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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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How much does a Magic Box cost Sprint wholesale?


It's between $100-$150. At least they charge a fee in that price range if you fail to return one or damage it.


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Yes, the transaction may be puzzling, but that $200 million was a drop in the bucket to a corporation the size of Sprint.


I'm all for dropping the subject, but to say it is a "drop in the bucket" is a flat out lie.
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I'm all for dropping the subject, but to say it is a "drop in the bucket" is a flat out lie.


No, flat out wrong.  To say Sprint did not acquire part of Tidal or did not spend $200 million, that would be a flat out lie.



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No, flat out wrong. To say Sprint did not acquire part of Tidal or did not spend $200 million, that would be a flat out lie.



Sprint has been struggling with massive debt, they've cut jobs and costs across the board, and they've neutered their CAPEX down to a fraction of what it should be. All this done in the name of penny pinching.


Now tell me, how is a $200 million investment in a failing music streaming service a "drop in the bucket"? I'm all for moving on, but let's not try to apologize on behalf of Sprint for a terrible move. Let's call this purchase for what it truly is thus far; a huge waste of money.

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Sprint has been struggling with massive debt, they've cut jobs and costs across the board, and they've neutered their CAPEX down to a fraction of what it should be. All this done in the name of penny pinching.


Now tell me, how is a $200 million investment in a failing music streaming service a "drop in the bucket"? I'm all for moving on, but let's not try to apologize on behalf of Sprint for a terrible move. Let's call this purchase for what it truly is thus far; a huge waste of money.


As far as I know, Tidal is still around.  It's not a successful company thus far, but who to say that it will not be successful in 5 years from now.  To say Sprint spent $200 million is a waste is not true as none of you can predict or know of Tidal potential. 


Low CAPEX or not, Sprint is not standing still, 3xCA was rolled out and VoLTE is around the corner.  I do believe the hiccup with small cells roll out has made a dent in Sprint's CAPEX last year. 

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I like Tidal for what it is in being a provider of high-quality music streaming, though that isn't to say Tidal doesn't have its faults. Besides, $200 million does seem to be alot of money for what Tidal is worth. Billboard even wrote an article about it here : http://www.billboard.com/articles/business/7662726/tidal-sprint-deal-future


For whatever reasons Sprint had though, hopefully this will turn out to work well for them. If Sprint and T-Mobile merge, if that is Sprint's thinking in planning for the future with Tidal among them, then I can begin to understand this purchase a bit better.

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Sprint has been struggling with massive debt, they've cut jobs and costs across the board, and they've neutered their CAPEX down to a fraction of what it should be. All this done in the name of penny pinching.


Now tell me, how is a $200 million investment in a failing music streaming service a "drop in the bucket"? I'm all for moving on, but let's not try to apologize on behalf of Sprint for a terrible move. Let's call this purchase for what it truly is thus far; a huge waste of money.


To a multi-billion dollar company owned by an even bigger multi-billion dollar company.... 200 million really isn't all that much.


Now, did it make financial sense? The optics at the moment aren't that great. But we can only speculate as to what that money was ear-marked for, if it could have been used on debt or the network at all. Maybe it was a bad move, or maybe sometime down the line we'll find out the reason and it'll make more sense. 

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What was your previous statement?


That I hadn't run into the roaming limit before and I thought it didn't seem to be strictly applied to US Cellular.


- Trip

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To a multi-billion dollar company owned by an even bigger multi-billion dollar company.... 200 million really isn't all that much.

Except that the multi-billion dollar company is in debt, needs to make capital expenditures, has laid-off people and has high interest payments due.


Also, the bigger multi-billion company that owns the majority of Sprint can't invest any more money into Sprint without setting off a series of finacial events that make no sense for them.


Now, did it make financial sense? The optics at the moment aren't that great. But we can only speculate as to what that money was ear-marked for, if it could have been used on debt or the network at all. Maybe it was a bad move, or maybe sometime down the line we'll find out the reason and it'll make more sense.

Companies make risky investments all the time. But when you're in debt and are too broke to make capital expenditures, making risky investments is the last thing you should be doing.
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That I hadn't run into the roaming limit before and I thought it didn't seem to be strictly applied to US Cellular.


- Trip

Ok makes sense, thanks for clarifying. Was it a hard cut-off RIGHT at 200 or 300mb or were you allowed some wiggle room?


Are we sure all USC markets are treated the same?

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Ok makes sense, thanks for clarifying. Was it a hard cut-off RIGHT at 200 or 300mb or were you allowed some wiggle room?


Are we sure all USC markets are treated the same?

When I hit the limit it was pretty much right at 300MB. Got warnings at 100 and 200. All USCC markets should be treated the same.


Sent from my LG G5

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Bloomberg's thoughts on a stock for stock deal involving Sprint & T-Mobile.




Very interesting.. no loans and we see its sprint being bought not sprint buying Tmo. That must surely show that Masa does really want to get out of of sprint. -- It did also mention both companies are speaking with others.. I wonder who is talking to who?

