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Samsung GS4 SPH-L720T [TRI-BAND] (was "Sprint GS4 with Tri-Band support this Fall Official Thread")


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I'm quite content with my G2's battery performance and the ability to mod it. This new S4 will be great for quite a bit of people but I do believe that the S4 will have the Knox security which makes it hard to modify the device.


Sent from my LG-LS980



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I'm quite content with my G2's battery performance and the ability to mod it. This new S4 will be great for quite a bit of people but I do believe that the S4 will have the Knox security which makes it hard to modify the device.


"It's a hard Knox life for us, it's a hard Knox life for us..."



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I tried to tell my family to wait till the gs4 with spark support would be announced and they go 4 of em for free :/ I wish they would have listened..

Haha. That's exactly what I said to a friend of a friend, but she was really adamant about getting rid of the Epic 4G Touch and getting an S4. I actually originally recommended the LG G2, but when I found out about the GS4 Triband, I was pushing her to wait... Nope, next time I saw her, she was sporting her new (old) GS4... Oh well. Her loss.

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Wow Sprint still has the audacity to charge $249 for the GS4 before $50 MIR card at this late stage in the game.  I mean net net its still $199 with 2 year contract but just strange that they wouldn't just ditch the $50 MIR card and just offer it for $199 with no rebate.


It says in the press release in the next few weeks so it looks like start of 2014 for the GS4 with sprint spark to be released.  Also the press release said 1.9 GHz quad core processor = Snapdragon 600 processor in case those that are still in doubt even though it was known awhile ago that it would be a 1.9 GHz quad core processor.



EDIT:  Removed one extra "still" because the Grammar police *cough* *cough* AJ has arrived.

Edited by ericdabbs
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Wow Sprint still has the audacity to still charge $249 for the GS4 before $50 MIR card at this late stage in the game.  I mean net net its still $199 with 2 year contract but just strange that they wouldn't just ditch the $50 MIR card and just offer it for $199 with no rebate.


It says in the press release in the next few weeks so it looks like start of 2014 for the GS4 with sprint spark to be released.  Also the press release said 1.9 GHz quad core processor = Snapdragon 600 processor in case those that are still in doubt even though it was known awhile ago that it would be a 1.9 GHz quad core processor.


Still, still, still, still...still?





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Wow Sprint still has the audacity to still charge $249 for the GS4 before $50 MIR card at this late stage in the game.  I mean net net its still $199 with 2 year contract but just strange that they wouldn't just ditch the $50 MIR card and just offer it for $199 with no rebate.


It says in the press release in the next few weeks so it looks like start of 2014 for the GS4 with sprint spark to be released.  Also the press release said 1.9 GHz quad core processor = Snapdragon 600 processor in case those that are still in doubt even though it was known awhile ago that it would be a 1.9 GHz quad core processor.


seekingalpha transcript has Hesse saying that the GS4T will be out by christmas. 

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Thanks, but then was it used correctly? I'm not good with financial terms.

To me it looked correct. My finance is a bit rusty, but when I say the sentence out loud, "net net" makes more sense to me than simply using "net" once. He would have had to say "net cost" or "net price" to convey the same meaning.

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Wait to March and get a S5.


Sent from my SPH-L900



Or we could wait until Next December and get a S6?  At some point, a user just has to bite the bullet and get something better than the device they have now.  It comes down to the threshold of pain.  The cycle of "improvement" is designed to obsolete stuff.  If you like what you have so much that you don't feel the pain to upgrade, then why upgrade at all?


This is the best short term choice for me -and the pain level of the Motorola Photon 4G is high.  MotoGoogle didn't step up, so it's time to give Samsung a chance.


Has anyone found word or evidence suggesting they also upgraded the processor to an 800?

(I realize the press release says proc speed - but I'm hoping it is a case of confusing S4 specs for the S4T)


Exact details on the device still seem to be lacking but there were hopeful rumors.



Edited by SturgeonGeneral
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I'm waiting on a triband snapdragon 800 S4 or N3 dependent.


Will you claim it as a dependent on your tax return?





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I know I posted this somewhere else at some point, however, I would love to live in a universe where Sprint offered a fair, one-time upgrade path (perhaps a reasonable fee upon returning the old phone?) from the S4 to the S4T for those of us already rocking band 25 LTE S4s.  That would be lovely.  But, then again, that would likely only occur in a universe far, far, far, far, far....*breathe*..far, FAR away!  


Also I've been converted over to the camp of never buying a phone on contract again.  The OG S4 was my last contract phone.  This seems to be the way the industry is headed.


One more thing...I was at my local Sprint store in Buckhead the other day and I whipped out my GS4 next to a Nexus 5 on display.  I then opened up the same website on both phones (weather.gov if you're counting) and cranked the brightness all the way up on both phones.  I was surprised to see both how dim my GS4 was next to the N5 as well as how yellowed out the whites appeared next to the N5.  I had read about such things but had never borne witness to it firsthand.  

Don't get me wrong - I love my phone.  It's just that the N5's superiority in color accuracy caught me off guard and I wanted to share that comparision.  

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I know I posted this somewhere else at some point, however, I would love to live in a universe where Sprint offered a fair, one-time upgrade path (perhaps a reasonable fee upon returning the old phone?) from the S4 to the S4T for those of us already rocking band 25 LTE S4s.  That would be lovely.  But, then again, that would likely only occur in a universe far, far, far, far, far....*breathe*..far, FAR away!  


Also I've been converted over to the camp of never buying a phone on contract again.  The OG S4 was my last contract phone.  This seems to be the way the industry is headed.


One more thing...I was at my local Sprint store in Buckhead the other day and I whipped out my GS4 next to a Nexus 5 on display.  I then opened up the same website on both phones (weather.gov if you're counting) and cranked the brightness all the way up on both phones.  I was surprised to see both how dim my GS4 was next to the N5 as well as how yellowed out the whites appeared next to the N5.  I had read about such things but had never borne witness to it firsthand.  


Don't get me wrong - I love my phone.  It's just that the N5's superiority in color accuracy caught me off guard and I wanted to share that comparision.


Sell your S4 and buy a N5. They are reasonably priced, I am sure you could come out pretty undamaged in the end.

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It appears that this will be the same contract price as the current S4 directly through Sprint ($199 after MIR).  Does anyone know if it will replace the current S4 in the lineup, and be offered by 3rd party retailers (Best Buy, Walmart, etc) for the same price as the current model?


It doesn't make sense to charge more for the EXACT same phone with two more LTE radios inside.

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