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Network Vision/LTE - Jacksonville Market (including Gainesville/St. Augustine/Ocala)


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Do we know if 800SMR CDMA/LTE and 2.6ghz TD-LTE have started being deployed in Jax? I haven't seen anything that would indicate work has started on these two bands yet in the Jax area. I could be wrong and sincerely hope that I am!!!!! Because I haven't heard of work being started on them, I gave it a year timetable.


Every NV Site is 800 CDMA/LTE ready (outside of the IBEZ, which doesn't affect Florida). It does require a trip to test out CDMA and make sure 911 is configured proper and interference testing as well. I do not know what is required to fire up 800 LTE, but some additional equipment is needed at the base station, not a whole lot. I do know that from what I've heard, the 800 LTE rollout is expected to go very quickly, completed in under a year, at least as quickly as NV equipment can be rolled out to the remainder of Sprint's sites. 


Clear/Sprint should kick up 2500 LTE deployment later this year, though I don't know where deployment is going to focus first.

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Hopefully that's the case. Lol seems like at -68dBm you should at least be getting 25 down.

Well, it's either still being fine-tuned, or somebody in the area is abusing their network.  With unlimited data it's possible somebody is living on Youtube with their device(s) on Sprint's new 4G LTE.

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Well as one of the posters mentioned before, according to Sensorly, those of us who live (or work) anywhere between Beach/Atlantic Blvds and san pablo and st johns bluff are basically in a black hole for LTE for Sprint. I like my phone no doubt, and when I can get LTE somewhere in public the speeds are usually phenomenal but apparently sprint hates East Arlington. Haha

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The problem is in dense areas Sprints LTE is slow from the get go in most hours of the day. Less than 2 mbps down

Well they are starting on 800 and 2.5 now. So by the time the 1900 LTE starts to get slow their will be 800 and 2.5 will be online. People like me that has the first generation of LTE devices (evo lte, s3, viper, etc) will be up for upgrade and can choose from tri band devices.

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The problem is in dense areas Sprints LTE is slow from the get go in most hours of the day. Less than 2 mbps down

This will get better once all of the towers in these densely populated areas get converted to NV and the network is hitting on all 8 cylinders (or in my case, all 4 turbo-charged 800hp cylinders).


I've seen an improvement these last couple of days in the Southbank/Riverside/San Marco areas. I was able to hit a steady 18-24mbps during peak hours today in Riverside and San Marco. I think Sprint finally turned on another tower in that area that was showing on the map, but not broadcasting. Of course, this is speculation on my part. I didn't look to see which tower I was connected to. I can say, that ping times and DL speeds are drastically better in this area the last two days. I struggled to get better than 1-2mbps in this area of the city at any time of the day until a few days ago. There are 3 NV towers in a very small area on the Southbank along I-95 at the Fuller Warren bridge, so having pings and speeds that abysmal should indicate that one or more of the towers either weren't running at full capacity, was being tested and/or adjusted or wasn't broadcasting.





Sent from my Sprint iPhone 5, not the old one (using Tapatalk 2).

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Well as one of the posters mentioned before, according to Sensorly, those of us who live (or work) anywhere between Beach/Atlantic Blvds and san pablo and st johns bluff are basically in a black hole for LTE for Sprint. I like my phone no doubt, and when I can get LTE somewhere in public the speeds are usually phenomenal but apparently sprint hates East Arlington. Haha


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I see some activity on Sensorly, but can anyone tell me if LTE is acceptable in downtown St Augustine? I visit there from Tampa all the time and I am going Labor Day.

Its actually very spotty but where you can get it its good. I was in and out of lte a lot and it did a number on my battery life

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Sprint has LTE showing on their coverage map on sprint.com. they exaggerated a little on the coverage especially on the south side of town aka the black hole.

I just cant figure out why such a popular area has no towers up. Why not start in the more densely populated areas of town first?


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



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I just cant figure out why such a popular area has no towers up. Why not start in the more densely populated areas of town first?


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

Lots of factors at play, unfortunately. Available back haul, birds nests, permits? I don't think Sprint intentionally leaves out Towers to be upgraded to NV. They upgrade the towers that are ready for upgrades and have everything in place. This is not a Jax issue, either.


I have a feeling Sprint will be picking up the pressure to get these towers finished. T-mobile is flushing Sprint out, currently.



Sent from my Sprint iPhone 5, not the old one (using Tapatalk 2).

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I just cant figure out why such a popular area has no towers up. Why not start in the more densely populated areas of town first?


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

 I actually picked up a little LTE this morning at Atlantic and Kernan blvds.  So, they're working on something.  There is also spotty LTE on McCormick Road east and west of Monument.  It's getting there, but very slowly.

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Well, by the time my upgrade comes Jan 1st the city should be blanketed with 1900 LTE. Sprint should be rolling out 800 and 2500 LTE service and I'll be a happy camper with unlimited LTE citywide. Once NV work is done for 1900. 800 should be a breeze and I believe that 2500 requires an additional panel and base station card. By this time next year we should be in good shape.

