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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. Don't see it. Are we talking about this link or another? TS out (searching for the link)
  2. Although I doubt there will be a GN3 Triband model (as indicated by the sources mentioned throughout this thread) I wouldn't doubt that Samsung would be greedy and do one if they wanted to. Just look at the GS4. The GS5 is coming out in a few months and they ended up doing a triband S4T recently. TS
  3. Same way i feel about Sasha Segan of PC Mag. Make it so number one. TS
  4. Damn it AJ, I'm sending you another bill for another keyboard. lol As for those still wishing for Softbank to keep the T-Mobile name and dumping Sprint, I do believe it was already mentioned numerous times that that will never happen. Why do folks still feel that will be a possibility. TS out (getting another keyboard)
  5. I have two lines on my account (which I can put on Framily). and my sis in laws have their own Sprint accounts not on framily. Every time I talk to Sprint via chat or phone and try to do a Framily plan, and try to add the girls, I fail to mention that they live in the same house (billing address) and get rejected. I'm going to have to remember to mention that part next time I call them. TS
  6. You make him sound like he is better than Chuck Norris when we all know that Chuck is the only one not limited by physics. Still, Legere is a legend in his own mind. He's just a pink drop away from being institutionalized in the Magenta Hospital for the Criminally Insane. TS
  7. Speaking of sim card, if one breaks a device and gets a replacement shipped to them, and the new device has a sim card in it, do you return the previous sim card even thought the package says only the device, no battery, sim card sd card accessories? What would one do with the extra sim card? TS
  8. Yeah I know. But chat works a tiny bit better with IE as well as their community forums. Its basically the only site that just acts weird on my Chrome. Other than that i wouldn't touch IE at all,( well except for work stuff, forced by the IT folks).
  9. What i find odd is that its mainly the opposite with me. This is what I got this morning on the 8th floor of my building on Parsons Blvd and the Grand Central. Yet downstairs outside, it never goes higher than 13 down, 6.8 up (and that's on a good day), usually its only between 4-7. TS
  10. At home its Chrome unless I need to go tot he Sprint site which works better in IE for some reason. At Work, its mostly IE on the work pcs and on the laptop its Chrome.
  11. I have 2 Asus 19inch VE198T 1440x900 monitors that used to be running off my desktop which are now running off my laptop. If your total is $300, then you can get either one of these 1920 x 1080 monitors... 2 Dell ST2210B 21.5" 1920x1080 $99.00 (good reviews) or 2 Acer G226HQL 21.5" $116.55 (reviews) or 2 Samsung EX2220X 21.5" 1920x1080 $130.00 (good Reviews) Or whatever you feel is best on the selection page on Amazon, And depending if your graphic adapter can handle the dual monitor set up you are good to go, if not then you may need to get two of these Plugable usb 2.0 to vga/dvi graphic adapters (I have these) my two Asus monitors connected to my Sony Flip TS
  12. You forgot the New Jersey suburb of Staten Island But I concur with your post. Queens does need to step it up a notch though. And it's usually in the areas around Queens Blvd between Elmhurst Hospital thru Kew Gardens.
  13. While I can understand that you are upset, but this isn't a complaint board, TS
  14. ^ for some it may be a bad deal for others its' fine. Depends on the person and their finances. What's that saying "When in Rome" well Otosan would speak English in US commercials. He is a multinational and multilingual. As for breed. hmmm good question.
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