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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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I seriously doubt that you will have the reliability and quality of the Sprint CDMA voice network.  It may be fine for you, but it will not be fine for everybody.   I do agree that we are moving to a new system for handling voice calls, but it still will take some time to make it work as good as the present CDMA 1x system.  i am all for trying new things, but many people are not ready to rely on something that is still in a Beta environment.


In my area, Sprint CDMA network has proved disastrous for me to use.  I am sure there are other areas where Sprint CDMA network is the way to go but here, Google dialer has worked out amazingly well for me.


At one point, I was missing well over 50% of my calls and handoffs were a disaster.  Things are better but I still experience better reliability/performance with hangouts over native Sprint CDMA where I work/play.

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In my area, Sprint CDMA network has proved disastrous for me to use.  I am sure there are other areas where Sprint CDMA network is the way to go but here, Google dialer has worked out amazingly well for me.


In Boston? I'm having trouble believing that!

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Once you go VOIP, you never go back. You don't even know what you are missing out on!

But does that apply to VoLTE too? Any T-Mobile VoLTE users want to chime in?


I'll admit I use FaceTime audio a lot and never drop calls on that while Verizon CDMA drops calls here a lot. That said, VZW's CDMA network here is pretty creaky and old. Sprint's CDMA deployments are much newer with the best end of line CDMA tech.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Once you go VOIP, you never go back.


VoIP is the new black?





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Once you go VOIP, you never go back.  You don't even know what you are missing out on!

Ive been advocating this for a while, it works surprisingly well...


Its a very good Wifi calling/VoLTE transitional option.

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Must be that here in Chicago has less PCS than in other areas, or that it is being used for voice, as I was told there are two separate 5x5 PCS carriers, which really isn't enough for a wide LTE use.


To note: I'm not thinking currently here, but rather a year or so ahead, when VoLTE hopefully will become standard, and that spectrum be used for LTE. From my experiences, particularly with T-Mobile, anything less than 15x15, or similar on TDD knowing it works differently than FDD, isn't enough to manage congestion.


That's where B41 comes into play.


Combine the multiple B41 carriers with the B25 carriers and B26 carrier and it's a perfect network.

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Ive been advocating this for a while, it works surprisingly well...


Its a very good Wifi calling/VoLTE transitional option.


Yeah, I was definitely shocked that I could hold VOIP calls with 1 bar of 3G.


I assume that google VOIP will essentially be as good as VoLTE (or better) considering that VOIP will still work with 3G whereas VoLTE obviously won't.

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But does that apply to VoLTE too? Any T-Mobile VoLTE users want to chime in?


I'll admit I use FaceTime audio a lot and never drop calls on that while Verizon CDMA drops calls here a lot. That said, VZW's CDMA network here is pretty creaky and old. Sprint's CDMA deployments are much newer with the best end of line CDMA tech.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


When using my iPhone or Android phone on TMO (in a LTE area) the voice quality simply amazing, never dropped a call) 


Just made a call on my Galaxy s6 with Sprint and sounds like a bad phonograph playing :-)   only drop calls while driving - as the hand offs here sort of stink.   


I just wish TMO had more service where my wife works... main reason I just dropped TMO  :-( 

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But does that apply to VoLTE too? Any T-Mobile VoLTE users want to chime in?


AT&T's deployment is pretty bad (being market dependent). And T-Mobile is struggling with a call block issue.


But other than that, VoLTE is awesome on both carriers. It "just works", and really well. Voice quality is great. Data is still present, speeds are fast. VoLTE calls also help the phone hold LTE longer in weak areas, which is a nice upside, but still falls back to HSPA+ if absolutely necessary.


In many cities/suburbs, VoLTE actually drops less calls than CDMA 1x voice does (both in my experience, and according to RootMetrics recent market testing). So, that's a nice bonus too.


VoLTE is simply really nice technology.

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I haven't been able to use it one of AT&T's limited VoLTE markets yet. They are deploying super slow.


