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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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9 hours ago, Bob Newhart said:

Saw a photo someone posted from the presentation from the Sprint exec road show recently.
They also mentioned California and the west coast as a priority for the roaming, which will be enabled in a couple of weeks.

The T-Mobile roaming sounds interesting.

Was this posted on Twitter?

Glad to hear things are in the works.

Will it be a PRL for Roaming and Carrier Update for VoLTE?

I just hope Sprint keeps the pedal floored. This merger isn’t a sure thing and they’ve got some catching up to do.

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5 minutes ago, dro1984 said:

Robert, do you know which T-Mobile bands that Sprint will be allowed to roam on?   

No.  Well, at least not yet.  They are finalizing tower lists.  Presumably it would be all bands ln each allowed tower.


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1 hour ago, grapkoski said:

How about when you're in areas of 1x/3G? Or is it truly 'No Service'

I am just guessing, but I would think that it would latch on 1x for voice but still roam for LTE data. This is the case for many locations now...

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1 hour ago, though said:

I am just guessing, but I would think that it would latch on 1x for voice but still roam for LTE data. This is the case for many locations now...

Would be a great improvement either way.

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Welp, since the BYOD bit is a new customer promo only...again...guess I'll stay on my Business Fusion line. I'd totally pay the extra $5 + tax per month for an extra 12GB of tethering, which is also the only time I would use >1080p video anyway, and Hulu + Tidal, but guess Sprint still doesn't like their existing customer base, even though I haven't bought a phone from them since my S III in 2012.

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Some good background on the DAS build (400 antennas, 24 sectors) here: https://www.rcrwireless.com/20180705/network-infrastructure/jma-wireless-deploys-das-solution-washington-nationals-park-stadium-tag23

“JMA Wireless’ TEKO DAS supports four carriers along with the 700, 800, 850, 1900, 2100, 2300 and 2500 bands, and LTE, CDMA, EVDO and UMTS technologies.”

Based on this section of this article (https://www.mobilesportsreport.com/2018/07/massive-mimo-is-sprints-path-to-5g-says-cto-saw/), Sprint is actually pretty picky about DAS:

In fact, Saw said Sprint has been somewhat of a reluctant DAS participant at times, including at the most recent Super Bowls. In the last two of the NFL’s “big game” events, Super Bowl 51 in Houston and Super Bowl 52 in Minneapolis, Saw said Sprint used small cell deployments instead of the neutral DAS systems to augment its coverage.

“We had hundreds of small cells, inside and outside [the venues],” Saw said. “We got the same performance, maybe better, for a lot less money.” 

Part of the issue for Sprint and DAS, Saw said, is that the carrier usually has to pay more for its unique spectrum bands, especially the 2.5 GHz frequencies which are not used by any of the other major wireless carriers.

“We always think through before we sign up for DAS fees… there’s more than one way to skin a cat,” Saw said. While in many cases there is no alternative except to participate in a neutral-host configuration, Saw said “we do prefer small cells.”

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On 7/13/2018 at 9:42 AM, though said:

I am just guessing, but I would think that it would latch on 1x for voice but still roam for LTE data. This is the case for many locations now...

If Sprint LTE isn't available and T-Mobile LTE is, it will roam.

I have heard that roaming will be enabled on the west coast first. I have not heard when the rest of us will be able to roam, but it is mostly needed on the west coast where Sprint's coverage is lacking.

Edited by Bob Newhart
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“AND soon”....
I wonder what the device cutoff will be by brand.
iPhone 6 and subsequent models support VoLTE.

Interesting as I don’t see how volte could be used currently... oh and welcome to the past ha.

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9 minutes ago, Johnner1999 said:



Interesting as I don’t see how volte could be used currently... oh and welcome to the past ha.

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i m interested to see how volte with sprint will function on sprints network and at fringe coverage areas......obviously they will fix said issues first before doing a public network deployment.

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1 hour ago, danlodish345 said:

i m interested to see how volte with sprint will function on sprints network and at fringe coverage areas......obviously they will fix said issues first before doing a public network deployment.

They really need to deploy band 26 on all their sites, no excuse anymore.

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They really need to deploy band 26 on all their sites, no excuse anymore.
With the triband antenna that had been talked about that will happen. I have been to areas that only Have B25 and 26 needs to be added since Sprint lacks density big time.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

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With the triband antenna that had been talked about that will happen. I have been to areas that only Have B25 and 26 needs to be added since Sprint lacks density big time.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

I think for sprint to have a decent entry into volte .. they need to start pushing out CA band 25 + band 26.. to add capacity to each band and push coverage where density lacks

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

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3 hours ago, tyroned3222 said:

I think for sprint to have a decent entry into volte .. they need to start pushing out CA band 25 + band 26.. to add capacity to each band and push coverage where density lacks

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

I completely agree with you on that one. Coverage needs to be really improved before CDMA voice gets shut down. Density and coverage have to be improved upon as is quality and reliability. When those things can be improved upon within their own footprint and then expand upon it to where it needs to be expanded upon then that will be the right time to launch volte for the general consumer.

