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In the change log, you mention this:  Added feature to add current location to a site note.  I just now found it, having thought it meant something else.  But my first attempt at using it, sitting here in my office at work, said "Location unavailable!" even though I have GPS coordinates shown at the top of my screen.  (The GPS is not currently locked, however, since I'm indoors.)  Not sure there's a bug here, but wanted to point it out.


Hmm, I'm having the same issue today. It worked last night. It looks like something is wrong with Google's geocoding server because I can't get BSLs to geocode either. I'm not seeing anything on Twitter but I'm not sure where else to look, it's always been a bit of a mysterious service. Android claims no ownership of it, but there are methods built into the OS to use it. And there aren't (weren't?) many free reliable alternatives; I haven't looked in awhile because it's been reliable.



Are you still wanting diagnostic reports while on CA? I doubt I can provide anything useful anyways, as I'm using a Samsung S7


Nah, I haven't seen any evidence that my educated guess on what would work is implemented in Android N or O. I left my code in place though, so if my hunch does pan out, you'll see 2xCA (or 3xCA etc) next to the LTE header on the main screen. What I tried to catch is multiple cells reporting isRegistered() == true. Haven't seen any examples of that actually happening though.



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I've been playing with the geocoder and figured out that Google's service is responding, but the format of the responses has changed slightly without warning. It's just enough to derail things on my end. I'll make some adjustments and push out an update shortly. In the meantime, you will see mixed results, depending on the formatting of the particular address.



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Mike, not sure if this has been reported, but there is an issue when using the latest beta, as well as the latest production versions. If the app is installed on an S8 or S8+, and used with Samsung DeX, there is a persistent notification which keeps popping up. I think it has to do with how the status bar icon notification is managed. 


Have you seen that?

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Drove to Seattle the other night and saw several Sprint B41 TB's pop up on the display. Didn't have time to investigate as I had a deadline. First time I have noticed them before. Look forward to checking to see if these were Triband antennas or 4th carrier.


Hopefully I can get back soon to check out. Going to the Mariners game Friday. Will try my car companions patience with a detour or two. :)


Loving the SCP updates. Wireless nerd gold!



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Mike, not sure if this has been reported, but there is an issue when using the latest beta, as well as the latest production versions. If the app is installed on an S8 or S8+, and used with Samsung DeX, there is a persistent notification which keeps popping up. I think it has to do with how the status bar icon notification is managed. 


Have you seen that?


No, first I am hearing of it.. could you elaborate? I'm not too familiar with DeX.


(And just to be sure, you're not referring to the SCP Alert notification that pops up when an Alert from the app goes off, correct? That is very annoying but Android won't let me broadcast Alerts the way I have been doing it without a visual indicator to the user. Just one of many reasons I am overhauling the Alert routines very soon.)



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No, first I am hearing of it.. could you elaborate? I'm not too familiar with DeX.


(And just to be sure, you're not referring to the SCP Alert notification that pops up when an Alert from the app goes off, correct? That is very annoying but Android won't let me broadcast Alerts the way I have been doing it without a visual indicator to the user. Just one of many reasons I am overhauling the Alert routines very soon.)




Sure, I'll send you screenshots.


I use SCP daily on my devices, and one of the main features I enjoy is the status bar icon. When using an S8 & S8+ with DeX, there is a persistent notification which appears as it appears the status bar information is being updated. It appears every few seconds as a notification, and the only way to disable is to disable notifications, which also removes the status bar icons when not docked in DeX.


Samsung DeX Info: http://www.samsung.com/us/dex

Developer Info: http://developer.samsung.com/samsung-dex

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Please see attached screenshot.


The box circled in the lower right is the notification which appears every 8-10 seconds.


Ah, I understand now.. every time the notification is updated, DeX pops it up. I was not able to find anything online about configuring notifications a certain way to change how DeX handles it, so I sent their developer team an e-mail. I haven't had very good luck with them, but I don't really have a better option. Does enabling that "Show silently" option change anything?



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Ah, I understand now.. every time the notification is updated, DeX pops it up. I was not able to find anything online about configuring notifications a certain way to change how DeX handles it, so I sent their developer team an e-mail. I haven't had very good luck with them, but I don't really have a better option. Does enabling that "Show silently" option change anything?




Unfortunately not, even with a show silently option it does not stop the pop up. The only way to do so is to disable the notification completely.


