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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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  • Phones/Devices
    Samsung GS3
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  • Location
    Baton Rouge, LA
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    4G Information

bigzeto's Achievements

Member Level: 3G EVDO

Member Level: 3G EVDO (8/12)



  1. They've been busy in Louisiana as well.
  2. Wish that was the case in Baton Rouge. Verizon 3G doesn't hit 2+ anymore, but it's still at a very respectable 1-2 Mbps here. Sprint EVDO is still abysmal in Baton Rouge, often times resulting in zero throughput on NV accepted sites. I tried Tmo on the 1 week test run, and their speeds are fantastic when you are on LTE or HSPA, but they need more cell sites in the metro area like Sprint. They also don't even have a cell site in the immediate downtown area. So unfortunately, it's either ATT or Verizon here if you want a reliable cell phone experience. Truly a bummer.
  3. bigzeto

    LG G3

    I don't see it anywhere on my wife's phone.
  4. bigzeto

    LG G3

    Where is the wifi calling app on the device?
  5. My guess would be Ericsson. They are horrible around here.
  6. Same here. It's noticeable for sure.
  7. Before last week, I knew 2 people who used T-Mobile. 2. One just switched to ATT, so that leaves 1 guy I know personally who uses them.
  8. I've been using Ooma for the past 3 years and have never paid a bill other than the cost of the device (~$200) . I will obviously ride this out till the phone adapter dies on me. Ooma for new customers is still a good deal, as you only pay your local taxes. Here in Baton Rouge, it's around $4/month.
  9. The Superdome did a massive update to its Wi-Fi network before this season started and it was very noticeable.
  10. Definitely Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  11. -119 is a terrible signal. The cell site at Sherwood/Coursey does not have LTE yet. You were connected to the site at Flannery and Old Hammond.
  12. That's the site at Bluebonnet and Perkins behind the post office. That is a heavily congested site. More capacity is needed for sure. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk
  13. True, but I will say that the Airvana is one of the flakiest devices I have ever used. Multiple airvana units, used in multiple internet setups and households. There is always some kind of quirkiness associated with them in my experience using the devices over the past several years.
  14. Surprised I haven't thought of this before now, but we should take a short video of the engineering screen when the EVDO channel is bouncing between 75 and 100 and send it to Ticket support. If anything, it would just provide the network dispatch folks a better picture of what exactly is happening.
  15. Best of luck Robert. I started following your Wimax updates years ago and then you started up S4GRU. Your dedication to the site and to the community is truly unrivaled. I wish nothing but the best in your new endeavor.
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