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Post Your LTE 800 Success Stories Here!

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With the extremely fast ramp-up of band 26 deployment in the recent months, a lot of the US is now covered by it. Some markets have been optimized, some haven't. 


For those markets that have seen band 26 optimization, what's your story? Did you used to get a weak 3G connection indoors, and now enjoy a usable 1-2 bar LTE connection? 


Is your 800Mhz LTE connection stronger, the same, or slightly weaker than 3G now? 


Let's try to keep this focused only on stories about areas that have seen a definite coverage improvement as a result of a fully optimized band 26 LTE deployment, not a thread that focuses on where optimization hasn't taken place yet. Perhaps we can boost morale and give us non-optimized folks something to look forward to. :-) 


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After the tower optimization, I went from having a crappy 1x experience in the house to being able to grab B26 in my basement. That, in and of itself, has me pretty hopeful for when the towers are finally upgraded near my office, where I'm parked on 1x or Extended all damn day.

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After the tower optimization, I went from having a crappy 1x experience in the house to being able to grab B26 in my basement. That, in and of itself, has me pretty hopeful for when the towers are finally upgraded near my office, where I'm parked on 1x or Extended all damn day.



Same here, multiple places that I've been stuck on 1x before I now get B26. It seems in a lot of areas B26 reaches further than EVDO.

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Both my LG G2 and my current iPhone 6 camp on LTE 800 even out in the boonies where I live. I still have to use my Airave for voice but I usually average 3-5 mbps DL on 2 bars of LTE 800.



Sent from my iPhone 6 using Tapatalk

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I know it is for fully optimized success stories but band 26 in general has helped with indoor coverage in general. I have a source of internet at my house I n emergency situations when power is out now. Even inside Target's I get signal. And best yet it has helped out the city I live in with an extra carrier, offloading the single Band 25 carrier. I have enjoyed band 26 optimized or not( I am not honestly sure if it has been or not) . Trust me band 26 for some areas is a huge help in wake of band 41 not arriving yet.

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Prenv even in my moms living room with a big bay window was hard to get txts on time. Now with 1x 800 I can talk in her basement which was impossible even upstairs before. And I now my last visit I got the surprise of b26 inside. Great surprise even though I don't need it there but her road needed it. Dead spot even shown on sprints coverage maps to this day is gone now. Think they'd update their maps because one thing I will say is 4g coverage is still mildly overstated. Even with b26

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Same here, multiple places that I've been stuck on 1x before I now get B26. It seems in a lot of areas B26 reaches further than EVDO.


Fully optimized, 800 Mhz LTE should remain usable just beyond the point where 1x1900 fails. Sprint chose not to deploy Ev-DO on SMR, so B26 LTE should only be bested in coverage by 1x800.

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As many of you know, I currently attend Boston College. BC has a carrier sponsor for their athletics as well as other sponsors. The carrier sponsor here is AT&T and for a while AT&T was the carrier to beat on campus. They even had DAS's in Alumni Stadium. Now, AT&T has to share that number one spot with Sprint. Sprint has deployed Band 25, Band 26, they have a Clear Band 41 site, and now (as of last weekend), they have an 8T8R Band 41 site broadcasting. Sprint's average speeds are now in the high teens across campus. On Band 41, speeds are up to 71Mbps. 


Band 26 has made it so I can actually hold an LTE signal inside many of the buildings where even Verizon falls down to 3G. I fail to mention T-Mobile because they're mediocre here. They're almost always one bar of HSPA+ and if you go inside of any building fuhgeddaboudit. All I here of them are complaints from my friends.


Overall the triband experience has been excellent for me.


I would write another one of these about NYC but that's take too long.

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After reading these post , It makes me feel better about band 26, I know for sure now my home site hasn't been optimized yet, hopefully. My home site has had b26 about 6 to 7 months, but can't hold on to it. I stay connected to 1900 lte until I go inside and then drop back to 3g. The neighboring site hasn't received band 26 yet. Could this be why its taking so long to be optimized? Any ideas?

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Band 26 is not in my current location however, due to the Chicago FAA fire last week, I drove from Des Moines (flight was cancelled) and drove to Kansas City.  I held band 26 the whole way with my iPhone 6 which was great b/c I was on the web switching flights with southwest.  Everything worked out great until I hit my first experience with Band 41. Blew my mind. holy cow it is awesome.

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Should this be in the premiere sponsors forum?

As long as members aren't posting site IDs or specific sites that have B26 enabled, I think it should be fine. Eliminating locations from the thread entirely would be fine - just looking for the "before & after" stories really. :-) 


The fact that users are experiencing LTE 800 past what 1x1900 boundaries are is amazing. I'm glad I started this conversation!

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Yeah, the generic nature of this discussion makes it permissible outside the Premier section.


Using Tapatalk on BlackBerry Z30

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Whoa whoa whoa, wait a second... does that say "Tapatalk on Blackberry Z30"? They have Tapatalk on the Blackberry?


(Yeah, I know it's off topic)



Since an update a few months ago, Android apps work completely natively in BB10.2. You just install the APK. Or install from Amazon App store or any app store you can install from an APK. I installed Tapatalk and it's working smashingly. Even Sensorly works great.


Using Tapatalk on BlackBerry Z30

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After reading these post , It makes me feel better about band 26, I know for sure now my home site hasn't been optimized yet, hopefully. My home site has had b26 about 6 to 7 months, but can't hold on to it. I stay connected to 1900 lte until I go inside and then drop back to 3g. The neighboring site hasn't received band 26 yet. Could this be why its taking so long to be optimized? Any ideas?

Same here, I bet they prefer doing it in clusters when most if not all of the sites are 800 ready.

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Same here, I bet they prefer doing it in clusters when most if not all of the sites are 800 ready.

Your lucky down there, I am in the Rochester, NY market it will be a while for us.  For anything 800 that is....  If anything we would probably get Spark before 800.  (you never know though!)

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All of Chicagoland is pretty much a B26 success story. Everywhere I go that's not within a mile of a sprint site has been 'saved' from 3G Hell by the all reaching band 26. Now there's still a few places that need optimization cuz I'll still drop to 3G if the wind isn't blowing right that day.

The days of the B25 islands are over. Sprint has effectively outdone the big two in LTE coverage in this area.

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All of Central Illinois has LTE 800 I havent received LTE where I get 1x800.


In many places, this is to be expected. LTE is the more fragile airlink. Nature of the beast.

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I've seen a 15dB improvement in signal going from band 25 to band 26 in the same spot on the same serving cell (in my office).


Optimization still has much to be desired.  I really think Sprint should park handsets on B26 and have them shift up when data is being used.  Otherwise, there is WAY too much band shuffling going on.


I recently took a trip to NYC and I will say that Band 25 cannot handle the cell spacing on highways.  You need Band 26 to not fall back on 3G.  It was also silly watching the phone hand off from 41 to 25 to 26 as signal faded.  Idle on 26, shift to higher band if available during active data session.

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