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Everything posted by JonnygATL

  1. Oh damn....I think you're right. Those bastards!! Jk....but I wonder if the 14 day return policy applies to tablets as well? Hmm..I'll call and find out.
  2. This tab was given to me by Sprint a few days ago when I bought my (awesome, kickass) Nexus 5. At first, I was stoked. I mean, hey, a "free" tablet! But I now see how terribly abysmal the screen resolution is. Just atrocious. It's going back ASAP!!
  3. Just bought the N5 today. Has it received the official Spark update yet?
  4. I've never owned an Apple device (aside from an ipod nano years ago) but I've never experienced that problem, no.
  5. As an S2 and S4 owner, I have grown weary of Touchwiz and its laggy nature. And also of plastic. I would love to play with the 2014 One when it comes out. I'm ready for a better built device and the S5 left me feeling fairly "meh."
  6. I still haven't received the OTA update. Did anyone get it OTA or did everyone just install the zip from an SD card? I don't understand why I can't get my phone to pull the update OTA.
  7. Yes I remember the "Sprint Speed" commercials back then when I was living in Cincinnati. It really was industry leading at the time and, yes, fast (relatively speaking).
  8. Whatever Robert and AJ suggest is likely spot on. In fact, it IS spot on. So consider their awesome information wisely. On another note, I was at a Sprint store in Buckhead last night here in Atlanta (had to get a replacement battery because my significant other decided it'd be fun to dunk my GS4 in beer at my birthday party on Friday night) and I had the chance to try out 3 spark enabled phones. All of them were connected to band 41 at the time even though Atlanta hasn't yet officially launched as a Spark market. The three phones were: the LG G Flex, the Samsung GS4T and the Samsung GS4 mini. All were pulling download speeds in excess of 42 mbps with the G Flex topping the list at over 49 mbps. I was BLOWN away. I got my new battery and fired up my GS4 (on only 1900 mhz) and was still impressed at around 9 mbps. That's more than enough for anything you're gonna do on a cell phone but to give you and idea of what can be...well, 40+ mbps is what can be! You've got a decision to make. Hopefully the info you've gleaned here as well as from the Sponsor maps will aid you in your decision making progress. Happy Wednesday!
  9. Great. Because Capitol Hill needs yet one more way in which to remain disconnected.
  10. Any particular issues related specifically to this market that you are aware of that may be hindering acceptances?
  11. I've not visited DC in quite some time but from sensorly and other evidence (some only anecdotal) it would seem that significantly more than the requisite 40% pops are already covered. I wonder what the hold up in an official Sprint acknowledgment might be. Interesting.
  12. I don't mean to be rude by saying this but I'm infinitely perplexed as to why you would even post this. Clearly the information you seek is precisely the incentive for non sponsors to become sponsors. That's like going to your teacher and saying "I need an A in this class because it's a pre requisite for my program but, hey, I don't wanna do any work for the A. is that cool?"
  13. Don't get it confused. There is no "choice" involved at all. That tablet was born that way.
  14. Yeah I was mortified and shocked to hear this. I wonder how likely this is to receive regulatory approval. I would have to imagine it facing substantial opposition.
  15. Someone should find a way to annihilate the words "selfie" and "hashtag." #feelinghomicidal
  16. Now that the Sprint HTC One has received its 4.4 update to Kit Kat...anyone know when we single band S4 owners can expect it? I was thinking that in order to not diminish the S5's appeal at its unveling later this month, Samsung may decide to wait to give the S4 4.4 until after the S5 is publicly available in March or April. I dunno..just a thought. Anyone heard anything?
  17. This is awful but something we all need to remember does happen. It's an exceedingly dangerous job and sometimes we're guilty of taking our generally reliable wireless connections for granted. So as we sit in the park playing Candy Crush Saga we should also remember the sacrifices it took to even enable the modern world in which we all live. Thanks for posting.
  18. I thought I saw something like this toward the very beginning of the NV 1.0 rollout. That is to say I'm about positive I saw a map showing the hypothetical 800mhz (presumably voice) coverage post rollout. Does anyone have a link to this map? AJ, Robert..anyone? Or am I just imagining things?
  19. I apologize in advance if this is a silly question but I've always wondered. ..what, exactly, IS a "profile update"?
  20. I should clarify. When I said "done," I only meant LTE at 1.9 ghz. 800 voice, 800 LTE and certainly 2.6 ghz LTE are nowhere near done here.
  21. Yes. Please limit the bugs this summer. Last summer's incessant rains and mild temps only provided the best possible environment for bugs to breed and thrive in. Here's hoping this winter's multitude of hard freezes only serves to hamper their reproduction!!!
  22. I never got it. Probably because Atlanta is largely done?
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