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Everything posted by JonnygATL

  1. "Is there a way to report this to Sprint?" YES. Call them. This isn't a Sprint owned nor Sprint sponsored site so if you've got something you need to make Sprint aware of, the best way to do that is to call them and let them know.
  2. Ugh. Silly. What a waste of time (if real).
  3. I have a similar issue though I've never noticed it being a multiple of 7 (the delay). But it could be. But, in general, I get texts minutes, hours, or, in rare cases, up to a day later. When I send texts the user often receives it multiple times though I've only sent it once. And my outgoing texts fail frequently as well. Really frustrating. It's always been an issue as long as I've had Sprint (12 years) but it does seem to be much worse now. I had the issue everywhere I've ever lived..Lexington, KY, Cincinnati, OH and Atlanta, GA.
  4. It's the pace, mostly. And also the lack of movement by Ericsson re: the 3G side of the NV upgrade process. But, like you explained to me in our private conversation, this is due to equipment shortages and faulty equipment (though that thankfully seems to have been corrected now). Having a Wimax only phone does nothing for me as it pertains to LTE. But expanded 3G coverage would be great, especially in the area of town in which I live. And, like I said, my 3G experience here in the Druid Hills/Emory area has been a little bizarre and I've never been able to fully understand it nor was anyone at Sprint able to tell me (Yes, I know CSRs have little to no access to any technical data whatsoever). But the experience has been thus: I moved to this part of town in Feb 2011. I realized Wimax was non-existent here. But 3G was practically non-existent, too. So I called Sprint. They gave me an airave and said by March 20th a new tower would be online which would greatly improve my service. Sure enough, around the end of March, I no longer needed by airave....I was getting at least 1mpbs down, even inside the house in the middle of the day. This lasted until August. Now I can hardly even get a signal at all, 3G or otherwise, even when standing outside the house in the clear. So I called Sprint back and reactivated my Airave. They tell me that I should have really fast data speeds at my location and should be getting a great signal. Clearly I am not but the Airave gives me consistent 2.0 mbps down. Which is fantastic. I just wish I didn't need it. So why the up and down with the network? I have no idea. I have never been able to identify what might have caused that. Any ideas?
  5. That's interesting. Hopefully Ericsson can improve their "average" as Samsung's seems to be much faster as does A-L's. I've been rooting for Sprint for 12 years and, clearly, that hasn't changed. But my right to be frustrated is my right to be frustrated. That said, any progress is good and I'm glad to see it taking place - even if it is at a glacial pace.
  6. Honestly it's irrelevant because it already happened. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I am not here to argue. The good news is that we live in America and so my opinions neither seek nor require your approval. Nor do yours mine. Now, back to the issue. I hope they get the LTE rollout complete in this market, lickety split (sp?)!!
  7. Ha ha...true. However if you're going to pay someone to market a phone, paired with a particular service (live at a huge outdoor complex like Atlantic Station), then you'd damn well better have that service active on said device at that time for demonstration purposes! I was HOPING that something had changed, that LTE was now strongly available in that spot and that's what they were there to trumpet. But, alas, I was wrong. LTE is still seemingly not working there. Sprint has more information than anyone (the higher ups, not those silly reps). That being the case, don't you think it was silly of them to send out a marketing team, peddling a service that is actually unavailable, at least in that particular location? They may as well have been peddling snake oil as far as I'm concerned and, in doing so, deserved to be given a bit of a hard time. Maybe next time they will think before they act and avoid giving their customers - and potential customers - false expectations. But, yes, I know it's improving. It's just the very slow rate of improvement that most irks me. I will not upgrade to the GS3 until I can actually use it. And, in my universe, that just makes sense.
  8. Dave..seriously...I'm from Lexington, too. But, why are you screaming in all CAPS?!?!!? You're making us look bad, bro. : o )
  9. I was thinking..the rep never toggled airplane mode...the most common and simple way to force a search for an LTE signal..nor did he power cycle. These guys were a big joke. They had zero technical expertise. SO frustrating. And, to be clear, my frustration is more for the uninformed employees (or, in this case, third party contractors) and lack of communication of the reality of the situation from Sprint to its customers than it is for the coverage woes. If we were just informed of the truth directly from Sprint then a lot of the animosity would not exist. It's like having a stubborn partner. LOL. You love them, but BOY are they frustrating!!
  10. Ok I have to share this with everybody. .I bartend at a restaurant in Atlantic Station and, just yesterday, there was a Sprint van parked outside the restaurant and a Sprint tent as well. They were marketing the Galaxy S3 and 4G LTE. Both brands were painted all over the van and signs outside the tent. I had a bit of downtime behind the bar and stepped outside to talk to the two reps, keeping in mind that two of my coworkers have GS3s which they are still unable to get LTE on (even in our location in West Midtown). I approached they guys, they smiled, waved, were friendly. I stopped right in front of them and said that I was seeking to upgrade from my Wimax equipped E4GT to the LTE equipped GS3 but didn't want to upgrade until LTE was active where I live, work and play and until the 3G had improved to at least marginally useful levels. They both sort of blinked, coughed and looked mildly annoyed and greatly confused. One guy says, "What do you mean?" I said, "Well, you're advertising an LTE equipped phone in an area that can't even get that service. Do you see the irony in that?" I then asked him to attempt to get 4G LTE on one of the GS3's they had on display under then tent. He tried. He failed. He tried again. He failed again. I then ran a speedtest for the 3G on my GS2. Keep in mind that we were standing outside with nothing over our heads to block the signal (except the other buildings in Atlantic Station). I pulled 0.11 down and essentially 0 up. A complete joke. That's why I use Wimax when at work because I get 10-12 down with Wimax on. 3G is entirely unusable. They guys apologized profusely, gave me some half-assed "answers" and generally seemed woefully uninformed about the whole NV process. I then asked them if they seemed to be having more issues with Ericsson vs. Al-Lucent or Samsung. They had NO idea what I was even talking about. So I informed them. They simply scratched their heads and said, "well things are improving every single day." I said that I knew that but that I was seeking more direct and fully developed answers to my questions. I then said, "You guys aren't from around here, are you?" They said "no." I asked if they were based in Overland Park. They said, no, that they were just hired by Sprint to market the S3 and 4G LTE in general and that they were based in Norwalk, CT. I said, "Oh. That figures." Ultimately, one of them gave me a card valid for up to $50 toward an Otter case for any phone of my choice, including the S3. But I really don't want a phone case. I want the LTE coverage I was promised in this city months ago. I don't get why this market is moving so slowly compared to other markets. I suppose it's partly the contractors...partly the rolling hilly nature of the Eastern part of the city. IDK...but I thought I'd share the story. Any ideas on why the holdup?
  11. I know. That is precisely my point. When looking to cover the greatest amount of population in as little time as possible, you're going to want to logically go with the largest metro areas first. City limits are trivial, political boundaries. They don't mean much in the grand scheme of things when compared against the whole metro area. Prime example: Atlanta, GA (where I live) vs. Louisville, KY (near where I grew up). We all "know" Atlanta is far larger than Louisville....but, wait, no, it's NOT when you look at city limit sizes alone. Louisville is around 600,000 people at # 27 in the U.S. with Atlanta sitting at # 40 with only 420,000 people. Makes you think..."wait, this can't be right!" Well, that's because Louisville's metro area is around 1.3 million with Atlanta's approaching 6 million. So, yes, the Atlanta area is FAR larger than the Louisville area even though the City of Louisville is (technically) larger than the City of Atlanta by some 33%. So if you wanted to cover the most population possible (in order to logically get the most bang for your buck..er..spectrum, as it were), which metro area would you want to cover first (Louisville or Atlanta)? (and of course this applies to any metro area comparison in any state or states) Think about it.
  12. Both markets are pretty small compared to other markets being worked on right now and so deployment should go fairly easily/quickly. It seems like preliminary work is going on in both markets so I would guess both markets will begin going live with LTE sites around the same time (even way before Sprint formally "launches" them).
  13. JonnygATL

