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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. Reminds me of those funny old Taco Bell commercial where the dog passes the TV that has Jeopardy and he gives the answer. Otosan is sitting there watching a T-Mobile commercial and he blurbs out "Bullshit" or "baloney" (due to censors) and turns to Sparky and start a conversation about Framily, Now, etc. Otosan and Sparky. the possibilities are endless. Come on Son make it so. TS
  2. ugh, f anyone has an issue with another member, use the PM system, or report it. If it's with a staff member, pm them or contact the admin. But since that wasn't done, i will reply here. I never said that. And yet to be honest, this is a Sprint site, and as Sprint customers we can discuss the pros and cons of our network vs other networks while trying to keep Sprint as the better choice. If after reading all the topics and progress we have outlined within these forums as well as your own real world use, you can determine whether Sprint is the best carrier for your needs. If it is not or if you do not have hope that it will, then move on. But don't expect the staff to just sit back and let the forums be a cesspool of Sprint complaints. There are quite a few other Sprint related forums that allow such complaints. This is not one of them. I doubt very much that i am the only one bothered by these complaints of Sprint on here. But even if I was the only one, I have every right as a moderator to uphold the rules set forth by the admin of the site. As for being lazy for not reading the whole topic (or any other topic throughout the forum) dealing with these Sprint complaints and understanding why the staff and members get upset is probably part of the reason you don't get it. For someone that has been here for 2 years as a lurker, I would think that you would have understand by now (or read) how such complaints are not warranted. I would also expect any member see to whom they are voicing their opinion towards before labeling them as a "regular user going on a crusade" . Again, If anyone has an issue with another member, use the PM system, or report it. If it's with a staff member, pm them or contact the admin. Now with that out of the way, lets get back to the main discussion on hand. TS
  3. Like I said previously in another thread and in numerous other Sprint related forums. If a certain carrier is not working out for the customers needs, then that customer should do what is best and go to one that does suit their needs. It may very well work out or end up being a false hope since the grass is never ever greener on the other side. But to hang around in the previous carriers forum to bitch and moan about the service which they no longer have only disrupts the forum for current members and basically is against the rules. Its like friends come over to my house and constantly are saying "hey the food is better next door, This sucks, Can you hurry up with the dinner". So for those that continue to do so, be forewarned that it will not be tolerated. The admin has made this clear on numerous occasions and we will remove any complaints. The constant complaints need to stop. If they want to stay and participate then that is fine so long as the complaints about Sprint network vision are constructive. Now excuse me while I comfort my grand mama "Sprint Jones" TS
  4. wow, If I had to pick one thread that basically showcases why s4GRU is so awesome, this one is it. Kudos to IamMrFamous07 for starting it and for all those that have posted in a civilized non-rant manner. Great discussion. I agree with others that what Robert wrote should be sent to the the higher ups at Sprint or Mr. Son himself. TS
  5. ^ I knew you would post that lol Rubber Chicken
  6. MIne is NSAMobile1 I would post a picture, but then I would have to take you out.
  7. Damn, I should have waited instead of getting the Mega 3 weeks ago on One Up.. Oh well at least I can do this with the other line. But let me make sure I get this straight. You don't have to turn in your current phone (or tablet) and get a new device with no money down by using easy pay and join Framily. And they also waive the $15 easy pay fee. So what happens with the old phone being that you don't need to turn it in. You get to sell it I assume? or is the new device on easy pay a secondary line? That's the only part I'm a bit confused about. TS
  8. Advise? yeah like you are the authority on which is and isn't the best carrier to have. Worst? that depends on many variables, phone, location, density, etc which leads me to this... Correct. Quite meaningless and pointless in a Sprint Network Vision deployment community forum. Especially where the majority (members and staff alike) cannot do anything about the system by making it faster in speeds, quicker in deployment etc. Its actually quite astonishing how far they have gotten and especially in NYC and its surrounding areas. As dense as this place is its going to take time to get things on track and up to the level of acceptance that some need (not want). Bottom line, We all are just reporting the progress of the deployment, be it in reports from secret underground personnel to members mapping out on Sensorly etc. I too have experience LTE and then all of a sudden back to 3G. Some spots are better than others, but there is no reason to complain (especially here). many in the city have experience LTE. I have and know it is coming for all areas and therefore will patiently wait. But for those that can't wait, or have to complain about anything with Sprint, just do yourselves and everyone a favor and STFU, get out of Sprint and go on to another carrier that you feel will be better. I hear T-Mobile will gladly take you and pay the etf, But do remember this, it is not always as green on the other side as the saying goes. (Well actually it is for the carrier, they are the ones that are full of green bills that once were in your wallet).
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