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I think some people are reading things into this that aren't there. VoLTE is going to be opt-in and CDMA isn't going anywhere for a long time. All of the other 3 nationwide carriers still have some sort of legacy voice solution still available and they've had VoLTE launched for a while now.

For those of you in areas where LTE isn't there yet, don't opt in. For those of us who are in areas where LTE site density is good enough, we'll have no issues. 

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38 minutes ago, Paynefanbro said:

I feel like some people are reading things into this that aren't there. VoLTE is going to be opt-in and CDMA isn't going anywhere for a long time. All of the other 3 nationwide carriers still have some sort of legacy voice solution still available and they've had VoLTE launched for a while now.

For those of you in areas where LTE isn't there yet, don't opt in. For those of us who are in areas where LTE site density is good enough, we'll have no issues. 

well I still feel even though carriers here where I live need to densify. T-Mobile has the worst density of all of them.

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8 hours ago, tyroned3222 said:

I think for sprint to have a decent entry into volte .. they need to start pushing out CA band 25 + band 26.. to add capacity to each band and push coverage where density lacks

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

It's not about pushing coverage through B26. It's about densifying and making sure you have enough access points that UEs can reach.

The main problem with VoLTE will be existing devices not reaching cell towers. Sprint is notorious for having places where you can get a decent signal and usable DL speeds, but uploads fail (and this is not due to congestion). If you don't have a consistent uplink, VoLTE will fail even with QoS. I sure do hope VoLTE is an opt-in trial while we wait for the merger to close as the network today cannot sustain reliable VoLTE.

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2 minutes ago, greenbastard said:

It's not about pushing coverage through B26. It's about densifying and making sure you have enough access points that UEs can reach.

The main problem with VoLTE will be existing devices not reaching cell towers. Sprint is notorious for having places where you can get a decent signal and usable DL speeds, but uploads fail (and this is not due to congestion). If you don't have a consistent uplink, VoLTE will fail even with QoS. I sure do hope VoLTE is an opt-in trial while we wait for the merger to close as the network today cannot sustain reliable VoLTE.

Where I go to my parents most of the time LTE is not even available. Evdo is a joke in terms of speed and signal strength and 1X is also just about useless.. So one of the few things should happen if the merger doesn't go through Sprint better find a way to densify their Network across-the-board where they already have service. And or co locate with Verizon which has a majority of the cell sites in the area. Or the other option would be is to actually build their own sites because as it stands with Sprint in my town they wouldn't have even a reliable evdo and 1X Network so Sprint needs to really really densify the entirety of their network here or voice over LTE will be a joke.

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It's not about pushing coverage through B26. It's about densifying and making sure you have enough access points that UEs can reach.

The main problem with VoLTE will be existing devices not reaching cell towers. Sprint is notorious for having places where you can get a decent signal and usable DL speeds, but uploads fail (and this is not due to congestion). If you don't have a consistent uplink, VoLTE will fail even with QoS. I sure do hope VoLTE is an opt-in trial while we wait for the merger to close as the network today cannot sustain reliable VoLTE.

You are correct, but that's future talk. Based on how att is running their network here with far less density compared to tmo and Verizon .. if Sprint can run band 25+band 25 ca combo I think it could work


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10 hours ago, tyroned3222 said:

You are correct, but that's future talk. Based on how att is running their network here with far less density compared to tmo and Verizon .. if Sprint can run band 25+band 25 ca combo I think it could work


Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk




You need B26 for VOLTE both for coverage and capacity. B41 as it is configured right now is great for cruising the net and downloading. Not great for symmetric traffic like voice. Well, when I am talking to my wife, it is highly asymmetric but that's neither here nor there?.

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29 minutes ago, bigsnake49 said:

Well, when I am talking to my wife, it is highly asymmetric but that's neither here nor there?.

So wrong! but this kinda explains why I barely need upload bandwidth while speaking to my girl :hmm::lol:

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    • Tbh not that surprising. Every ISP seems to want to have an MVNO to pitch to their customers to make them stickier and maybe make some money in the process. And unlike USCC the MVNO should be able to cover TDS's entire wireline area, with infrastructure costs that are borne by someone else. Entertaining, yes. Surprising, not really...particularly when competing against Comcast or Spectrum, or even eventually T-Mobile fixed + mobile. This also strengthens my bet that they'll rebrand all their fixed wireless stuff as TDS, as that runs on spectrum they're keeping for now.
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