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Network Vision/LTE - Chicago Market


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Tweeted out to Sprint Care and Marcelo. Got a quick response from Marci Carris, SVP of customer care!attachicon.gif ImageUploadedByTapatalk1414979877.558472.jpg



Sent from my iPhone 6 on the Now Network

I reported data trouble through the Sprint zone app. Not sure if people at Sprint check those, but it was better than nothing. At least you got an actual person and not one of those notorious Sprint social media autobot.



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In the NW side of the city I have been experiencing issues also. Normally in my apt I am on B25 with a -80ish signal. For about the last week I my N5 has been cycling between 3G and LTE about once an hour in the same spot. It WAS on B25 when on LTE when the cycling started, now it is going between B26 and 3G. Seems like a network upgrade is taking place that isn't quite there yet.

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I reported data trouble through the Sprint zone app. Not sure if people at Sprint check those, but it was better than nothing. At least you got an actual person and not one of those notorious Sprint social media autobot.



Sent from my iPhone 6

Yeah I'm thinking these are higher level folks, not just your standard social media reps. I've been in email contact with people who have 'senior VP' and 'executive director' titles regarding this issue. I just got a call back and they told me they haven't been seeing any issues in the last 30 days.. Hmm.. At least they didn't ask me to update my PRL haha. He said he would call back as they are investigating further.



Sent from my iPhone 6 on the Now Network

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Same here over in the NorCal.

Did that just suddenly happen for you or has it always been set up that way for you guys?


That just changed for me (us?) in the last couple days.

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Did that just suddenly happen for you or has it always been set up that way for you guys?


That just changed for me (us?) in the last couple days.


It changed after friday night.


I was shunted to 1x800 all night and when I woke up it was back to 1x1900 with offsets where before both 800 and 1900 had dead on accurate addresses. 

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It changed after friday night.


I was shunted to 1x800 all night and when I woke up it was back to 1x1900 with offsets where before both 800 and 1900 had dead on accurate addresses.

Is this a nationwide change then?
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Anyone else notice all the base station locations broadcast from the cell site are offset now?

It changed after friday night.


I was shunted to 1x800 all night and when I woke up it was back to 1x1900 with offsets where before both 800 and 1900 had dead on accurate addresses. 


Maybe this is all tied in with the service interruptions and bizarre texting behavior we have been having.




Sprint, you got some splainin' to do!

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Garbage. Downtown Chicago is front and center right now with Nik Wallenda walking the high wire now on the Discovery Channel. Bad data experiences downtown I'm sure right now.



Sent from my iPhone 6

I went down for that nik wallenda thing, I was connected to band 41(clear site). I had no issues and also went for a drink in jewelers row, no issues at all. The network handled fine, no issues with calls or texts and I did a few speed tests. I got 6-8 during the peak and was able to stream video from discovery channel and a few news channels while waiting. Overall I was happy, I was almost expecting to see 3g like speeds, Thankfully I didn't :)

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Received a second follow up call from the director of customer care Jerry Williams regarding my service issue tweet. He said the network team did find an issue in the Chicago area with the LTE network and that they fixed it. And everything seems to be working! Anyone else notice an improvement?



Sent from my iPhone 6 on the Now Network

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Everything is humming along just fine. I really only experienced the no LTE and text issues two or three times, and only briefly when they occurred. Hopefully, while snooping around, the found out why the band switching is all jacked in many places.



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Garbage or not it's your turn to suffer :P


spam them with support tickets


Seems like direct contact with Sprint executives fixed it quickly.   ;)   We had a site outage for more than 6 weeks.  One phone call from Jerry Williams resolved it overnight.  Tier 1 support does really suck.  From higher up gets it done!

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The connection at my house just went to hell. On my wife's iPhone, too. Both of us only have band 26 that's 25dbm worse than it usually is, and band 25 is gone. It keeps pushing us to 3G. Wonder if we're finally being optimized? My home tower is so rock solid, other than that weird outage we had a week ago. Something's up.



Band 26 in my living room has always been -88ish for the last 6 months. Every day.


Sent from my iPhone 6

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The connection at my house just went to hell. On my wife's iPhone, too. Both of us only have band 26 that's 25dbm worse than it usually is, and band 25 is gone. It keeps pushing us to 3G. Wonder if we're finally being optimized? My home tower is so rock solid, other than that weird outage we had a week ago. Something's up.



Band 26 in my living room has always been -88ish for the last 6 months. Every day.


Sent from my iPhone 6


Call in to advance support and open a ticket, phone numbers are available in the Premier section.  Explain to them you had 88ish on B26 for 6 months and now went to bad service.   Coming from same site?

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Verizon still twice as fast... http://www.rootmetrics.com/us/rsr/chicago-il

I don't know when these test were conducted and if there all triband devices but, here in NYC sprint got destroyed according to rootmetrics, but fortunately the reality is completely the opposite armed with triband device.


Its triband or go home!

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Verizon still twice as fast... http://www.rootmetrics.com/us/rsr/chicago-il

Similar to last month's report from Rockford, this report also shows that the only thing at this point keeping Sprint from claiming the top spot is data speed. We have a ton of data hogs around Chicago enjoying their unlimited data plans, so Sprint is not going to be able to claim the top spot here until they start thinking ahead and immediately begin deploying multiple B41 carriers, and consider expanding the new PCS-B block carrier to 10x10, now that most (all?) of the older devices have been recertified for the wider bandwidth options.


I'm sure AJ or another spectrum guru will step in if I'm wrong, but I believe Sprint has access to ~180 MHz of EBS/BRS across most if not the entire Chicago market. That should be enough to deploy at least 3 B41 carriers without thinning WiMax.


There is currently no shortage of B41 equipment (including carrier cards) from Samsung, unlike what we're seeing from the other OEM's. Therefore, every site that is 8T8R-accepted going forward should have the full set of 6 cards installed and configured, with 3 of them turned on. This will allow Sprint to immediately leapfrog Verizon's "XLTE" on the downlink (and perhaps the uplink) as soon as this spring's wave of SD 808/810 devices are released.


The modem accompanying those chips is Cat 7-ready, even if they're only being advertised as Cat 6. That means at least 2 uplink carriers can be aggregated, and maybe all three, so long as Sprint's network is properly configured for that.


A second 60 MHz chain could then presumably be quickly flipped on after WiMax is shut down. I just hope that the new backhaul can easily scale beyond 1 Gbps for it. Such "Turbo+" backhaul should be ordered now if additional fiber strands will need to be pulled, because who knows how many months it'll take AT&T et al to get such work done.

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Doesn't rootmetrics use crowd sourced data? If that is indeed the case, these numbers are including the high percentage of single band devices still in circulation. Which in turn are dragging the average score down by quite a bit. That would also explain why Sprint has more wins in less urban environments where 5x5 B25 is sufficient. 


I do not think Sprint needs to necessarily have 3 Carriers to trump the other wireless companies, what they need to do is get tri band devices in more hands, and keep moving forward on 8t8r installs as quickly as possible, even if the backhaul wont allow full throughput (5mbs vs .5mbs user experience is night and day)

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