I love the app, so I disable and enable once I'm out of DeX mode.

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Unfortunately not, even with a show silently option it does not stop the pop up. The only way to do so is to disable the notification completely.


I love the app, so I disable and enable once I'm out of DeX mode.


That's annoying. Maybe they can at least tell me how to recognize when DeX mode is active so I can automate that for you. We'll see..



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That's annoying. Maybe they can at least tell me how to recognize when DeX mode is active so I can automate that for you. We'll see..




There has to be a specific API call because the device goes into a different mode when its docked in. Not that I would ever suggest a complete rebuild of the app or something :)




Here is some good info on the site:


Detect DeX Mode

When the display mode is changed from mobile mode to Samsung DeX, its configuration is changed. Use the below system configurations to detect Samsung DeX mode.

  • UI mode : desk
  • Screen layout : xlarge
  • UI mode : desk
  • Density : mdpi
  • Resolution : FHD
  • Orientation: portrait -> landscape

This code snippet shows how to Query the current status of DeX (for 3rd party apps)

import android.content.res.Configuration;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.Class;

Configuration config = getResources().getConfiguration();
      try {
          Class configClass = config.getClass();
          == configClass.getField("semDesktopModeEnabled").getInt(config)) {

          // Samsung DeX mode enabled
      } catch(NoSuchFieldException e) {
      } catch(IllegalAccessException e) {
      } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) {
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While you're doing updates, if you have any time can you take a look at the intents you added for me for Tasker? They never quite worked right, so I've still been using my root method to edit SCP's config file each time and force kill it.


If I remember correctly you have intents to enable and disable logging and location, and something else? Ideally I'd like one to enable/disable the background service, and one to gracefully exit. I keep the background service off unless I'm driving/traveling, so having these two would make it easier to automate.


Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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There has to be a specific API call because the device goes into a different mode when its docked in. Not that I would ever suggest a complete rebuild of the app or something :)




This code snippet shows how to Query the current status of DeX (for 3rd party apps)


How did I not see that?! That should be plenty to help me at least create an option to stop the notifications while DeX is going. I'll get that added; send me a PM with your Google Play e-mail address so I can set up some one-on-one testing.



While you're doing updates, if you have any time can you take a look at the intents you added for me for Tasker? They never quite worked right, so I've still been using my root method to edit SCP's config file each time and force kill it.


If I remember correctly you have intents to enable and disable logging and location, and something else? Ideally I'd like one to enable/disable the background service, and one to gracefully exit. I keep the background service off unless I'm driving/traveling, so having these two would make it easier to automate.


I don't use Tasker and rarely get any feedback on it (besides from you), so it slipped through the cracks.. my bad! I went back and found what I wrote up (and poorly publicized) about them:


Using a broadcast intent, toggle SignalCheck services by using the intent "com.blueline.signalcheck.SetServices" along with the following Extras:


BackgroundService:true (enables Background Service)

BackgroundService:false (disables Background Service)

LocationService:true (enables Location Service)

LocationService:false (disables Location Service)

SiteLogger:true (enables Site Logger)

SiteLogger:false (disables Site Logger)


Note: If any Extra is omitted, it will be reset to false -- so you must include all 3 services if you want them to remain enabled.


Is that what you were trying? If so, I'll go back through the code and figure out what broke. I remember having a heck of a time trying to get a shutdown intent to work, so I'll see what I can do about that. I'll also try to figure out how to prevent it from resetting services to false if they are not specifically included.



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I don't use Tasker and rarely get any feedback on it (besides from you), so it slipped through the cracks.. my bad! I went back and found what I wrote up (and poorly publicized) about them:



Is that what you were trying? If so, I'll go back through the code and figure out what broke. I remember having a heck of a time trying to get a shutdown intent to work, so I'll see what I can do about that. I'll also try to figure out how to prevent it from resetting services to false if they are not specifically included.



Actually I just tried using them and it seems to work now! Maybe there was some other reason I had to stop using them... I had the tasks built, but had commented out using the intents in favor of using the manual root method, so there must have been a reason... I'll switch back and see if I can figure out what it is. I'm trying to reduce my reliance on needing root for things, and this is a step in the right direction.


