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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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Keep from derailing the thread people.


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I thought this thread derailed a long time ago....it is like the junk drawer of S4GRU, just throw whatever into it.

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I've been on the 25 GB plan for $50 + $15 per line X 2 = $80 month me and my wife + phone payments. What I like is that I can tether all 25 GB if I want.


Too bad that promo ends March of next year as well :td:


Seems like Sprint will have a few promos ending next March, then what??

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( [ (40,000+10,000) / 100 ] * 70 ) - 10,000 =  ~ figure of native Sprint sites with 2.5

This seems very different than what Günther said.


Seems like he put a positive spin on the number.

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It's on 70% of Sprint's LTE sites according to Günther's last AMA...

Hmm...that must be an updated figure since what I read last here at 50%.


Sprint needs to get at least to 90%, along with 3xca on all of that 90%, then hire an outside testing firm for network results, to compare that to the competition. If at that time, Sprint shows a significant improvement with a lead over the other carriers, as it should because band 41 is a very good working spectrum if deployed densely enough. Sprint does that, along with a good deal, such as my four plan idea I mentioned earlier they ought to rebound very well.


Sprint has such an amazing potential, and while I know plenty here will disagree with me, I believe Dan Hesse had it right. It was Sprint's board at the time that had it wrong. They blocked his attempt at getting MetroPCS after all. He was the one who wanted to spend on getting the network big, with band 41 all over the place, whereas Marcelo is like lets just concentrate on cities while we make deals with MLS and Tidal. Sprint could have spent those millions on improving its network, but no. It had to go to things that do nothing for the network, just like Softbank's deals elsewhere.


Its very sad to see, and I understand the disappointment of many here expecting more from Sprint, especially at this point. If Masayoshi Son decides to sell Sprint eventually, hopefully it is to a company that will actually focus on what Sprint really needs, network density improvements and a great rate plan that serves all of its customers equally.

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He might it's still early in the week. If ATT beats them to a plan change then we can say sprint has no intentions to tweak their current promo. I guess in his eyes 5 for $90 is better than the rest (which it is). Marcelo sees value as in what you pay per month where as T-Mobile see features you get as value.



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He might it's still early in the week. If ATT beats them to a plan change then we can say sprint has no intentions to tweak their current promo. I guess in his eyes 5 for $90 is better than the rest (which it is). Marcelo sees value as in what you pay per month where as T-Mobile see features you get as value.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



It's only valuable for new customers and even then, only for a year. How many will churn out after their bill nearly doubles when the promo expires? All the other carriers pay off ETFs so that's not really a lock-in anymore.


ED1500 customers who are facing a bill increase due to the death of 2 year agreements can switch to VZW or T-Mobile and keep unlimited with roughly the same monthly payment.


Sprint has no answer for legacy customers in the face of these new offers.

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It's only valuable for new customers and even then, only for a year. How many will churn out after their bill nearly doubles when the promo expires? All the other carriers pay off ETFs so that's not really a lock-in anymore.


ED1500 customers who are facing a bill increase due to the death of 2 year agreements can switch to VZW or T-Mobile and keep unlimited with roughly the same monthly payment.


Sprint has no answer for legacy customers in the face of these new offers.

I think the problem is much greater than that... Sprint also doesn't have an answer for current paying (not new promo) customers on Unlimited Freedom who are seeing existing T-Mobile customers get HD Streaming and 10 GB of Hotspot (with Legere's Announcement) for no extra charge, and Verizon Customers getting Unlimited with HD Streaming and 10 GB of Hotspot for nearly what Sprint charges for Mobile Optimized Data and 5 GB of Hotspot.


This hits the entire swath of Sprint's customer base.

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 In my experience switching carriers getting subsidize or at lease devices, it's a lot more of a headache to do so, then to stay with what you have and ride it out.   People forget that a lot of the promotional deals have been applied to existing customers. I have taken advantage of a few Sprint has had, and all have been a learning experience. I've then come to question, did I need to! Or was it even worth it. This deal Sprint is running is for people who think Sprint would work for them, and don't mind taking the leap to the service! They would be very adventurous due to how Sprint is dragged through the dirt everywhere. So the fact they are port positive is pretty damn spectacular these  past few quarters. The 90.00 unlimited for 5 line  says it will go up as it is a PROMO price not a length of service price! No reason to give to customers already using the network who in "there" own minds are satisfied! If what individuals want is a credit, then the question of bad service or no service comes to play! If service is genuinely lacking. This deal is for those who can't wait any more! I would be all over this!!!!! But talking about why Mom or Dad favors the young, it is because they have yet to learn! We should already know! If we aren't happy, we can walk! If we are happy there is nothing to talk about! But walking does send a message. So I am sure they would look at numbers from areas of highest port outs! Free data to hopefully improve! Hope to see a healthy competitive  company is why most of us are still users, and are participating in this forum. So we have things like this VZW move, to tingle our senses a bit!


Writing this on the iPhone is not the worst, but darn close!

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He might it's still early in the week. If ATT beats them to a plan change then we can say sprint has no intentions to tweak their current promo.

If anything, Sprint better hope At&t doesn't respond.

I guess in his eyes 5 for $90 is better than the rest (which it is).

If that's all his eyes are looking at, then Sprint is going to bleed. He needs to take care of current customers or they'll jump ship.
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If anything, Sprint better hope At&t doesn't respond.

If that's all his eyes are looking at, then Sprint is going to bleed. He needs to take care of current customers or they'll jump ship.

All AT&T has to do is remove the DirecTV requirement.

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In my experience switching carriers getting subsidize or at lease devices, it's a lot more of a headache to do so, then to stay with what you have and ride it out.

If subsidies were still around, I would have agreed with you. But they're gone now and if you want a new phone you need to pay 650+ for one on any carrier, which is a hassle regardless with any carrier.


Unfortunately for Sprint, all of their iPhones have the necessary Verizon bands, so switching should be a breeze for a lot of people who want to save money with Verizon.


(I can't believe I just typed "Verizon" and "save money" in the same sentence!)

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I know this should be in the Investors thread, but I see S as a spectrum play. Most of the increase is due to people in the market realizing how valuable Sprint's spectrum haul is. I could see myself buying S solely as a spectrum play. Not so much because of Sprint the company. 

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Verizon during rush hour in NYC..


Imagine six months from now..


Like I said before, maybe this is awesome for more rural areas but big cities not so amazing.


Verizon in NY https://imgur.com/gallery/4gLnD



I remember Milan or someone said back in the day to not use the speed test server in Secacaus, NJ. Didn't put out good results.

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