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Everything posted by BenChase7

  1. LOL! No, definitely not case here. I just have a few hobbies, and make cuts in other parts of my budget to support those hobbies. Gotta keep my sanity somehow, and that's how I do it. In all seriousness though, 350 for that phone is such a good deal, especially considering some of the phones are going for well north of that on contract. It's perfect for someone far from an upgrade that needs/wants a new device, and that was the point I was trying to make.
  2. If the Sprint's Nexus 5 is available through the Play Store, waiting for upgrades will be a thing of the past, for most folks. Cant beat that price, especially for a high end tri-band phone. If its available from the Play Store, I plan on getting one along with my G2 just for fun.
  3. If the Sprint Nexus 5 is sold through the Play Store at Google's prices, I plan to have 2 out of the 3. G2 and Nexus 5 for me!
  4. I wonder if they will do the same thing with the Note 3.
  5. VZW is the worst with that. Sprint typically is the best about not tattooing their phones with logo's. My Sprint LG Optimus G has no carrier branding on the hardware at all.
  6. Dear God, Please let this device be sold for Sprint via the Play Store for $349. That would be the best news since NV. Amen.
  7. Does the HTC One Max make this phone obsolete? I guess it depends on pricing (IMO). I'm gonna get one of the two (to go along with my LG G2).. I know that much.
  8. The Diztronic cases are Awesome. They're the only case I've used for my last 4 phones and have had nothing but good luck. Not to mention, They're a steal. Even If you don't think the case is for you, I'd still say give it a shot, at nine bucks, you can't go wrong. You can get them cheaper on Amazon sometimes, too. http://tpu-cases.com/ Below is good little video that lured me in and, I haven't looked back. But we should pry find another thread for "Case Talk."
  9. Post one of this thread: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4366-lg-d820-google-nexus-5/&do=findComment&comment=180536
  10. In the past, Sprint has been successful in delivering their pre-orders a few days before 3rd party sales.
  11. You haven't seen Back to the Future? http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=jiggawatt
  12. No, absolutely not. I will not be satisfied until jWh is used. (jiggawatt-hour)
  13. As dirt cheap as the Nexus devices go for, I think it would be silly and a complete waste to burn and upgrade on it. I'm hoping its available for Sprint via Google Play for the typical Nexus phone price. Then, I can pick up another device with my upgrade (or, just save it for a rainy day).
  14. Ok, not many things make me really laugh out loud when I'm reading posts online but, this cracked me up! Funny stuff! And good question.
  15. I hear what you're saying, as I won't buy a non-triband phone at this point. But there has to transition period at some point... This is just where the line so happened to be drawn.
  16. BenChase7

    LG Optimus G

    I just got a 90+MB system update on my LG Optimus G. Anyone know what it is?
  17. I was getting over 19mbps DL's at St. Josheph's hospital this morning (3rd and Thomas). My LTE signal was -98. One thing many forget to take into account is the signal strength when they're complaining about the speeds. There's a very good chance you are pulling from a distant tower and and as the network becomes more dense, signal gets stronger, speeds get faster. Someone posting one speed test really means nothing if they don't consider other factors such as signal strength.
  18. I couldn't agree more on this part. His reviews have always been my go-to for the last few years now. I find them to be the least bias, and most thorough. Which, got me thinking, where did this guy come from? So I read the "about" page on his website. Pretty cool!
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