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Galaxy Note 8 rumors, specs, thoughts, etc


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Probably would still be too expensive for almost a hm year old phone but I wish Samsung would release the Note 7 Fan Edition here.


Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

If they did, it probably won't be on Sprint anyway. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I really thought this thread was going to blow up now with the noise being turned up.  Listening on the drive time radio show this morning on my way to work they said it was going to be $1200.  That can't be right.  Especially with the problems they had with Note 7.  Crazy.

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I really thought this thread was going to blow up now with the noise being turned up.  Listening on the drive time radio show this morning on my way to work they said it was going to be $1200.  That can't be right.  Especially with the problems they had with Note 7.  Crazy.

I can see it being $1000-1100, looks at the S8+ it was what $900 in some places?

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I really thought this thread was going to blow up now with the noise being turned up. Listening on the drive time radio show this morning on my way to work they said it was going to be $1200. That can't be right. Especially with the problems they had with Note 7. Crazy.

Been busy with work which is why I didn't post about it earlier, but yeah I heard that as well. These manufacturers need to get their act together. Samsung makes alot of the components that are used in other brands and it should be much lower for them (price wise) to put in their own phones. To try to match or surpass the price of an iPhone is just being greedy. I also agree with you that with the fiasco they had last time with the Note 7, they should try to sell it at a much lower price thus beat the competition (even though there isn't a real stylus competitor out there)..


Speaking of which, <incoming rant) I wish Google would get its head out of its ass and produce a real Nexus/Pixel like device that incorporates everything that Android can do including stylus support, sd card etc. Sell it at a much lower price and give not only consumers a choice but also give Samsung a run for its money. But nope, they won't. It's a reason why I don't buy their phones.

The idea of fast/faster updates and untainted pure OS is nice, but the devices have underlying code that can support these things and yet they refuse to do it. <rant over>


As much as I love the Note series and find it very useful for both work and play, I can't justify spending over $2000 (for 2 of them). I'll wait till mid year when the price goes down or a good sale.


TS out (robbing a bank)

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Yeah the price is getting ridiculous, $1200 for the Note 8. If it is that much they'll probably get alot less preorders for it than the Note 7 had. I personally will wait for a Black Friday sale, or something similar.


Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk

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Wowza, $1200 for Note 8?!?!?!  I was already out based on Touchwiz, but damn that price.  Outside of the hardcore, who is going to spend that much on a smartphone?  The note is an awesome line (outside of the exploding batteries), but I think Samsung is screwing themselves there.


Twospirits hit the nail on the head, Google could produce a flagship at $400, make no money on the device, but sell the shit out of it.  My Nexus 6P is rock solid and I spent $600 for it, worth every penny.  While I don't need the SD card slow with 128GB of storage, a built in stylus would be awesome.  I'd love for Google to bring back true Wi-Fi Direct/miracast.  I understand they want to sell Chromecasts, but for people who don't have a wireless network can't use that capability.

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Outside of the hardcore, who is going to spend that much on a smartphone?  


You would be amazed.


I heard rumors that the new iphone will be over $1000 and bet there will be lines outside the store waiting when it's released. 

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You would be amazed.


I heard rumors that the new iphone will be over $1000 and bet there will be lines outside the store waiting when it's released. 

iPhone=smart phones for dumb people... (i love that line...)


Apple has such a fan following and the mystique still exists of having the latest and greatest iPhone.  Now-a-days all the lines are pre-orders and pick ups.  How many phones do the stores actually stock to sell on release day.


My hardcore comment was regarding the Samsung Note followers

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You would think that all these carriers going towards a non subsidy model for their monthly plans would to also help with decreasing the price of these phones do to more competition but that's not changing at all. The cost to manufacture these devices seems to have stayed relatively stable for these OEM's while increasing their retail pricing at a much higher rate.

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Not sure if this is for all carriers, or just T-Mobile, but after August 1, Costco is doing away with EIP, and will start selling phones at a heavily discounted below retail price.


Downside for some is you will have to pay full price for the phone. It will be interesting to see what price Costco sells the Note 8 at.


Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk

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  • 3 weeks later...

I really thought this thread was going to blow up now with the noise being turned up.  Listening on the drive time radio show this morning on my way to work they said it was going to be $1200.  That can't be right.  Especially with the problems they had with Note 7.  Crazy.

i agree thats insanely expensive i have to finance half a phone i m not paying half a grand for a phone lol....

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If you are willing to pay $1200 for a Samsung Galaxy Note 8, then you have money burning a hole in your pocket.  Maybe a phone burning a hole in your pocket, too.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just waiting to see the price, I'm not interested at all that battery combo is not good lol.


Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk


If you're activating a new line Sprint is doing 50% off. Not sure if it applies to upgrades.  My Note 4 is paid off so I'd jump on it if they gave it to me for the promotional price. 



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If you're activating a new line Sprint is doing 50% off. Not sure if it applies to upgrades.  My Note 4 is paid off so I'd jump on it if they gave it to me for the promotional price. 




Probably not. Only new customers get the best deals.

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What? I haven't seen the price yet. Is that how much Sprint wants? Insane!


Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

that's not what sprint wants for it.... thats what Samsung wants. it's the same on all the carriers.


Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

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In a galaxy far far away there came the Note 8.


Who's planning on getting this. Just remember Best Buy always undercuts its competitors.



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