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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. Would this merger have any implications for Sprint since both Comcast and TWC do backhaul for Sprint in certain parts of the country? My gut feeling says no, but I'm curious nonetheless. TS
  2. What if others change their address to match the account holder but have online billing instead of a regular bill sent to the house. I don't recall getting a mailed bill in years. Would the account holder get the email too, I don't think they would. TS
  3. twospirits

    LG G Pro 2

    6 inch screen size, 1920x1080 screen resolution Snapdragon 800 Android 4.4 3GB Ram 32GB Internal Storage Looks good to me. (For myself, add external storage SD card support and it will be a winner.)
  4. In reference to the above, I was curious, so I compiled this list of the existing operators that have CDMA2000 / EV-DO / LTE in the US, (compiled from Wikipedia) Now, not taking Verizon or Cricket Wireless (being sold to AT&T) and only taking those with known subscribers, even if Softbank were to buy them, it would only amount to an increase of 8.88 million for a total of 61.76 subscribers from the existing 54.88. I'm not financially able by any stretch of the imagination but I would think that the ROI won't be great enough to justify being able to buy out these operators. TS
  5. Burn Baby Burn,.. Disco Inferno, oh wait, wrong thread. sorry, carry on. TS
  6. ^ That is what CAREND posted before my post. But the image doesn't show. So lets rinse and repeat. Bean Salad. TS
  7. It may be that Dish may not be doing well, but its sort of strange that nothing has been said from that side. Its like the calm before the storm. TS
  8. Thou shall not set up sponsorships while in Church. Your penance shall be 5 sensory site runs and re-compile the maps 2 times. TS out (giving more sentences)
  9. Hey, do as the Romans do, if you can't beat them, then join them. TS out
  10. I actually thought of this a few years back when HTC did their spiral patent. But enhanced it with making it a three screen hybrid. As the HTC Voyager 4G But I really like this new concept much better. Although I would add quad front facing speakers to it. TS out (dreaming of the ultimate Note)
  11. Mr. Rogers TS out (enjoying the beautiful day in the neighborhood.)
  12. Correct, I didn't catch that when I copied and pasted the list from the Sprint site. I edited my post. Thanks TS
  13. Awesome, downloading now. According to Sprint website these are the total fixes/enhancements.. Dec Update... Improved Network hand-offs between LTE bands B41 throughput improvements Spark Icon WiFi pop-up when tethered Feb Update... OMA PRL fix Data link HA fix Edit: Installed and it fixed my issue with getting a GPS fix. I had returned my previous Zing due to the screen locking up on me and the replacement never got a GPS fix. Somehow after this update it does now. yippie. TS
  14. I do believe that would make the phone heavy and bulky as heck. TS out (wrapping my phone in bubble wrap)
  15. As always excellent posts. Robert, question. When you say Any example of where on our maps that these macro sites are being built? And what type of site. eg: monopole? TS
  16. There you have it folks, we are just witnessing the birth of both Ver4GRU and ATT4GRU. The Death Star strikes back. Hell has frozen over. TS out (looking for a Jedi)
  17. I actually was thinking that the other day, with these brutal temps throughout the country, I'm surprised anything is being worked on. Hope they stay warm. TS
  18. Pink Floyd TS out (getting an education)
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