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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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At the end of the day, how much better than B26 is 600mhz gonna be.

Maybe CA 800Mhz+600Mhz..

I wonder the same thing honestly. Buy 10x10 swath of 600mhz... Sell off band 26 spectrum to rural partners at a good rate...?

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I wonder the same thing honestly. Buy 10x10 swath of 600mhz... Sell off band 26 spectrum to rural partners at a good rate...?

I think it would asinine to sell off 800Mhz after all that Sprint had to overcome to get it deployed. On top of the fact that device support is quite prevalent. 


Lets not forget, Sprint has more than 10Mhz of 800Mhz in most markets, eventually the CDMA portion will  get refarmed, probably around the time that 600Mhz could get deployed (2020-2021)


Making 600Mhz even less important.

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I think it would asinine to sell off 800Mhz after all that Sprint had to overcome to get it deployed. On top of the fact that device support is quite prevalent. 


Lets not forget, Sprint has more than 10Mhz of 800Mhz in most markets, eventually the CDMA portion will  get refarmed, probably around the time that 600Mhz could get deployed (2020-2021)


Making 600Mhz even less important.

Wise points. Keep both 600 and 800 then! :)

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I think it would asinine to sell off 800Mhz after all that Sprint had to overcome to get it deployed. On top of the fact that device support is quite prevalent.


Lets not forget, Sprint has more than 10Mhz of 800Mhz in most markets, eventually the CDMA portion will get refarmed, probably around the time that 600Mhz could get deployed (2020-2021)


Making 600Mhz even less important.

I'm no wiz kid around here. But I think keeping everything they have and investing as little as possible on the auction. Then go all in on the next phase of NV.



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I think it would asinine to sell off 800Mhz after all that Sprint had to overcome to get it deployed. On top of the fact that device support is quite prevalent. 


Lets not forget, Sprint has more than 10Mhz of 800Mhz in most markets, eventually the CDMA portion will  get refarmed, probably around the time that 600Mhz could get deployed (2020-2021)


Making 600Mhz even less important.

The cdma carrier in 800mhz won't free up much of anything for refarming to LTE when it gets shut down. They only have 14mhz.

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Buy nationwide 10x10 600 and then leave ur band 26 on low power and it will just help with congestion on band 25. Then you will have amazing high and mid band speeds and very good low band speed as a back up. I assume once sprint densifies that low band won't be as important and will only be used for backup when ur inside a building that mid or high doesnt reach. Therefore you dont need huge amounts of capacity on low band


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Ill be honest, its going to be a 10x10 (5x5 in all likelyhood) sliver at best, plus extremely overpriced. Not to mention the fact that it would take at least 4 years before you can really deploy it properly.


I just don't see it as a viable option for Sprint. If they have found a easy way to leverage wireless backhaul plus C-RAN, I can see them densifying in lower population areas faster and more cost effective, plus leveraging 2.5 and hordes of spectrum that can scale.

I agree this will be a huge bidding war, sprint is better off sinking every cent they can into densification, both small cells and macro. I hope they do a good job with placement of these new sites, does anyone know what bands the new small cells will support, and will then have CA?



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Sprint should offer the Wimax customers a free Sprint line of service for a year like they're doing for their DirectTV ad. I have a friend that's using Wimax for his home ISP and Sprint sent him a message basically telling him to find another ISP. No offers or anything. It's left a sour taste in his mouth of Sprint. If they offered him a full year of free Sprint service, he'd probably take them up on it.


It's a few hundred thousand people. Sprint could use those numbers.


Sent from my M8

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Sprint should offer the Wimax customers a free Sprint line of service for a year like they're doing for their DirectTV ad. I have a friend that's using Wimax for his home ISP and Sprint sent him a message basically telling him to find another ISP. No offers or anything. It's left a sour taste in his mouth of Sprint. If they offered him a full year of free Sprint service, he'd probably take them up on it.


It's a few hundred thousand people. Sprint could use those numbers.


Sent from my M8

Except I doubt many would be happy with 2gb of data...


I think Sprint did the smart thing.


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Just heard two interesting points....


1) Other "Forever" Programs are coming for other brand devices.

2) iPhone for $1 on a 2 Year Contract at Target


Did I hear this correctly?



Here's a transcript of the interview.  



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Very curious about the iPhone (6 or 6s?) for $1 on contract.


The transcript shows he said 3 year contract instead of 2 so maybe he was mistaken all around.


Or maybe it will be a Black Friday kind of deal.  Who knows.


This type of offer has precedence:



Edited by AppleFanBoy
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Very curious about the iPhone (6 or 6s?) for $1 on contract.


The transcript shows he said 3 year contract instead of 2 so maybe he was mistaken all around.


Or maybe it will be a Black Friday kind of deal.  Who knows.


This type of offer has precedence:



Yeah a 2 year @ $1 makes sense to me. It is the Amazon strategy where they used to offer super cheap handsets but the fine print extended the 'penalty' time while in contract to like 18 months or something.


I think it is a smart bet especially if Sprint is creative about it by doing things like making it a promotion targeted at people in the announced Carrier Aggregation cities. 

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Sprint should offer the Wimax customers a free Sprint line of service for a year like they're doing for their DirectTV ad. I have a friend that's using Wimax for his home ISP and Sprint sent him a message basically telling him to find another ISP. No offers or anything. It's left a sour taste in his mouth of Sprint. If they offered him a full year of free Sprint service, he'd probably take them up on it.


It's a few hundred thousand people. Sprint could use those numbers.


Sent from my M8


Isn't WiMax already shut down in a whole bunch of places for Sprint's own B41 services? I could see some stragglers in the places where Clear was strong, but it doesn't help that most if not all the places Clear was, there was already other strong landline broadband choices. 

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Isn't it obvious that Sprint just doesn't really want to be in the home ISP business?


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Most people moved on already; my guess would be that very few even care. I have read on other forums (not this one) that the Clear customers who got cut off would be angry. My problem is that those people are such a tiny number compared to the large mass of people who could be very happy from fast B41 service on mobile devices. It isn't Sprint's job to be a crutch for inadequate landline broadband options. That should be on the landline broadband providers in a given area. 

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iPhone 6s preorder emails just went out with a nice little bonus at the end:




That's nice of sprint to do that for folks on the IPhone forever. Too bad they aren't doing it for those like who who upgraded using easy pay.



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