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  • Phones/Devices
    Nexus 5 / Note 2
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    4G Information

AMD64's Achievements

Member Level:  1x Advanced

Member Level: 1x Advanced (7/12)



  1. The more they update, the more my N5 and N7 are getting sluggish.
  2. Back to normal I think
  3. I called a land line for testing
  4. I'm testing the WiFi calling on my mother in laws G3 . it takes forever to call more than 30 sec to dial then failed to connect
  5. Rochelle,DeKalb same issue
  6. With the new update . the skin doesn't crash anymore
  7. I'm in Rockford right now(10AM Harrison st and Mulford Rd) less than 2 miles from the mall. LTE 41 is between -108, and -112 outside .speed test wasn't bad 26/27 for download and less than 2 for upload .as soon u get inside the building that's another story lol
  8. My nexus 5 didn't pass the Illinois extreme weather test LOL..I left my phone in the car last night and the phone refused to start until on top the heat vent
  9. Here a link for the tower and signal check (keep getting the file is too big) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wppa6zurpfuri1x/AAC_8aagjnaKiX1E427nqF37a?dl=0
  10. I think they updated the tower on 64,and peace Rd to B41.I think I was connected to that one last week,not the one near the oasis on 88
  11. thats what we need. BB phone full of crapware/skin,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  12. I did last night. 6.31 mbps down,and 0.23 up :-).it was a very weak signal -115 from my bed room. I didn't connect to it since
  13. Today my phone kept connecting for the 1st time to a weak b41 band at my house. Is this the an error from signal check,or the one close to the DeKalb oasis? I'm close to 1st street and Bethany rd.
  14. Comcast Time Warner Cable merger fee
  15. I'm in Parkville for 3 days .been connected to clear wire B41 since I got here with with download speed up to 32 Mbps and 12 up(Nexus 5) I wish where I live in IL is that good
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