Too bad there's not a way that I'm aware of to query the current status of the Background Service option without root (necessary for a simple toggle switch). You could probably respond with an intent upon receiving a query intent http://tasker.dinglisch.net/userguide/en/intents.html though I know that's probably a lot of work for a feature few would use.


If I wrote the code to handle this and respond to it and debug it, would you consider trying to add it to see if it works? I wrote a Tasker plugin a few years ago that acted as a middle man, relaying intents between Tasker and another app (that app required a certain permission to use its intents, which Tasker didn't request. My plugin requested them and proxied the intents). So I could probably pull a lot of the code from there.



Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

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Too bad there's not a way that I'm aware of to query the current status of the Background Service option without root (necessary for a simple toggle switch). You could probably respond with an intent upon receiving a query intent http://tasker.dinglisch.net/userguide/en/intents.html though I know that's probably a lot of work for a feature few would use.


If I wrote the code to handle this and respond to it and debug it, would you consider trying to add it to see if it works? I wrote a Tasker plugin a few years ago that acted as a middle man, relaying intents between Tasker and another app (that app required a certain permission to use its intents, which Tasker didn't request. My plugin requested them and proxied the intents). So I could probably pull a lot of the code from there.

Glad to hear it works! I've already fixed the need to send all 3 Extras; I already have a flag set that returns if the Background Service is active or not, so theoretically I should be able to easily expose that for you.


If you (or anyone else) has some code you think might be helpful and want to share, I am always willing to consider it. This is still my first experience with Java (and really the only legitimate programming project I've ever tackled) so I am still learning. Probably best for PM or email so we don't turn S4GRU into Stack Overflow though.



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  • 2 weeks later...

New beta just pushed out for the crew!

  • Added notification icons for IWLAN and TD-SCDMA networks.
  • Added option to limit notifications when Samsung DeX mode is active.
  • Added provider name to LTE neighbor cells if PLMN is reported and does not match active connection.
  • Changed main screen to display “Mobile” instead of “CDMA” when there is no mobile connection.
  • Changed “Wi-Fi Calling” label to “IWLAN”.
  • Improved third-party (Tasker) intents; omitted Extras will no longer trigger changes.
  • Resolved issue with mobile IP address not displaying in certain situations.
  • Resolved issue with Sprint Airave/800 indicators displaying improperly.

The big thing I'm curious to see in the wild is the provider name on neighbor cells belonging to other networks.. the PLMN is not usually reported for any cells, but in rare occasions it does show up. I haven't seen it since I added this. I'm also working on adding the capability to display neighbor cells when there is no active connection.. that should be ready shortly.

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How did I not see that?! That should be plenty to help me at least create an option to stop the notifications while DeX is going. I'll get that added; send me a PM with your Google Play e-mail address so I can set up some one-on-one testing.





Thanks Mike, appreciate your help, will download the latest version and test it out on my devices. Have both a Sprint and Verizon S8/S8+ to test with. I just got back from vacation so I missed your message.

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New beta just pushed out for the crew!

  • Added notification icons for IWLAN and TD-SCDMA networks.
  • Added option to limit notifications when Samsung DeX mode is active.
  • Added provider name to LTE neighbor cells if PLMN is reported and does not match active connection.
  • Changed main screen to display “Mobile” instead of “CDMA” when there is no mobile connection.
  • Changed “Wi-Fi Calling” label to “IWLAN”.
  • Improved third-party (Tasker) intents; omitted Extras will no longer trigger changes.
  • Resolved issue with mobile IP address not displaying in certain situations.
  • Resolved issue with Sprint Airave/800 indicators displaying improperly.

The big thing I'm curious to see in the wild is the provider name on neighbor cells belonging to other networks.. the PLMN is not usually reported for any cells, but in rare occasions it does show up. I haven't seen it since I added this. I'm also working on adding the capability to display neighbor cells when there is no active connection.. that should be ready shortly.



there is a small annoyance with it when my lg g5 or g6 acquire a lte signal..it pops up every time the phones get a lte signal is there a way to disable it?

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there is a small annoyance with it when my lg g5 or g6 acquire a lte signal..it pops up every time the phones get a lte signal is there a way to disable it?


Are you talking about the alerts? Those are all configurable in the preferences. 

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Are you talking about the alerts? Those are all configurable in the preferences.

No with signal Check Pro whenever my phone loses an LTE connection there's a secondary notification that pops up all the time.


Sent from my LG-H872 using Tapatalk

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