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Everything posted by BenChase7

  1. Yes, We do! I could not believe the deployment that Sprint has already completed on Band 41. This makes tri-band even more of a necessity.
  2. Not exactly sure for Phx but, many markets will start seeing it this year.
  3. If you read through some of the other threads, you'll see how much 800mhz has improved coverage and in-building signal performance. 800mhz is just now available because as a result of Sprint shutting down Nextel (which used 800mhz) over the summer allows them to use 800mhz on the Sprint network.
  4. Sprint uses 1900 for 1x, EVDO, and, now, LTE in the PHX market. There are a couple 2600 WiMax protection sites in the valley, though. Before long, Sprint will also start deploying LTE on 800 and 2500/2600 as well.
  5. Same thing kind of happened to me. I upgraded to the EVO LTE last year but, it quit working due to water damage and my own carelessness. I picked up a LG Optimus G on craigslist thinking, this will at least tie me over till my next upgrade. Turns out the Optimus G was actually an upgrade. Total blessing in disguise! This phone is really underrated in my opinion. I wouldn't trade it for anything, untill tri-band comes out. Due to how impressed I've been with the LGOG since I stumbled across it, I'll definately be getting the LG G2 on release day.
  6. Spreadsheet looks great, Dave! Thanks! Now, I just need a bigger monitor to view it on!
  7. Even though the Galaxy Mini recently passed through the FCC with tri-band LTE, you still think the Note 3 will not support tri-band LTE?
  8. Damn right its interesting to keep up with.. and a lot to keep up with! Thank God we have S4GRU to keep us up to date. I went back to another forum I used to frequent (Sprint section of AndroidForums) and, damn, most of the people there just have no clue what they're talking about.
  9. Maybe, check the Sensorly App settings and make sure there is not an upload restriction preventing your measurements from showing on the maps (such as, only report to server over WiFi). Other than that, I don't know. Sorry.
  10. Your profile says you're using an iPhone, is this true? If so, you cannot map and that is why you haven't seen your "mapping" on Sensorly. This is not a Sensorly or Boost/Sprint issue, it is due to Apple. Apple places cumbersome restrictions on their devices which limit many features, such as this.
  11. Probably no need for Sprint to blackout employee vacation dates just for the iPhone anymore, is there?
  12. Its starting to pop up all over. Check the S4GRU Network Vision Site Acceptance Report Updates thread and Sensorly.com for updates (and download and use the Sensorly Android App). S4GRU: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/3913-network-vision-site-acceptance-report-updates/page-3&do=findComment&comment=197915 Sensorly: http://sensorly.com/map/4G/US/USA/Sprint/lte_310sprint
  13. Or, Atari Jaguar. If you ask me if I still have mine, I'll plead the 5th.
  14. I haven't owned those two, but I hear they are much better. FWIW, My LG Optimus G does quite well, and it can be found for a very good price on Craigslist, if you're just looking to tie yourself over until Sprint's tri-band LTE devices are released.
  15. I cannot speak first hand, as I never used the EVO LTE in an LTE market, but the reviews here regarding its 4G LTE performance were quite poor.
  16. I really liked that phone but, unfortunately, it never did well in the radio department.
  17. The new HTC One has a 2300 mah battery as well, and it has a pretty darn good battery life, from what I hear. So, if this Nexus has a 2300 mah battery, can it not do well with battery life, too? Edit: The Moto X has an even smaller battery and, it faired well with battery life reviews, too.
  18. Is there a particular time of year that Google releases their Nexus phones? Novemberish? Or, does it vary widely year to year?
  19. Couldn't agree more with you on that. I'm at a loss for words for these kind of people. I think they have nobody to blame but themselves at that point. Then again, some were just born to complain.
  20. I think you will be surprised and find that the pure Google experience found in Nexus devices will make that 2300 battery feel a lot bigger than it appears, as it will not have bloat and skins bogging it down. Software, in many cases, outweighs hardware.
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