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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. opps sorry I thought I put it in the post. ok post edited and here it is too. TS
  2. Interesting write up by Masayoshi Son himself about learning from the past and not repeat mistakes. Interesting to note how he has not held back and has yelled at Sprint Executives to get their act together. Seems all existing marketing contracts have been cancelled since they haven't worked. (Those recent Sprint commercials are atrocious). What was even more interesting is how he states TS
  3. Question, If the strategy doesn't work out long-term for T-Mobile financially (having to pay out these etfs) and acquiring so many new customers stressing the system. or If this does work for them financially but still stresses the system. What impact would this new marketing strategy by T-Mobile have on the rumored merger/buyout by Sprint? TS
  4. A+ i really wish folks will stop on this "If the merger goes through I want them it to keep the T-Mobile name, not Sprint (name), they suck" bandwagon. The newly merged company (if it comes to that) will retain the Sprint name, or give the new company a new name, but it will never use the T-Mobile one. As for upper management, Legere will never be the top cheese, especially since Hesse and Son are close friends so folks wishing Legare be in charge, get that idea out of your heads as well. TS
  5. hmmm I agree Hesse is a professional and Legere is a baboon but correct me if i am wrong, I thought I've seen Hesse in jeans and a sports jacket at meetings and special events? Just because one wears jeans has nothing to do whether you are professional or not so long as you act accordingly. TS
  6. Excellent post. I too did the math and seems I'll be getting a tiny bit off if I stay with the two phone lines, gets better if I add the girls making it 4, but it would be sweet getting 7 in the group and bring it down to sero like amounts. btw I want Samuel L Jackson to be the new spokesperson for Sprint and explain these plans for the common folk like he does with Capital One, but with a bit more aggression and slip in a curse word or two. TS
  7. The Model (by Kraftwerk) (one of my favorite bands btw) TS
  8. You forgot to tell them that they still need a password. Password is: Fried Chicken TS
  9. Disco heat (insert Sylvester video in 3..2..1..)
  10. hmmm With them getting 700 I'm left to wonder if that will have an impact on the Sprint takeover of T-Mobile and getting approval from the feds. So how many frequencies will that make if they become one company?
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