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Everything posted by JonnygATL

  1. AJ YES, the battery life is borderline awful. Thanks for the background info on that. However, i try to mitigate that issue as much as possible by using wifi at home (even though our wifi is fairly slow by wifi standards). But at work and out and about, I will periodically toggle to 4G. Something I left out in my previous post, however, is that the 3G speeds here are now generally good enough for casual web surfing, streaming and the like (whereas they weren't before the start of NV). This is wonderful, indeed. Regarding the 800 mhz spectrum issues you speak of..wow, I had no idea. I need to read up more on this so that I fully understand it. I blindly assumed that LTE on 800 was the magic bullet for the whole of the Sprint network, nationwide. I now see that I was in error. That is not the best news that I've heard but not the worst either. Either way, anything above 4 or 5 mbps is plenty enough for a smartphone, at least in my experience. The information I learn from this site continues to surprise me on a near daily basis. Thanks again!
  2. Thanks, I appreciate the input. One last thing - do you think we'll see tri band phones before Christmas? My instinct is that that is precisely when we'll see them....mid to late fall. But what do you think?
  3. I have the GS2 which is actually a great phone in every way, even still. This is especially true now that it has officially received Jelly Bean. Up until receiving JB, I was itching to upgrade. Now, I'm actually cool. The only thing I am missing is LTE as this is clearly a Wimax phone. However, here in Atlanta as in some other wimax/LTE co-covered areas, the Wimax speeds are very good (at least where you can get it). I get great Wimax speeds at home and at work (even faster than what my coworkers get on LTE in the exact same spot, per the speedtest app). So, for me, the great urge to upgrade to LTE has been greatly diminished. That said, would you recommend I wait to upgrade until this fall, once LTE 800 phones are likely to be sold? That way I'll be a little ahead of the curve and in no great pain for waiting. Or do you think there is a chance that LTE 800 phones will not be sold by then? Just curious as my contract is up in August and I am evaluating what's best for me (upgrading to HTC One or GS4 now with no 800 support, waiting til fall when I hope there will be 800 LTE phones being sold, or go to tmobile, at least temporarily and see how that goes). Thanks for any input you may have in this regard.
  4. I may have to look into getting a better router as well. Ours, apparently (after reading what some of you are saying) sucks! But, regarding having LTE at home...honestly that's where most Americans are likely to use it. I'm fairly certain when the carriers claim the # of people they cover, they're referring to where they live. That's important to most people, including myself, regardless of whether you happen to agree with it or not. Differences are what makes the world go round. Now, do I use wifi? Sure, but it's really slow. So is the wifi at work. My 4G wimax connection in 4 times faster. Our wifi at home averages 2.75 mbps down on my phone and the same at work. My wimax averages 11-13 mbps down at work and at home. So, yeah, I skip wifi and use 4G during peak times when my roomies are home and wifi speeds are slow. Again, most people will find it important to have LTE at home. There's no rule saying we all have to agree.
  5. In Los Angeles? You should be fine but there are micro (local) conditions that could limit RF propagation. Go to coverage.sprint.com and see if any coverage changes have happened recently. Expired roaming agreements or anything of that nature could also be at play. But if you appear to be covered - even after drilling down to street level on the site's coverage tool - then you should call sprint to see what can be arranged, up to and including an Airave or even contract cancellation.
  6. Exactly. Yes, it's tragic but this has NOTHING to do with Sprint's network vision rollout..which is ALL this site is about. We don't need people acting as reporters. We have CNN and myriad other news outlets for that. STAY ON TOPIC!
  7. Basically I think it's just spring fever; everyone's horny for spectrum. Lol
  8. I can do pandora and google play music (cloud stored) but not my amazon cloud player. Different bit rate, I assume. But it works ok on wimax and i'm sure lte even morw reliably where it's actually live.
  9. lol it's like the japanese flag..only far less spherical and with zero white space.
  10. Awesome! Right you are! Thanks!
  11. Thanks for the tips guys, but neither one works. Volume up + home doesn't produce a screenshot and in the app drawer, tapping menu doesn't give me an option to list alphabetically. : o (
  12. Well Sprint did give us GS2 owners JB..but it's 4.1.2, FYI.
  13. JonnygATL

    GS2 Update

    Yeah I got my jelly beab for my e4gt two days ago and it is like a brand new phone. However, I do have at least 3 complaints (bugs): 1.) Taking a screenshot by holding down volume down + power no longer works. Anyone know how to do a screenshot now? 2.) When charging, the red LED indicator no longer glows and 3.) When setting an alarm with the phone on silent, the alarm will not sound. this is very important to me as I nearly overslept for work yesterday! Also, as a less important note, my apps are no longer listed in alphabetical order post update (??)
  14. Yes, in my experience, Amazon always has better pricing than anyone else, including Sprint telesales. For instance, I got my Sprint Galaxy S2 from Amazon at $99 back in the day when everyone else (literally, everyone) was still charging $199 on a renewed two year contract. I told a guy in a local Atlanta Sprint store a few days later about my Amazon deal and he refused to believe me. I simply smiled and walked out of the store, knowing I'd received as a decent a "deal" as I was going to get. Go Amazon!
  15. .....or just have fried chicken (you see, you already answered your own question)! Happy bday/Happy Easter!
  16. Yeah I got my jelly beab for my e4gt two days ago and it is like a brand new phone. However, I do have at least 3 complaints (bugs): 1.) Taking a screenshot by holding down volume down + power no longer works. Anyone know how to do a screenshot now? 2.) When charging, the red LED indicator no longer glows and 3.) When setting an alarm with the phone on silent, the alarm will not sound. this is very important to me as I nearly overslept for work yesterday! Also, as a less important note, my apps are no longer listed in alphabetical order post update (??)
  17. Yeah I'm not sure why we are told to be fearful of China and, really, for no good reason. I mean, when's the last time China posed a threat to the United States (aside from with their growing economic prowess, which is a good thing in my mind for global competition and for raising the standard of living within their own nation)? If it were North Korea, then, ok, maybe I could see that. But I won't just be told to be fearful of one nation by my government and blindly say, "ok, sure, I'll be your lemming." I mean, wtf??
  18. That's a very good point - and possibly one I should consider, as well. My employee discount with company X, whom I've not worked for in almost 6 years, is sill on my account. I couldn't tell you why but I've never brought it up as it, too, is valued at over 20% of my monthly bill. But, should it be terminated, I guess I could always explore other discount options. I would do that..see what other options you have available..ya know, before fully jumping ship. But, like was previously stated, if ATT or whomever works better for you then that's with whom you should do business.
  19. Why not? Just curious as I'm not as educated on this as you are but i had hoped for 800 mhz support, too. If people usually have a phone for the standard 2 years...why wouldn't sprint and samsung think to include 800 support as they plan to offer 800 mhz lte service well inside of this time window? Thanks in advance for your input.
  20. LOL..."SacTown????" And, ya know, spelled like that...without a "k?" Not, like a grocery sack or a sack lunch...but, rather, a b-llsac?? I'm sorry. What an unfortunate nickname!
  21. I have mine deactivated. I prefer to be in control.
  22. Honestly, here in Atlanta with my Sprint GS2, I've been having trouble with Wimax the past two days as well. My first, knee-jerk reaction thought was that they were decommissioning wimax sites. But, as Sprint has an agreement with Clearwire to keep them going through...what was it..2014? 2015?...then I know it can't be that. But interesting that in wildly differing parts of the country we are experiencing similar issues.
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