    Huh? Clear ?

    This is why outsourced customer service sucks. No doubt there is some guy sitting in a dingy, poorly lit room in a third world country, halfway around the world pretending his name is "Chris," "Bob" or "Nick" who is attempting to handle your legitimate inquiry with a ready made list of answers that is only 5 or 10 deep (and whose native tongue is CLEARLY not English, pun intended). Ugh....I don't even bother with CSRs anymore, be it via phone or live chat. For all intents and purposes they are essentially useless.
  14. City limit sizes are one thing. Metro area sizes are quite another. Both Cleveland and Cincinnati are substantially larger metro areas than Columbus. Cincinnati metro area: roughly 2.1 million people Cleveland metro area: roughly 2.1 million but including the Akron area about 2.9 million Columbus metro area: roughtly 1.8 million (all of this per latest census estimates) But all of that is irrelevant as the rollout clearly isn't going by order of decreasing population, anyway. It is starting to appear like they are just having Samsung, Ericsson and A-L siimply do whatever works best for them at the time.
  15. Resistance is DEFINITELY futile.
  16. Really? Awesome news indeed! The only reason I have yet to upgrade to the GS3 is because I was waiting for LTE to cover more of the area. I live, work and play in the city proper and don't really get out to the burbs very often. I know the coverage is better out there for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which is because the rollout actually started out there first and then worked its way inward. But I have two friends with the GS3 who also live primarily in Midtown and they say the service is spotty still. So maybe that's the difference but I'm glad to hear that it's getting better with each passing day.
  17. I can't wait until the coverage is common in Atlanta, wall to wall in the way that 3G is today. I know I've read it a million times, but it bears repeating: because the initial LTE rollout is in the 1900mhz band, 4G LTE should be just as ubiquitous (sp??) as Sprint's current 3G coverage. Which, all in all is pretty decent despite what some people say. So I'm pleased....it's just that I don't understand why it's taking so very long (launched in mid-July as we all know) to complete in this market?
  18. Louisville is in the West Kentucky market. As per the latest NV sites complete map - which sponsors have access to - work likely has already begun.
  19. So I just learned a few days ago (from this very awesome web site right here) that a Wimax protection sites exists in my hometown of Lexington, Kentucky and that 4G coverage for that reason is alive and well there. And now I learn today that NV is underway to provide 4G LTE as well. How funny that they should get awesome 4G speeds before I do here in Atlanta. I know Atlanta has launched but, let me tell you, it's extremely spotty and still unavailable at my house. So, I guess...go, Lexington! lol
  20. Used a friend's GS3 last night on ATT and downloaded speedtest app on his device. Pulled down an astonishing (at least, to me) 54 mbps down. And this was in a very tightly packed Piedmont Park in Atlanta where many simultaneous connections were occuring on the same tower. Very impressive.
  21. Thoughts are irrelevant. P.S...you WILL be assimilated.
  22. ba ha ha ha ha ha! I think they'd argue they actually evented God, even before God dreamt up the concept of time. So take that!
  23. I think you hit the nail squarely on the head with that response. Enough said.
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