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Everything posted by BenChase7

  1. The following link shows a zoomed in photo of apples Retina display and the display on the HTC Butterfly. http://www.theverge....-phone-in-japan Damn, this thing is even waterproof. I'd love to see Sprint pick this thing up. Call it the EVO XL, or something.
  2. BenChase7

    LG Optimus G

    I thought those 2 links I posted are the Butterfly.
  3. BenChase7

    LG Optimus G

    Agreed. Whata you think of this beast? http://www.theverge....-phone-in-japan http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/48020/htc-j-butterfly-5-inch-android-phone
  4. No kidding! Now, try viewing those on an iPhone screen! It'd be sweet if they use the new format on this page for their coverage maps, too. Like I think Rickie is saying, It would be really nice to see them overlay the coverage right on here!
  5. The "top comment" is also pretty funny, guy posted, "After watching that, I think we can all agree the iPhone 5 sucks." I don't know why, but I found that pretty funny.
  6. I'd like to see them roll S4GRU into the acquisition thus, giving all Contributing Authors, Premier Sponsors, and Sponsors a sizable return on their investment. Furthermore, Robert should be given significantly discounted stock options, in addition, for his continued effort to inform the loyal Sprint community about the network upgrades.
  7. Funny this comes up right after the Sprint-Softbank deal. Sprint got the bigger Sugar Daddy? ..and somebody's jealous?
  8. What device are you comparing the Evo Design and Shift to? Perhaps it has better radios...
  9. I know this does not answer your question specifically, and this is an old video by S4GRU standards, but it does give a good idea of what goes on at a Network Vision Site.
  10. ^^ No, Sir, Thank You!
  11. LMFAO! Cristina can be a Firecracker. lol But really, Her house is in a little "black hole" out in Goodyear, AZ. Service is good there for the most part, but her house is equidistant between 2 or 3 towers and and service can cut in and out. It can certainly be frustrating there at times.
  12. Well said... I've had the same experiences.. I took a brief stint with Verizon a while back and found that the grass is not always greener on the other side. Also, I was at the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert in San Francisco just last month with my friends Verizon device (iPhone) and it could could not even send a text message... However, my Sprint phone (EVO LTE) would text just fine.
  13. I've been with Sprint since 1999, my first cell phone, as long as Network Vision continues how it is, I won't be going anywhere. Sprint has always treated me well. I've got 3 lines now.
  14. 4 inch screen.. probably not a bad option. But, does this mean the iPhone 5 with its "big" screen should really be called the iPhone Mini?
  15. I'll bet you'll officially hear about the next Nexus from Google first, not a carrier.
  16. Sprint announces 4 new LTE devices on the way "this fall." Bold 4G LTE Lineup from Sprint Gains Four New Powerhouse Devices "These four new 4G LTE additions will be available this fall and will provide customers powerful devices that fit their lifestyles: -Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 is the first tablet to combine the benefits of Sprint 3G and 4G LTE with a vivid 10.1-inch touchscreen display, Android 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich and a 1.5GHz dual-core processor. -LG Optimus G features an advanced 13-megapixel rear-facing camera, making it a dream device for photo lovers who are ready to leave their point-and-shoot at home and just carry their smartphone. -LG Mach makes 4G LTE accessible as an inexpensive yet sleek smartphone with a full QWERTY keyboard and Sprint ID. -Sprint Plug-in-Connect Tri-Mode USB brings Sprint 3G/4G/4G LTE directly to a laptop through a USB connection." No exact dates.. says "this fall."
  17. I didn't know Pahrump was the location of brothels... I guess that explains the "rump" in Pahrump. I learn something new here every day... even if its not NV related. lol
  18. Really? A limit of 8 devices annoys you?
  19. At this time, the Airave supports only voice and data on 3G. But, my counter-question is, wouldn't your best bet at home be to use WiFi for data, regardless if 1/2/3/4G is available?
  20. This is about the only pro I've seen to the iPhone in a while. http://www.openacase.com/
  21. Well, If HTC cannot get the LTE issues figured out via an OTA software update, I hope Sprint does bring an EVO LTE+. It will be easy to pawn off the EVO LTE to someone on craigslist anyway... Kinda like this:
  22. When you went in, where they all whispering, "Oh my gosh, is that him? Did the guy who runs S4GU.com really just walk in here?" On a serious note, Thanks for the update and Nice data speeds!
  23. This is really good news, IMO. It tells me that even though one market may fall behind, other markets can move ahead, which is a very good sign!
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