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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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The funny thing is that when I went inside the store the guy was dressed in your typical Verizon outfit/uniform and this was the convo between us as I was taking pics inside the store...


TTP guy "Can I help you with anything?"

Me: "Oh, no thanks, I'm just checking the place. Great marketing btw".

TTP guy: "What do you mean" (at this point i caught that he was staying in character) lol

me: "I like the look. How long are you going to be open till." (knowing its only for a day)

TTP guy: "For as long as the customers keep coming in. Hopefully I can pass the business down to my kids"

me: I start laughing like crazy

TTP guy: Are you okay.

me: "Yeah" barely audible since I'm still laughing.


then outside, one of the Sprint folks/marketer took my pic and asked me to sign the form that said I may show up in future advertising as a background. I should have held up a sign saying "S4GRU WAS HERE" when he took my pic lol


I guess Guenther got there after I had left the place. I would have love to met him.


TS out

Too bad S4GRU doesn't have any shirts and hats available for merchandising, otherwise you could have worn those to the store for the advertising. Imagine that appearing on national television. Guy with a shirt saying S4GRU on it. That would be a time for a big following of people to this site wondering what S4GRU means, like some sort of secret code. ????

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Shirts are an amazing idea; if I can get a yes from admin I am getting a logo screen printed on a t-shirt. We have acres upon acres of beachwear stores here who live to screen print Myrtle Beach on things, might as well give em a change of pace :)

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I doubt you will get an okay. S4GRU is copyrighted by Robert and that cell tower next to it is patented by AJ.



:P All joking aside, i actually did this over at Android Forums a few years back. There was an HTC event being held in NYC and a group of the mods wanted to go to it, so I made a design and put it up on Cafepress I think, a few mods bought them and we went to represent the forum at the event.



Now if I find a way to sneak into the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 event, then I'll be wearing a t- shirt with S4GRU. lol

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We've talked about doing t-shirts, etc. in the past.  But we didn't seem to have enough support to make the effort worthwhile.  And now we have less members.  I'm open to the idea, but I don't have much time to work on the effort and would need to make the site a little money.  And every minute I work on other things is one less minute I have to spend on updates, etc.  I guess you would need to 'prove' to me that there is enough interest to make it worthwhile.



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I don't have anything nice to say about this but I'll post it anyway. It could be beneficial though.



Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

If only my Grandmother knew my dislike of Softbank, she'd tell me, "If you don't have anything nice to say about Softbank, don't talk about Softbank". Then I'd tell her how I try managing avoiding doing that by periodically looking at John Legere's Twitter account.

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Shirts are an amazing idea; if I can get a yes from admin I am getting a logo screen printed on a t-shirt. We have acres upon acres of beachwear stores here who live to screen print Myrtle Beach on things, might as well give em a change of pace :)


I'm in for a XLT.


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Here's the Twice the Price Store video



Hmm... It looks alot different than in the other ads posted here a few days ago that looked like a fairly decent sized store with lots of migraine headache-inducing fluorescent lighting.


Is the Verizon third-party authorized retailer next door to Twice the Price an actual authorized retailer? Not to be negative about this, but I think Sprint ought to have located this store next to a Verizon corporate retail store instead of next to a third-party authorized retailer. Not that I'm much of a supporter of third-party authorized retailers in general, but some of these stores are owned by people who are not extremely wealthy and are just trying their best to have a decent business.


I'm unsure how this might hurt this place next door, which is why perhaps Sprint could have tried finding a location next to a corporate Verizon retail store. Hopefully there is a good reason behind this, which I figure there likely is, just that I'm curious about the details.

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How did text improve but the only thing they added was RCS? This must be the work of network densification. They are improving though and that's great news. Keep up the small cells, magic boxes, 8t8r macros, mini macros, new cell sites, b25 CA and b25 10x10/15×15 upgrades. Good work but let's see if they can close out the year with some serious data improvements. It's crazy to think that Sprint is only #3 because they have yet to come anywhere close to releasing there fill spectrum holdings. B25 and b41 4x4 MIMO and 256 qam plus possible B25/26 CA. In comparison the other carriers still have options but are quickly running out.


Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

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And yet I've seen speeds decrease lol, still usable but they are getting slower but that's because there are more people in the network. Glad to see overall improvements though.


Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

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Here's what Dr. Saw wrote that I found most interesting:


"For a fifth consecutive time, Sprint ranks #2 nationally (outright or tied) in Call network performance. While Call performance might not get a lot of attention in today’s Unlimited, data-driven world, quality voice service still remains one of the most important contributors to wireless customers’ satisfaction. It’s a fact that most speed differences are not noticeable to customers, but a dropped or blocked call certainly is."


I'd be interested to see that "satisfaction" survey he's referring to. Speed differences are definitely noticeable, but on top of that if it's not a good data experience, that's like a blocked/dropped call. 3G vs LTE is noticeable and there are still too many 3G sites out there, or sites that don't have Band 41 on them (or enough sites at all in certain areas) to provide capacity for a good data experience.


Maybe it's just me, but I see people standing around using data on their devices more often than talking on them. A good data experience is important to those people and if it's not on Sprint, they'll go get it from another carrier.

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Here's what Dr. Saw wrote that I found most interesting:

"For a fifth consecutive time, Sprint ranks #2 nationally (outright or tied) in Call network performance. While Call performance might not get a lot of attention in today’s Unlimited, data-driven world, quality voice service still remains one of the most important contributors to wireless customers’ satisfaction. It’s a fact that most speed differences are not noticeable to customers, but a dropped or blocked call certainly is."

I'd be interested to see that "satisfaction" survey he's referring to. Speed differences are definitely noticeable, but on top of that if it's not a good data experience, that's like a blocked/dropped call. 3G vs LTE is noticeable and there are still too many 3G sites out there, or sites that don't have Band 41 on them (or enough sites at all in certain areas) to provide capacity for a good data experience.

Maybe it's just me, but I see people standing around using data on their devices more often than talking on them. A good data experience is important to those people and if it's not on Sprint, they'll go get it from another carrier.

Root recorded Sprint being connected to LTE 90% of the time during testing.
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People say they value a good data experience over a good call experience but then they realize that if their calls got blocked or dropped even 1 or 2 out of 10 times, they'd be up in arms about it. I'm not denying the importance of data reliability and speeds, but let's not belittle the significance of call performance in the process.

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T-Mobile finished 4th in Text, 4th in Call, 3rd in Data (ahead of Sprint) and 3rd in Speed (ahead of Sprint).


T-Mobile is gaining customers every quarter, and those customers are coming from AT&T, Verizon and to a certain extent, Sprint as well. All of these carriers have better Text and Call Performance than T-Mobile does.


If Call/Text performance was such a deal breaker for customers at large, this level of customer gain wouldn't be happening for T-Mobile. People are joining T-Mobile for other reasons than Call/Text performance.


Sprint isn't going to have a "hockey stick" of customer gains until its data performance improves. That's how I read it anyway.


If we switched the rankings for Sprint and T-Mobile, I think it would reflect a greater ability for Sprint to get customers based on data performance.... or we could attribute it to really good marketing by T-Mobile... either way, does it matter if there are Customer gains? T-Mobile is gaining customers despite having the worst Call/Text performance according to Rootmetrics. That's the market indicating what it wants and it seemingly contradicts the Satisfaction Survey that Dr. Saw is citing. (http://newsroom.sprint.com/sprint-lte-plus-network-gains-yr-over-yr.htm)

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Root recorded Sprint being connected to LTE 90% of the time during testing.

Being connected and it actually being usable is two different things. If I have LTE at 3G speeds it's still a bad experience.


Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

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    • Someone told me a couple years ago, that there were problems getting certain modems to aggregate overlapping spectrum even if the overlapping parts were actually blanked. So I think there might be firmware issues that need to be resolved first, which T-Mobile might not consider worth the effort for 4MHz at this time.
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