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Everything posted by BenChase7

  1. You're right, a lot has changed. It will take a little research to get up to speed. You've come to the right place to figure it all out. That being said, If I could give you one bit of advice, I'd say, Make sure you get a tri-band LTE phone. With this single factor, at least your phone will be be able to take full advantage of Sprints new network (Network Vision). These phones will likely be hitting the store shelves next month. Right now you're looking at the LG G2 and Samsung Galaxy Mega. Others to follow.
  2. Good Idea, That would be sweet. But, I don't think Sprints computer systems will allow them to be activated (thus, sold) until the release date. At least I could have sworn I heard something like this with a previous big ticket item launch. Still, worth a try!
  3. Hey, Robert, I really appreciate all you have done, and continue to do here at S4GRU. It's amazing to see how far this community has come and, I'm honored to be a (small) part of it. You've produced the best online community I've ever seen, along with our fine group of moderators, contributors, and experts; and, for that, I thank you! Like others have mentioned, I will be sad to see you leave Sprint as your primary cellular provider but, not like you really have a choice. I wish you the best of luck with your new endeavors (not that you'll really need it) and, safe travels to you and your family. I wish you all the best with your new home! -Ben
  4. I'm sure there will be exceptions, but, essentially, the entire Sprint network will receive LTE. Approx 99.9% of Sprints sites are in the process of getting LTE. So, only on rare (if ever) occasions will you see 3G on a LTE device. If there are any gaps in LTE coverage, The 800mhz LTE spectrum that Sprint should start deploying in Phx late 2013/early 2014 will solve that problem. Edit: Just keep in mind, you'll need one of the soon-to-be-released devices (such as the LG G2) which are capable of 800LTE if you want to be able to take advantage of that.
  5. And, I'd imagine, that's just scratching the surface.
  6. Yup, nature of the beast. I guess another option would be for Sprint to block all LTE sites until each market has x amount of LTE coverage. I'll gladly take the method they are using now, though! Edit: Also, I don't think the "if," in regards to whether we get blanket LTE coverage, is really necessary.
  7. Hate to say it but, regardless of what processor any device phone comes with, in today's cell phone industry, your device is almost guaranteed to be a dinosaur in 2 years.
  8. Like 4ginnc, occasionally, I am not notified of new posts to threads I am following. I've noticed this for probably about a month now. Yes, all of my notifications are on. Not really a big deal, but it is a nice feature to have working.
  9. Thanks for posting that! Wow! That screen even looks amazing on a YouTube Video. Coming from the MoPho 4G, you'll really be impressed, I know, as I once had the MoPho myself. I've been really impressed with the screen on my LGOG, its very crisp. But this LG G2 is going to be even better from the looks and sounds of it. Looking forward to this thing!
  10. I really have no issue with the Snapdragon 600. I think it will more than suffice. At this point in NV, I think tri-band is a requirement for all my phones, though.
  11. Sweet. Thanks for the info, man. I was just thinking how sometimes it would be nice to have a real fine point like that found on the s-pen.
  12. Do you know of any aftermarket styli that work well? Or, if the Samsung s-pen will work on this, or say, the Mega?
  13. Correct, CDMA 800 (for voice/text), nor LTE 800, have yet launched in PHX. That is what you need for better coverage and in-building signal. They are both coming in the very near future, though. So, as ericabbs has said, I agree, it's best to get a (soon to be released) tri-band phone as your next device. LG G2, Nexus, and Samsung Galaxy Mega are all tri-band and due out anytime.
  14. I know how that goes. Pretty sure Robert is giving 25 bucks off for the next week. I'll try to find the link.
  15. You should take S4GRU's discounted Premier Sponsorship deal up and see what is up and coming in the Premier Sponsor Threads. Its actually quite impressive.
  16. Nice! I need it in hand by the 27th for my mothers Birthday gift! Hope ours makes it in time!
  17. Can't you just pop a 64GB (possibly more) memory card in there?
  18. I hear that form of pay is reserved for the CEO.
  19. If you have the knowledge and skillset, I hear you can make a lucrative career as a moderator or Contributing Author at S4GRU.com.
  20. You should check out the update in the Premier Sponsor thread, it will make you a happy man.
  21. I'm with you! I got 2 upgrades to burn now. One will most likely go to the Mega over the Note3 due to tri-band LTE, The other will either go to the LG G2 or LG Nexus 5. I'm pretty excited about how this has turned out, actually!
  22. Not to mention how widespread the 2500LTE rollout is already, and how fast it is currently being deployed.
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