Using Tapatalk on Nexus 6

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I need to try VoLTE out here in the EDGE/LTE rural T-Mobile area so I can see how fallback works. Maybe that's something I can do in the future once I upgrade to the 6S. I don't think I could switch all the lines I have to T-Mobile yet given there's still some pretty big holes in places I travel. I'd take partner AT&T roaming for voice calls on the highway to be honest.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Must be that here in Chicago has less PCS than in other areas, or that it is being used for voice, as I was told there are two separate 5x5 PCS carriers, which really isn't enough for a wide LTE use.

You've already been corrected on how erroneous you were with this statement, and for good measure. But for Pete's sake, take two minutes to research before posting. You would've found out how wrong you were with a simple fcc dashboard search or a search of this site.


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You've already been corrected on how erroneous you were with this statement, and for good measure. But for Pete's sake, take two minutes to research before posting. You would've found out how wrong you were with a simple fcc dashboard search or a search of this site.



We know his true motivation is just that he prefers Tmo to have Sprint spectrum assets for his own personal benefit.  Why stop at PCS?  Let's just give all Sprint assets to Tmo?   :hah:


And Sprint's PCS spectrum in Chicago is not contiguous with Tmo's PCS.  AT&T separates them.  So they are not useful to Tmo unless they get whole 15x15 chunks.  And that ain't gonna happen.

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Baltimore 1H 2015 root metrics report out...oddly enough, call performance actually has a lower score than the last test. Overall, no significant change for Sprint in Baltimore yet. Although I can say, I think 800LTE optimization is going on, I"ve seen areas with significantly improved LTE coverage lately (less switching to 3G).

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Baltimore 1H 2015 root metrics report out...oddly enough, call performance actually has a lower score than the last test. Overall, no significant change for Sprint in Baltimore yet. Although I can say, I think 800LTE optimization is going on, I"ve seen areas with significantly improved LTE coverage lately (less switching to 3G).


I, too, am surprised they don't rank higher. I think the whole Baltimore/Richmond/Hampton Roads space is going to show a tremendous amount of improvement in the 2H2015 report. Again, this is all based on my own anecdotal use, but the network is really, really on point for me now. I will be curious to see the Richmond 1H report.

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You know...I find it hard to believe that they are going to be putting up 800 NEW Sites in Miami-Dade county alone...

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You know...I find it hard to believe that they are going to be putting up 800 NEW Sites in Miami-Dade county alone...


It sounds almost like they're doing it SoftBank style in Miami!

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You know...I find it hard to believe that they are going to be putting up 800 NEW Sites in Miami-Dade county alone...

Small cells.


Sent from my Nexus 5

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It sounds almost like they're doing it SoftBank style in Miami!



Small cells.


Sent from my Nexus 5

I just typed that seconds ago in Fierce's comments  :D


Edit: Great minds think alike I guess?

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It sounds almost like they're doing it SoftBank style in Miami!


A small Asian man in sunglasses dancing?



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It's more than small cells. They mentioned 150ft monopoles... This project when completed will make Chicago look like its still in NV1.0!

75 mil is a lotta change... My guess... Small cells, regular panels.. Additional CARRIERS, carrier aggregation... And my surprise????? Maybe some pcell deployment alongside In between it. Pcell idea sounds crazy, however why wouldn't they want to announce something in MIA? It seems as if they want to keep it a secret of what's being done??


BTW, they mentioned aluminum poles.. Most monopoles around here are steel. With all the potential weight I think they are using real lightweight stuff.. Idk just using the imagination a little.

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With C-RAN type deployment... or is that how small cells in general are being deployed?


Partially with Nokia small cells and Nokia 2.5 macro equipment. Doesn't really work cross vendor. 



It's more than small cells. They mentioned 150ft monopoles... This project when completed will make Chicago look like its still in NV1.0!

75 mil is a lotta change... My guess... Small cells, regular panels.. Additional CARRIERS, carrier aggregation... And my surprise????? Maybe some pcell deployment alongside In between it. Pcell idea sounds crazy, however why wouldn't they want to announce something in MIA? It seems as if they want to keep it a secret of what's being done??


No. The vast majority will be in outdoor small cells / pico cells. There will be a lot of new macro cells but mostly pico cells of the sort Nokia loves to deploy. 

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