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Everything posted by JonnygATL

  1. Awfully quiet in here lately. .....does that mean everyone in Lexington is now enjoying fantastic Sprint 1.9 Ghz LTE??
  2. That's because Sprint owns them. This is old news. You're just now hearing about this?
  3. Dude..seriously. .you're complaining?? Unbelievable.
  4. Well glad you made it out safely without any gunfire exchange or anything like that. If chasing cell phone towers proves too dangerous a hobby, I suppose you could always become a CIA spy or something like that, seeing as you've already done some of the legwork. ; 0 )
  5. Wait, wait, wait - they CALLED THE FRACKING POLICE???? Um...what for? To report that you were photographing the alien landing site? What were these people thinking? And what came of the situation? I'm unbelievably curious. Do tell!! This is rich!! P.S...anyone getting LTE near Clays Mill and Man O' War yet on the South Side? Sensorly shows a small blip near there but it's of course entirely possible that coverage is more widespread there than has yet been mapped. I grew up there and would love to know! Thanks!
  6. I think the average tower reaches approximately 797.624 miles. But, again, this is just an estimate. ; o )
  7. I think they're blanketing Mars with 1.9 ghz LTE. Network Vision 3.0. Get into it.
  8. This makes me smile! So I'm assuming that clearwire was pretty far along in Denver pre Sprint buyout? Is that the reason why or is it something else? It's clearly a plus either way.
  9. I grew up in Wyndham Downs (Clays Mill Extended just outside Man O' War Blvd). That's where my mom still lives. Service there on Sprint is notoriously difficult due to its location between several towers...rather in the middle of a Sprint Service Bermuda triangle. I imagine LTE on 800 mhz should help this by early next year. Hopefully inside of Q1. However, my original GS4 (assuming they are really making a tri band version by the holidays) is only 1900 mhz capable. So..band 25 only. But, even still, I'd love to see the coverage improve for those still living in the neighborhood who are still on Sprint!
  10. Ha ha, yes, then come to Atlanta! Can I pay you in fried chicken and/or waffles?? But, seriously, if I'm connected to 800 and running signal check (lite), then my screen should display the signal strength on line #1 for "1x800" instead of "1xRTT," right? Because right now it's showing "1xRTT." To be clear, if I'm connecting to 800 then signal check (even this lite version I'm running) would tell me, correct?
  11. Whoa. That was a jumbled statement(s?) if ever there were one. But I think that, after sifting through the verbal wreckage, I was able to catch your drift.
  12. I'm fully aware of that. I think you totally missed my point.
  13. Here is some irony for ya. I live in Atlanta. I waited one full year after LTE deployment began to get an LTE phone just so that I'd have a reasonably consistent experience. It works fine but my old GS2 on wimax - where it could get it (let's be clear here) - pulled consistently higher speeds toward the end (as compared to what I get on LTE). Much higher, in fact. But, I recently moved to another area of the city and I can hardly get a Sprint signal here at all. My roommate has a Clear spot for wifi here...and now, guess what? I'm back on the wimax network for data here at the house (wifi)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL. I guess I've come full circle!
  14. JonnygATL

    gs4 OTA

    It has yet to show up on my Sprint Galaxy S4. I even tried to force it manually. So far, crickets.
  15. Yeah the Fourth holiday slowed down progress all across the nation. I wouldn't fret though..I'm sure this week will bring lots of new updates, especially now that the Noah's Ark flood of 2013 seems to have finally loosened its death grip on the Southern Tier.
  16. ^ what he said. Also, regarding "penetration," I recommend a particulary slick and long lasting personal lubricant.
  17. PRECISELY what I was thinking. The top of Mount Everest sits around 28,000 feet or better. Base camp is just above 17,000 ft...which would more closely correspond to the 5,200 meter elevation provided. I mean, seriously....we need to get with the SI program in America. The last absurd holdout. LOL. Go figure.
  18. No words. I swear sometimes I think there is no hope for humanity.
  19. Sometimes yes, sometimes now. This just means that inspectors from Sprint have approved Ericsson's work. It may or may not be currently live. It likely is or will be very soon...but sometimes they can sit for several days or even weeks before broadcasting LTE. Maybe someone should drive by with sensorly on and get to mapping some purple in the Bluegrass!
  20. Once you're approved as a sponsor, just got to the Sponsors Forum and search for interactive maps. It's under Network Vision Sites Complete Map. Again, you'll have to be approved as a sponsor to view it. Since you say you've already donated, it shouldn't be long before you're approved and ready to delve deeper into the site!
  21. Well it still has to go through FCC approval, of course. But I don't imagine there should be any issues there. But, still, saying it's "official" that Softbank will acquire Sprint is inaccurate. The shareholders may have approved it, but we still must have FCC approval (even if it's likely it has not happened yet).
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