for miles and still no 3G. Toggle Airplane. Nothing. Toggle LTE/CDMA / CDMA only setting which cycles radio' date=' nothing. Only thing that gets my 3G back is a reboot. I remember the Samsung Epic doing this when it first came out and they finally fixed it.



I have experienced the same issue with my GNex a few times this week. I just activated it on Tuesday. Annoying...


When it happens, the 3G icon will not come on. However, if I go to NetMonitor and watch, it will go from 1x to EVDO. But for some reason, I cannot get an active data session.


Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner

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I have experienced the same issue with my GNex a few times this week. I just activated it on Tuesday. Annoying...


When it happens, the 3G icon will not come on. However, if I go to NetMonitor and watch, it will go from 1x to EVDO. But for some reason, I cannot get an active data session.


Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner


Yep. I can watch the debug screen and even see the evdo signal strength and such. Just no data handshake.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge

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Yep. I can watch the debug screen and even see the evdo signal strength and such. Just no data handshake.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge


I have the same issue with my EVO 3D sometimes.

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I've had the phone for over two weeks already, the phone alone is what made me switch companies. I came from T-mobile. Sprint's service is not as great, but I'm paying about 40 bucks less with Sprint. So it's all good...


The two tones has honestly been what made me love the phone the most. I fell in love with the contrast (even if it is a finger print magnet). I would say to give the phone a chance, if you don't like it, well you have 14 days to return it.


Oh, a side note, battery has been amazing. With heavy usage it gets me through the day without a problem!

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I have heard people bending this phone from having it in their back pocket and sitting on it!


I wouldn't have this phone out of a case period. Just way to thin to really keep a hold of. I can't type on it without a case as my fingers keep touching things on the edges of the screens. The case just gives you something to hold on to.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge

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I have experienced the same issue with my GNex a few times this week. I just activated it on Tuesday. Annoying...


When it happens, the 3G icon will not come on. However, if I go to NetMonitor and watch, it will go from 1x to EVDO. But for some reason, I cannot get an active data session.


Robert via Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner


Welcome to my world.


I absolutely cannot stand the radio. I was just on vacation in the USVI a few weeks ago and I would literally lose data (with 2-3 bars) for hours and hours (sometimes all day) with absolutely nothing I could do to fix it (while voice would work fine). I would just have to wait it out and hope it connected (and this was on two different accounts, two different gnexes, both of which were replaced at a corporate sprint store with brand new phones, so it's not the phone).


Speaking of USVI - they are in MAJOR MAJOR need of network upgrades. Holy heck coverage is spotty and slow.


I thought you would find this interesting:





In Boston, I still have random data disconnects. Typically, the phone still shows as connected with the "blue" bars but the data up arrow will get "stuck" and I will lose data. After a minute or so, it will reconnect. Prior to the software upgrade sprint released, it would just go grey and you would have to reprovision manually. I am convinced the update just allows it to reprovision itself.


Why they didn't just use a qualcomm CDMA chip is beyond me. I suppose if you don't stream radio or use your phone a lot to surf, it isn't that bad... but I do, so it's annoying.


Comparing signal to the EVO, places where the GNEX doesn't have native sprint service the EVO will still hold on. WiFi is just miles better than the GNEX as well. GNEX one room over will lose signal and loop over and over reconnecting/disconnecting to wifi while the EVO will have 2 bars (and my tablet has full wifi coverage).


I think GS3 vs. EVO 4G LTE should be a much more interesting comparison.

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I've had the phone for over two weeks already' date=' the phone alone is what made me switch companies. I came from T-mobile. Sprint's service is not as great, but I'm paying about 40 bucks less with Sprint. So it's all good...


The two tones has honestly been what made me love the phone the most. I fell in love with the contrast (even if it is a finger print magnet). I would say to give the phone a chance, if you don't like it, well you have 14 days to return it.


Oh, a side note, battery has been amazing. With heavy usage it gets me through the day without a problem![/quote']


I think we all love this phone. And I don't think any of us will give it back. We are just comparing notes of what we are seeing and encountering. Also, Sprint pours through our forums. So putting together thoughtful points helps in some regard.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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I think GS3 vs. EVO 4G LTE should be a much more interesting comparison.


When my GS3 shows up in a few weeks, I will have an EVO LTE, Galaxy Nexus, GS3 and E4GT in my possession. Maybe I should consider some comparison testing. Especially with radios. I even have an EVO 3D and OG EVO I could use in the comparisons.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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When my GS3 shows up in a few weeks, I will have an EVO LTE, Galaxy Nexus, GS3 and E4GT in my possession. Maybe I should consider some comparison testing. Especially with radios. I even have an EVO 3D and OG EVO I could use in the comparisons.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner




What do you think of USVI having EVDO Rev 0 - I thought you would get a kick out of that. I only saw it once, rest were EVDO REV A.

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What do you think of USVI having EVDO Rev 0 - I thought you would get a kick out of that. I only saw it once' date=' rest were EVDO REV A.[/quote']


I sometimes see Rev. 0 pop up here in New Mexico. Especially when roaming on VZW.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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Speaking of USVI - they are in MAJOR MAJOR need of network upgrades. Holy heck coverage is spotty and slow.




Where at in the USVI was this happening to you? I've tentatively got a trip scheduled there later this year or early next year so I wanna know what to expect and where.

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Robert this would be a huge help! Your ability to test these phones would be very helpful. They all sound great and its probably not such a big difference. But it would be nice to see which one has the best radios. Since we endure the Sprint network any extra ability to coast over the weak areas would be terrific. I can tell where the dead spots will effect my current phone. But it has different with each phone I have owned.







When my GS3 shows up in a few weeks, I will have an EVO LTE, Galaxy Nexus, GS3 and E4GT in my possession. Maybe I should consider some comparison testing. Especially with radios. I even have an EVO 3D and OG EVO I could use in the comparisons.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2

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Robert can you also test my old G1? This way I can know how far I've come in my cellular journey. It won't actually be of any real world use to me but hey, any information is good information, right?

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When my GS3 shows up in a few weeks, I will have an EVO LTE, Galaxy Nexus, GS3 and E4GT in my possession. Maybe I should consider some comparison testing. Especially with radios. I even have an EVO 3D and OG EVO I could use in the comparisons.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


That would be great. I wouldn't just rely on the dBm signal meters. I would make a phone call to *2 or some other message on the deactivated phones. All in fringe area where the signal is barely hanging on.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge

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I sometimes see Rev. 0 pop up here in New Mexico. Especially when roaming on VZW.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


I see it as well sometimes even though I know they have RevA


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge

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I sometimes see Rev. 0 pop up here in New Mexico. Especially when roaming on VZW.

I see it as well sometimes even though I know they have RevA


The basic difference is that Rev 0 retains the standard CDMA1X uplink structure, while Rev A uses a new EV-DO TDM uplink. So, when you get Rev 0 on a Rev A network, that just indicates that the handset could not establish a Rev A uplink.



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The basic difference is that Rev 0 retains the standard CDMA1X uplink structure, while Rev A uses a new EV-DO TDM uplink. So, when you get Rev 0 on a Rev A network, that just indicates that the handset could not establish a Rev A uplink.




That's what I figured as it switches up within a minute or two.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge

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