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Everything posted by BenChase7

  1. Wow! Plus, that Verizon logo off to the side of the ear piece looks totally out of place. Almost as if someone rigged it up after the fact. Silly... but, kinda funny, really!
  2. Use the drop down box. Sensory certainly does differentiate. For Sprint, there is a WiMax map and a 4G (LTE) map. Two separate things, two separate maps.
  3. True on the GS2 but, that was quite a while ago now. I think the days of devices that vary from carrier to carrier are far and few between, if not, they are already gone--especially with any flagship device.
  4. This is the first official hi-res shot I've seen of the G2. Pretty nice looking! http://phandroid.com/2013/08/06/lg-g2-leak-high-res-press-shot/
  5. Señor Hesse picked up a cool 1.73 million Sprint shares today (although, not fully vested, yet). He now owns over 7.51 million Sprint shares. http://www.conferencecalltranscripts.org/summary/?id=317287
  6. I don't know if you guys remember but, several months ago, there was a law suit against Sprint for supposedly not paying/charging proper sales tax in NY. Well, the SEC recently closed that investigation without action. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324653004578649840947638854.html (Sorry if this has already been posted!)
  7. It was meant to be a sarcastic remark; sarcasm doesn't show well in text form. Sorry if it came off offensive.
  8. I hear that! Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if it is a $300 (or maybe $250) device with an eligible upgrade, though. I just say this because that was the price of the Note II when it was released and, this device is pushing its way into that category. Not to mention, all that the tri-band LTE entails isn't going to make it any cheaper. Although, Sprints tri-band LTE HotSpots didn't seem to get a bump in price. So, who knows?
  9. Isn't it a shame the general public is mostly composed of idiots?
  10. That's a lot of RRU's!! I thought I read here at S4GRU that there were several Sprint sites in which the supporting structure could not support RRU's mounted behind the panels (due to the additional weight and, drag produced in heavy winds). As a result, these select Sprint sites were forced to ground mount the RRU's. I would think with the 18 RRU's per site this technology requires, more of these type of problems would result.
  11. Welcome to S4GRU! Glad you joined! I've got 2 upgrades to burn at the moment and, like you, I'm waiting for tri-band phones--the LG G2.
  12. I've got the same problem. I picked up some cheap, generic car charger on a Groupon deal and my phone barely maintains a charge level with the charger connected. No more generic chargers for me!
  13. What a bunch of crap, man. Sorry to hear that.
  14. Just mention you found some amazing fried chicken joint out there and how its the best the world has seen and, Robert will likely be on the next flight out east, with Sprints new Netgear Hotspot in tote.
  15. You guys may want to reference this site/thread in your e-mails to WireFly. 1) So they can see all the people they have let down. 2) I have seen WireFly active in other forums and, I'd be curious to hear what they have to say about this in public. Given the device is only 50 bucks from Sprint, I will likely be making my purchase directly from Sprint. No point in letting WireFly get their activation bonus from Sprint if this is how they're going to treat customers. Cutting out the middle man usually means cheaper prices anyway, even if in the long run. Just a thought!
  16. I used to use Google Wallet all the time on my EVO, I really liked it. But, I haven't been able to get it on my Optiums G. Is it not in the app store? Does the Optumus G not support it? Does anyone know how I can get it? Thanks!
  17. I agree completely but, in regards to customers upgrading because the phone has triband capability, I just don't know if the average customer will even realize this. Do you think that Sprint will somehow advertise that the triband phones are capable of better signal strength (via 800 LTE) and faster data speeds (via 2600 LTE)? They didn't really seem to make this known on the MiFi500, at least that I saw. But, back to the LG G2, I've been using the G for a while now. Its a great phone... Great screen, very fast, great signal performer and good battery life. Not to mention great build quality and aesthetically pleasing. I used to be an HTC fan and I really do like the HTC One but, after using multiple flagship Samsung, HTC and, now, an LG smartphones, I will likely be an early adopter of this LG G2.
  18. Awesome info... This is exciting news! Thanks, Robert! Edit: I think Sprint owe's you (another) Thank You, as you probably just added another Netgear TriBand LTE Hotspot to their sales tally.
  19. Well, If that don't light a fire under their ass, nothin' will!
  20. HAHA! No kidding! In comparison to other markets, its it safe to say that AZ has had the most accepted sites without seeing any LTE?
  21. You have multiple PC's and other handheld devices connected to a HotSpot and you're wondering how you went through 6GB's of data in a week? I'm surprised you're not burning that every day. I realize you may not have cable/DSL at your home but, a wireless HotSpot should not be your solution.
  22. These types of panels are becoming very popular in Phx. My parents had several of them installed last year on their house. They haven't had a power bill over $9 (yes, nine dollars) since. And, that's on a 6000+ sq ft house with 3 5-ton air-conditioners set at 75 in the brutal Phoenix summer heat!
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