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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. From what I've seen in numerous forums this pretty much sums it up/hits home for so many.. Son may have a 300 year plan, but I sure hope that doesn't mean that's how long it will take to catch up to Verizon/AT&T. TS
  2. Post 70, 71 merged into previously posted topic. TS
  3. We rescinded the position because the elevator broke, besides its only two floors. TS
  4. Speaking of status, I noticed that if one is on One Up or Easy Pay, it seems that you cannot see your contract details online. It states to go to the store. Are they ever going to get that fixed or is that's how it going to be from this point on? TS
  5. I think you may be on to something here. Consider that if the rumors are true that Softbank are/were in discussion with Deutche Telecom this past year and as close as a few weeks ago, about acquiring T-mobile, why wouldn't DT inform Son that they are not going to sell T-Mobile? It wouldn't make sense for Son to be going to Washington to make a presentation about consolidation in the wireless industry (thus alluding to a T-Mobile purchase). Either DT is stating this to get a higher bid or Son has an xyz plan that no one has yet thought of and will do the presentation as to that plan. If Sprint recently announced a Sparks wifi home router, I wouldn't doubt they can do a Hopper like device for Dish, if they do a sharing agreement of some kind. I wonder if that presentation next week will be streamed. TS
  6. twospirits

    LG G Pro 2

    I would love to see that device on Sprint. I love the Note series with the S pen but since I now have the Mega without a pen, I'm getting used to not having one again. This phone looks really nice. TS
  7. Holy Crapola Batman, I just checked out the map and what the hell is happening over in New Haven and Hartford Conn. Yikes. TS
  8. Good Question, one I can't answer since my version is the Wifi one. TS
  9. Maybe I'm wrong, but wouldn't small businesses (that offer phones to employees) usually have its employees under the same carrier. So what if everyone is on Sprint already. They can't join the companys' framily plan. Same stew, different smell. or in this case name. TS
  10. lol That actually made me laugh. Another one bites the dust. Keyboard # 26. lol May the sources words reach Pele ears and make it so. TS
  11. Hey Rocket, question. I know I brought this up previously but it wasn't really never answered. but lets say, for example, It is known that if you have an existing Sprint account you cannot join another Sprint members framily. It is basically designed to bring in new customers. But being that care is doing it, lets say for the sake of argument that... Current Sprint customer (Customer 1) has three lines under her Sprint account. Two other Sprint customers (each with their own Sprint account) live in the same household and are already billed separately. These two want to join Customer 1 framily group) Since the other two Sprint customers already have the same billing address, would it fair to say that they can join Customer 1 framily plan since care is allowing such merges as long as the billing address is the same? TS
  12. Something I compiled. It took me a while by going through each and every thread in the forums. I've been debating on whether to put it in an existing thread much like the new devices spreadsheet I compiled and put it in the thread MacInJosh started or in its' own thread. I've just been lazy on making a decision. If I put it in a stand alone thread, the decision then becomes whether to put it in the general population areas where all can see what maps they get access to if they become a sponsor or just put it in the sponsor section. Anyway, the list is pretty cool since you can filter by state There have been times where a discussion is talking about a certain area and it saves me time in hunting down the area map. The only bad thing is trying to keep it up to date. If a new member or area map is done and I don't catch it, I won't be able to put it on the list. TS out
  13. I concur. I find NY a tad more expensive than Hawaii go figure. I always get so little back from the state, federal on the other hand is a nice return. anyway back on topic, remember folks, being a sponsor gets you access to quite a collection of good in-depth topics about Network Vision etc plus you get access to the over 118 unique sponsor maps that cover almost every state in the union except Alaska, Montana, and South Dakota (at least since I last compiled the list), ranging from upgrades, permits, and even animated maps. sample below, TS out (spamming that image once again)
  14. There are approximately 118 unique sponsor maps that cover every state of the union except Alaska, Montana, and South Dakota (at least since I compiled the list last month), ranging from upgrades, permits, and even animated maps. So yeah being a sponsor is pretty cool. TS out
  15. Interesting that the MSL reader (SPCUltility.apk) actually works for both a rooted and non-rooted phone. Tested on a Samsung Galaxy Mega (rooted) and a Galaxy Note 2 (non-rooted). TS
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