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Everything posted by BenChase7

  1. Josh, Maybe update the Sprint Flash from "unreleased," to "released." http://shop.sprint.com/mysprint/shop/phone_details.jsp;jsessionid=DFDFA8AE8ABC48B5EFD9796D950B4B72.shop19?prodId=dvc6740002prd&deviceSKUId=67400084&flow=AAL&planSKUId=&ptn=&tabId=dt_phones
  2. I don't really think its that big of a deal. S4GRU has mentioned that it will take at least a couple years before Sprint's Network Vision hits capacity in most markets, so the timing will workout great!
  3. AJ, your articles are always clear, to the point, well written, and, not to mention, they add so much to S4GRU. Thank You.
  4. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-317-lg-eclipse-4g-casts-an-early-shadow/
  5. Its a lot faster than what you stated. 20 to 40 towers a week in a single market, like they've been doing in SF, is pretty good. You'll have to become a sponsor for more info.
  6. Umm, Multiple towers go live in SF every week. S4GRU reported 21 tower upgrades last week, 21 the week before that, 37 the week before that, and....... If you want to know more and the exact location of each tower, become a S4GRU sponsor: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-information-about-s4gru-sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-sponsor/
  7. Yea, I started getting it in Phx couple days ago
  8. The last thing I want to do is combine Whisky and Photographs
  9. Something else to add to your list? http://phandroid.com/2012/11/02/zte-flash-sprint-november-release/
  10. Check this out: http://s4gru.com/ind...s-404-official/
  11. Rarely, if ever, do I have text message delays. I'm an avid "texter," often sending/receiving 3000+ texts a month, and they always work great on Sprint. Unless you consider 30 to 45 seconds a "delay."
  12. Naaa, that's something Motorola would do! (Think back to the Photon)
  13. I know some are hesitant on LG products b/c of their poor OS upgrade history, at least that's what I seem to see while reading comments in the LG Optimus G threads (which is available for pre-order at Sprint now, btw). But, I cant help but wonder if LG's new relationship with Google/Nexus will give them a boost with future OS upgrade performance across all their phone models.
  14. Ever notice how "Robert" and "Robot" both start with "Rob?" Coincidence? I'm starting to wonder.
  15. If you think this is cool, just wait for the annual S4GRU convention. Last I heard, Robert is renting out Necker Island for us all, where we will also get unlimited rides on the Necker Nymph.
  16. If the percentage of completed sites is not listed, it is safe to assume LTE and Network Vision deployment has not begun in that market, or, if it has, it is in its infancy.
  17. same guy has a base band rack... you're getting closer to all those "things." ;-) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Alcatel-Lucent-9926-BBU-V2-eCEM-U-Base-Band-Unit-Rackmount-48V-DC-BTS-3G-4G-/290800159586?pt=Other_Telecom_Equipment&hash=item43b50a4b62
  18. I think the 1GB for 15 bucks is a pretty good deal!
  19. I think I'm going to get this bad boy for my mom and/or dad for Christmas. I'm tired of watching them struggle to see the tiny 4" screen on their Nexus S 4G. (And to think, 4" is considered "big" to iPhone users. lol) Damn Presbyopia!!
  20. Nice layout, Josh! It looks like Sprint has already met their "quota," anything else is just a bonus. I would like to see a Nexus device as that bonus.
  21. Not on the new tower I checked out in Phx. I would imagine its different in active NV deployment markets though. ?
  22. I agree, although another thing that really went downhill for HTC is their marketing/advertising. In a lot of cases, marketing is more important to success than the actual product you sell because, most people don't even know what the hell they're buying these days anyway. I'm sure you can think of a good example of this if you try.
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