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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. I think someone already mentioned that it wouldn't make sense for Sprint to rebrand anything as T-Mobile.
  2. I'm from the northeast (NYC) and yet I say y'all on occasion and have shopped at Piggly Wiggly in Florida when I'm down there.
  3. This is true, and it's why I really didn't like anything out there and made my own. But due to an accident (steam pipe leak spraying water everywhere in the basement) both custom made pcs were useless. Now I just use a laptop connected to multiple monitors. Sony Vaio Flip 13a TS
  4. I understand the frustration, but lets try to keep the rant to a minimum please in these forums.
  5. my eyes, my eyes, they burn.... Actually, believe it or not, she is a good director of straight porn under his real name. anyway back on topic.. Chi Chi's menu
  6. So guys, how are videos showing up on the Max? On my previous Note 2 I had no problem watching video from any source be it youtube, chrome or any web browser for that matter. Yet on the Samsung Mega, I am having problems watching on certain sites where I didn't have issues on the Note 2. I still have a few days left to evaluate this Mega and besides that its been great, but if I can't overcome this issue I just may go for the Max. Therefore the reason I ask. TS
  7. hmmm odd, I was in Times sq (actually 47th and 8th Ave) on Saturday from 2PM thru 6PM and barely had any signal, well LTE wise. But once I got out of the island and into Queens I got better than usual signal. again odd. TS
  8. I believe this was brought up quite a while back but nothing ever came out of it. I do agree that its hard to read.
  9. Do you guys have the GPS not finding a satellite issue that I have? The device still works and I get data and according to the screens GPS is enabled, but that Get GPS fix still perplexes me. TS
  10. As I sit here reading this thread and all the other media outlets that are continuing on the hate Sprint and hate Sprint/Softbank buying T-Mobile bandwagon, i am left to wonder what the hell are these folks going to do (complain about) once the merger gets approved (and you know it will regardless whether they like it or not) and New Sprint becomes a force to be reckon with. Granted it won't be overnight. Still, unlimited isn't going away, neither will uncarrier. And if the rumor is true that T-Mobile will pay off ETF fees and that is integrated with the newly formed company, then AT&T and Verizon will certainly have a formidable opponent in the new Sprint. TS
  11. Well i turn on the Zing this morning and there is an update, I install it and get the message that no SIM card is installed. needless to say a reboot is necessary after apply any update, so no message after that. But for some reason i cannot get a GPS fix. It just continues to try to search for a satellite and nothing.
  12. Ditto ^ I sent out xmas tweets to the staff on twitter (at least the ones I know have a twitter account) but since I don't know any other member on twitter, I'll say it here instead. Mele Kalikimaka everyone. May you all get a chance to experience Sparks this upcoming year. TS
  13. Actually it had Windows 8 or 8 Pro not RT. plus Stock Android running in a Virtual Machine. and with a flick of a switch go from either OS in a matter of seconds. But supposedly a patent was holding it back from being released and rumor has it that it is to be re-introduced again at CES 2014. But unless it has a way to protect the display and increase the ram options then I do not see it being better than the Asus Trio Dual OS hybrid. In the meantime I ended up getting a Sony Flip 13a and just installed Bluestacks and run Android when I want to. The device has the best implementation of going from Laptop to tablet to presentation viewer than anyone out there. Personally I would like to see a Dual OS hybrid that combines the hybrid modes like the Sony Flip series with the multi-window Android software on the Samsung Note series with wacom S-Pen and Windows 8.1 TS
  14. To be honest I don't know if asking me is the right choice since I am a bit bias towards Samsung phones. But here goes.. i went for the Mega because after playing with it and the One max in the Sprint store, it felt lighter plus i am already used to the Samsung stuff on devices (touchwiz, settings, etc) Screen size its closer to a Nexus 7 tablet than a Nexus phone. Been using it for about 4 days. The battery life is about the same as my previous Note 2 which is nice since this is a bigger screen to power. The display is about on par with the Note 2 and looking at text/graphics etc both inside and outside is like the Note 2. I can't tell if its gorilla glass though and i am not about to test to see if it is. lol I have not experienced any lag although I did notice a reboot on its own for no reason yesterday. The phone seems to get recharged a bit longer than usual. But that may be the cable I'm using since i am not using the supplied OEM cable. Regardless if you get the white or black version, you will get a white data cable, plug and headphones all in white. There is no S-Pen (which I miss) but i got one of those wrist wrapped stylus that not only looks cool but functions well. You can't use this phone one handed no matter how you try (unless you have long fingers) but considering that I actually used both hands with the Note 1 & 2, I'm already used to it. It only has 16GB of memory but at least it has the option of putting apps on the SD Card which my Note 2 did not have unless you root it. Speaking of root, there is no root option yet, although there is a Kingo Root method, but that was taken down on xda. The device has multi-window and on the bigger screen it really is nice. Since its a bigger screen most sites now come in as desktop/tablet versions. It only has a 8MP camera but that is fine since it keeps the size of the pic smaller. I never understood the fascination with high resolution cameras on a phone anyway. Bottom line, its a keeper.
  15. Interesting. I was under the impression that it spins when a data is coming through. At least that's what I thought on the phone. I've yet to update the Zing to see if the Spark icon and software is updated. Good to know. Yeah I like the software and I've been wanting toi get the external dock port that has boost antennas but just keep forgetting to do so for work. TS
  16. Got the mega yesterday and I really like it. Only wish I can root it but eh in time I'm sure there will be a way. TS
  17. Can we get back on topic and leave the TWC/Verizon FIOS talk for another thread please. TS
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