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Well, by the time my upgrade comes Jan 1st the city should be blanketed with 1900 LTE. Sprint should be rolling out 800 and 2500 LTE service and I'll be a happy camper with unlimited LTE citywide. Once NV work is done for 1900. 800 should be a breeze and I believe that 2500 requires an additional panel and base station card. By this time next year we should be in good shape.

Yup. That's the hope, at least. As long as Sprint doesn't slow-down any more (and hopefully speeds up) on NV deployment, we should be good-to-go.



Sent from my Sprint iPhone 5, not the old one (using Tapatalk 2).

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Well, by the time my upgrade comes Jan 1st the city should be blanketed with 1900 LTE. Sprint should be rolling out 800 and 2500 LTE service and I'll be a happy camper with unlimited LTE citywide. Once NV work is done for 1900. 800 should be a breeze and I believe that 2500 requires an additional panel and base station card. By this time next year we should be in good shape.

The problem for me is i was not under contract when i renewed in 2012 based on assertions that LTE would be at least 50% complete by November 2012 and finished by spring of 2013. Now the ETA is summer of 2014 when i am up for renewal. So I will have spent two years with no LTE on my phone. Unlimited data is worthless if the only time i can stream any data at all is on wifi. I really hope my neighborhood is covered soon... as in, within the next couple months. I will pay more for faster, consistent LTE.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



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I was feeling the same way until i stumbled upon this site. Without Robert I would have paid my ETF and left. Then I saw NV visions potential on this site. All I can say is that if sprint isn't working for you then you have to go with what works for you. My service has gotten better on the north side by far. Only if sprint could activate CDMA 800 in Middleburg (where I work) I will be in heaven.

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I was feeling the same way until i stumbled upon this site. Without Robert I would have paid my ETF and left. Then I saw NV visions potential on this site. All I can say is that if sprint isn't working for you then you have to go with what works for you. My service has gotten better on the north side by far. Only if sprint could activate CDMA 800 in Middleburg (where I work) I will be in heaven.

CDMA800 is going to be the clincher with LTE800 FTW. 2500TD-LTE will be awesome, but for most people, it'll be all about the 1900/800.



Sent from my Sprint iPhone 5, not the old one (using Tapatalk 2).

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Well, by the time my upgrade comes Jan 1st the city should be blanketed with 1900 LTE. Sprint should be rolling out 800 and 2500 LTE service and I'll be a happy camper with unlimited LTE citywide. Once NV work is done for 1900. 800 should be a breeze and I believe that 2500 requires an additional panel and base station card. By this time next year we should be in good shape.

For 2500 they need to install a new rru that supports lte/wimax modes and carrier card since the current rru on the clearwire sites only support wimax.


Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2



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For 2500 they need to install a new rru that supports lte/wimax modes and carrier card since the current rru on the clearwire sites only support wimax.


Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2

Wouldnt sprint add panels to their existing nv sites and not to the existing clear wire sites In markets where clear wire hasn't done any LTE work yet

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Wouldnt sprint add panels to their existing nv sites and not to the existing clear wire sites In markets where clear wire hasn't done any LTE work yet


You know I asked a similar question to Robert about whether Clearwire is deploying TD-LTE on its Clearwire sites or on Sprint Network Vision sites.  He basically said the following.  Also don't confuse "panel" with a RRU.  Clearwire doesn't need to upgrade the antenna panels because the frequency ranges supported for Wimax and LTE are the same at 2500 MHz.  However the current RRU on these Clearwire sites needs to be upgraded since it only supports Wimax.  Clearwire needs to install new dual mode RRUs that support Wimax and LTE running at the same time.





"These were Clearwire's priority list on their existing network. Nothing to do with Sprint or Network Vision sites, yet. TD-LTE 2600 probably won't start being installed on NV sites for 4-5 more months.


Robert from Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 Beta"


He basically said that it will probably be another 4-5 months (which to me means for the rest of 2013) Clearwire is only deploying TD-LTE on Clearwire sites.  Probably around the start of 2014, Sprint and Clearwire will begin collaborating to deploy TD-LTE on Sprint NV sites. 

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OK I see what you were saying I thought for some reason they were going to install on clear wire sites and/or equipment racks on co-located sprint towers. It didn't make sense to me since in two years sprint will likely shut down wimax like they did with iden.

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Correct if I'm wrong but I thought GMO sites are not capable of LTE 800 or CDMA 800


quote name="tybo31316" post="172673" timestamp="1374458444"]


Well all the nv towers deployed is capable of CDMA 800 and LTE 800. LTE 800 requires a trip to the base stations but CDMA 800 does not. It can be activated remotely it just requires 911 and interference testing. So it's only a matter of time before the LTE 800 is activated since the shut down of iden.

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Correct if I'm wrong but I thought GMO sites are not capable of LTE 800 or CDMA 800


quote name="tybo31316" post="172673" timestamp="1374458444"]


Well all the nv towers deployed is capable of CDMA 800 and LTE 800. LTE 800 requires a trip to the base stations but CDMA 800 does not. It can be activated remotely it just requires 911 and interference testing. So it's only a matter of time before the LTE 800 is activated since the shut down of iden.


You are correct I failed to mention that. I believe at some point sprint is going to turn a good bit of the GMO sites into full build sites where it makes sense.


Also I think the storms are effecting the NV roll out in FL


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