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Very interesting.. no loans and we see its sprint being bought not sprint buying Tmo. That must surely show that Masa does really want to get out of of sprint. -- It did also mention both companies are speaking with others.. I wonder who is talking to who?

You can bet Dish is speaking to both. They need the infrastructure to deploy their spectrum and are probably trying to diversify their portfolio now that cable TV is dying.


I also wouldn't rule out foreign investors.

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Very interesting.. no loans and we see its sprint being bought not sprint buying Tmo. That must surely show that Masa does really want to get out of of sprint. -- It did also mention both companies are speaking with others.. I wonder who is talking to who?

Why would Sprint spend so much money on new store locations if it was the target of an acquisition?


I can understand getting costs out of the business as being aligned with a takeover, but spending on distribution channels doesn't seem to be.

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You can bet Dish is speaking to both. They need the infrastructure to deploy their spectrum and are probably trying to diversify their portfolio now that cable TV is dying.


I also wouldn't rule out foreign investors.

Dish, sprint and t mobile tie up would be ideal. That company would be a beast, even if they had to divest some spectrum. I think ATT is proving the value of a TV provider and wireless network.


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Why would Sprint spend so much money on new store locations if it was the target of an acquisition?


I can understand getting costs out of the business as being aligned with a takeover, but spending on distribution channels doesn't seem to be.

As far as I can tell, no new Sprint stores have opened up in Texas after their Texas expansion announcement back in April.
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As far as I can tell, no new Sprint stores have opened up in Texas after their Texas expansion announcement back in April.

Marcelo said it would be happening: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4075474-sprints-ceo-marcelo-claure-presents-j-p-morgan-global-technology-media-telecom-conference


"What are we doing from distribution? We are tremendously under distributed at least from a company-owned, so we are growing from a 1,000 company-owned store to what 1,800, so it’s a big growth for Sprint. We are going to add 100 stores. We are going to add over a 1,000 boosters in our prepaid business. So that’s big growth. I mean, Sprint hadn’t open stores in many years. At the same time we are growing through dealers. So it’s a combination of direct and indirect growth."

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Marcelo said it would be happening: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4075474-sprints-ceo-marcelo-claure-presents-j-p-morgan-global-technology-media-telecom-conference


"What are we doing from distribution? We are tremendously under distributed at least from a company-owned, so we are growing from a 1,000 company-owned store to what 1,800, so it’s a big growth for Sprint. We are going to add 100 stores. We are going to add over a 1,000 boosters in our prepaid business. So that’s big growth. I mean, Sprint hadn’t open stores in many years. At the same time we are growing through dealers. So it’s a combination of direct and indirect growth."

Marcelo says alot of things, not all of them come to flourishen.


Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk

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Marcelo said it would be happening: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4075474-sprints-ceo-marcelo-claure-presents-j-p-morgan-global-technology-media-telecom-conference


"What are we doing from distribution? We are tremendously under distributed at least from a company-owned, so we are growing from a 1,000 company-owned store to what 1,800, so it’s a big growth for Sprint. We are going to add 100 stores. We are going to add over a 1,000 boosters in our prepaid business. So that’s big growth. I mean, Sprint hadn’t open stores in many years. At the same time we are growing through dealers. So it’s a combination of direct and indirect growth."



Maybe sprint talking itself up to promote a sale? Making things "sound good"? I definitely think Masa wants a global superpower and US won't let him get it. I am sure he wants dish and Tmo/sprint to eventually make SoftBank a global wireless powerhouse. That said I don't think he has much patience nowadays. Sprint isn't flipping fast enough, I believe he really thought sprint would bought Tmo by now and would be flourishing. He wasn't ready for American politics or thought he was bigger either way he wasn't ready for what he got.

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Marcelo said it would be happening: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4075474-sprints-ceo-marcelo-claure-presents-j-p-morgan-global-technology-media-telecom-conference


"What are we doing from distribution? We are tremendously under distributed at least from a company-owned, so we are growing from a 1,000 company-owned store to what 1,800, so it’s a big growth for Sprint. We are going to add 100 stores. We are going to add over a 1,000 boosters in our prepaid business. So that’s big growth. I mean, Sprint hadn’t open stores in many years. At the same time we are growing through dealers. So it’s a combination of direct and indirect growth."

I really hope Marcelo changes his mind about adding retail stores and instead decides to announce "We at Sprint are really underserved in areas where we have a strong market, but currently have not taken full advantage of our greatest spectrum asset, the 2500mhz band. We plan on a mass deployment of this spectrum in key areas where we serve our large customer base, and we expect to aim around 99% of our current sites with this spectrum. Our next immediate step is to pursue any and all means for us to densify on a full-scale operation within these areas to expand our reach of all our spectrum assets. This now is Sprint's top priority."

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...not all of them come to flourishen.

The word you're looking for is fruition.


I thought it was Florsheim.  Not all of them come to Florsheim.  Because Florsheim makes shoes for old men.





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Ok makes sense, thanks for clarifying. Was it a hard cut-off RIGHT at 200 or 300mb or were you allowed some wiggle room?


Are we sure all USC markets are treated the same?


I got no warnings, and it looked like the cap got applied overnight.


- Trip

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