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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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I agree its cutting the margins thin with the discounting for the first line with the device consideration. Eventually, the price will need to be increased for sure. My idea however I feel is a good start simply to bring in customers and reduce churn while Sprint builds up on the network.


One thing I've noticed here on S4GRU is the discrepancies between markets where some people can feel confident in defending Sprint due to seeing so much progress, where others are becoming skeptical for what they see as a lack in progress in areas that really ought to be developed. I read reports of Sprints financial issues, which if that is causing the holdup, certainly if Sprint could raise prices while holding onto customers, that would be great for some extra cash needed for those areas. However, if Sprint could gain more customers in by selling for a bit less, and I can't be positive of all the number factors here since I don't work for Sprint, but keeping a reasonable value with enough money actually being made while attracting the customers with that value, ought to work.


These multi-line plans are designed to keep people around, but if they are in some way dissatisfied with the service, whether the speed limits, the network holes, etc., they aren't necessarily locked in when the competition offers such great switching deals. Sure, its added time and work many people don't want to deal with, but financially its not really a problem if the customers are willing to deal with the inconvenience based on their displeasure. Again, the key is to keep people with Sprint in a good way, which low rates do, even for individual lines. Besides, while prepaid plans are in some ways better for individual lines than postpaid, there are network limitations that don't work well for many people, such as roaming.


Anyways, there are different solutions and ways to look for it. I'm just hoping there is a bit more fairness to these Unlimited data plans, similar to how AT&T and Verizon's data plans are, but at a better cost.


Verizon has no unlimited data plan, so that's out of the equation.


AT&T only gives unlimited if you sign up for their TV services, which is an unnecessary asterisk that 50% of the population may not be able to participate in.


The truth is that you are complaining about Sprint's offer as being shady and non-transparent, comparing it unfairly to prepaid offerings, and then coming up with pie in the sky offerings without any industry backing or experience or insider knowledge. 


Unlimited Freedom is the best offering that I've seen out of Sprint in a very long time, and one that is the most transparent. It's not going anywhere.

Sales are up, churn is down, and gone are the complex plan days. 

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Have the dozens of people that are on Tidal High Fidelity subscription while using the Sprint network made complaints yet regarding the 500Kbps throttled music speeds?


I don't believe that is in effect yet. Not until the end of October.


Sent from my SM-N930P using Tapatalk

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Have the dozens of people that are on Tidal High Fidelity subscription while using the Sprint network made complaints yet regarding the 500Kbps throttled music speeds?


On another note it looks like a new Sprint macrotower is being worked on/added that covers my house.  Currently I'm in between 2 towers that are both over 2 miles away and speeds have slowed down over the last year (area has grown with new businesses and apartments) so a new tower less than half a mile away is a welcome addition.


Thank you.


That's awesome, so it's a brand new tower build?

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I was just on the phone with Sprint network management. Guys, band 25 carrier aggregation is in the works!

Ericsson rrus31 land, samsung land, non Panasonic Alcatel-Lucent rrh4x45 land.


LTE release 11 Non contiguous intraband 5+5 /5+10 B25 CA.


Sent from my Nexus 5X

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I can't imagine anyone actually complaining about it after October.

I would hope not, especially since they have the option of upgrading the plan or going to a different carrier.


Sent from my SM-N930P using Tapatalk

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I would hope not, especially since they have the option of upgrading the plan or going to a different carrier.


Sent from my SM-N930P using Tapatalk


How many active users do you really think are on it? That use Sprint daily and listen to HiFi streaming while on the go? 


I think that's the true bench mark.

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Thank you.


That's awesome, so it's a brand new tower build?


There's already a tower there, but I believe Sprint is being added to it.  Another S4GRU member gave me the address for this location as a new macro about a month ago when I asked him about small cells in the area.  He just didn't know when it would happen.


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On the current set up with the devices sprint offers, that's not true. Outside of having line of sight, B41 does not cover the same as B25.


Coverage will improve with new 3GPP Rel 14 devices coming out as early as next year. But as of today, I have yet to see Band 41 achieve the same coverage or propagation as Band 25 anywhere in Texas or Louisiana.

It is very close with 2×CA in the phoenix area, Even indoors. Too bad CA has been broken for a month and a half in my part of the valley.


Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk

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Sprint recently added a mini macro tower that has now been running for 8+ months! I can't wait till it's optimized! Keep up the good work sprint! Hopefully soon they will continue to build out or optimize in our weak signal areas!!

No one is saying you have to be positive about everything but when you're complaining about something that no one here can fix for 3 pages, then it becomes a nuisance.


But keep doing you!


Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

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On the current set up with the devices sprint offers, that's not true. Outside of having line of sight, B41 does not cover the same as B25.


Coverage will improve with new 3GPP Rel 14 devices coming out as early as next year. But as of today, I have yet to see Band 41 achieve the same coverage or propagation as Band 25 anywhere in Texas or Louisiana.


Are you talking about coverage outside or inside? All bets are off when we are talking about coverage indoors from a macro site.

Edited by bigsnake49
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It is very close with 2×CA in the phoenix area, Even indoors. Too bad CA has been broken for a month and a half in my part of the valley.


Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk


Have you raised this with the Local Network people/management? Greg Post handles the Southwest Region. Here's his Twitter: https://twitter.com/gregpost11


If he doesn't respond, you could mention it to Guenther: https://twitter.com/guengott68

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Based on that, if people sign up not knowing about these limits, and they have difficulty streaming HiFi audio that works over 1mbps, or they are gamers noticing the speed limits, they very likely will complain about it, as they likely aren't use to that wherever carrier they came from.


There seems to be a big misconception that HiFi audio streaming is a thing, so let's put that to bed.


Tidal has, what? 3 million subscribers? And at most, what 20% is subscribed to HiFi? And out of them, how many actually REALIZES there's a difference, or is even using proper equipment? Real audio people don't stream HiFi, they buy FLAC. I'm sure the 10 people on Sprint with Tidal HiFi aren't even on Unlimited Freedom, nor notice a difference.

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Have you raised this with the Local Network people/management? Greg Post handles the Southwest Region. Here's his Twitter: https://twitter.com/gregpost11


If he doesn't respond, you could mention it to Guenther: https://twitter.com/guengott68

After my experience, everyone with issues should contact the local region's network management. Get some great results!

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How do I find the local regional manager for Minnesota(great plains area)? I fouind Luke langer, but he seems to be for sales.


Michael McMahon: President, Great Plains Region (Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota)


Twitter: https://twitter.com/mmcmahon09

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How do I find the local regional manager for Minnesota(great plains area)? I fouind Luke langer, but he seems to be for sales.

What I did was I wrote an email directly to the CTO of Sprint, Guenther Ottendorfer, who sent it down the chain to another manager, who sent it to a bunch of managers, one of which who got back to me with information.

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Have you raised this with the Local Network people/management? Greg Post handles the Southwest Region. Here's his Twitter: https://twitter.com/gregpost11


If he doesn't respond, you could mention it to Guenther: https://twitter.com/guengott68

I have not. I will give this a try though. Thanks.


Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk

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Are you talking about coverage outside or inside? All bets are off when we are talking about coverage indoors from a macro site.

Both. Band 41 suffers from shadow fading a lot more than mid-band spectrum. Heavy foliage can really take a toll on RSRP. Not much you can do to counter that unless you crank up power on both ends.
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I can't speak to in-store or phone, but I'm looking at Sprint.com and right on the home page, it says:


"Enjoy unlimited mobile-optimized streaming videos, gaming and music. And, unlimited 4G LTE data for most everything else."


Immediately below the "Learn more" button in rather large fine print:


"Mobile optimized: video streams at up to 480p+ resolution, music at up to 500kbps, streaming cloud gaming at up to 2mbps. Premium resolution: video streams at up to 1080p+, music at up to 1.5mbps, gaming streams at up to 8mbps. Data deprioritization applies during times of congestion. All while on the Sprint Network."


I'm not sure how much clearer Sprint can make it.


- Trip


If people do look at the website and see that, then it is a bit of their own fault, for sure. Just addressing the other issue Deval mentioned, which if people aren't told about it, then that could be an issue.

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I will argue that 100% of the customers that walk into Sprint stores today have no care about HiFi audio, and would be perfectly happy with anything above 128kbps.


I can't say much to that, Deval, because these HiFi streaming services are so few and aren't sold by the carriers directly, at least as of yet. I think as higher quality audio becomes more mainstreamed, it will become important to more people. I remember when audio quality wasn't really that big of a deal for me, then I heard music on the LG V10 and was instantly sold on better quality audio just through the 320kbps audio file at the time. With more smartphones having advanced dac/amp systems in place with people discovering that,, they will want better capability from their carrier.


I'd also argue with Sprint just having this limit alone. I can understand the video limit, as video streaming can take a big toll on networks, However, pushing a limit on audio doesn't make much sense, and as I've mentioned, I think Sprint will change this eventually, especially if they carry the LG V20. 

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If people do look at the website and see that, then it is a bit of their own fault, for sure. Just addressing the other issue Deval mentioned, which if people aren't told about it, then that could be an issue.


People can be told, and they can read the giant signs all over the Sprint stores.

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I can't say much to that, Deval, because these HiFi streaming services are so few and aren't sold by the carriers directly, at least as of yet. I think as higher quality audio becomes more mainstreamed, it will become important to more people. I remember when audio quality wasn't really that big of a deal for me, then I heard music on the LG V10 and was instantly sold on better quality audio just through the 320kbps audio file at the time. With more smartphones having advanced dac/amp systems in place with people discovering that,, they will want better capability from their carrier.


I'd also argue with Sprint just having this limit alone. I can understand the video limit, as video streaming can take a big toll on networks, However, pushing a limit on audio doesn't make much sense, and as I've mentioned, I think Sprint will change this eventually, especially if they carry the LG V20.

Did anyone even buy the V10? I never see those things. I saw like 2 in the past year. Also, what makes you think Sprint will carry the V20? They could say it doesn't sell and not carry it. Furthermore, people don't really care about audio. If they did, Beats wouldn't sell like hot cakes.

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Verizon has no unlimited data plan, so that's out of the equation.


AT&T only gives unlimited if you sign up for their TV services, which is an unnecessary asterisk that 50% of the population may not be able to participate in.


The truth is that you are complaining about Sprint's offer as being shady and non-transparent, comparing it unfairly to prepaid offerings, and then coming up with pie in the sky offerings without any industry backing or experience or insider knowledge. 


Unlimited Freedom is the best offering that I've seen out of Sprint in a very long time, and one that is the most transparent. It's not going anywhere.

Sales are up, churn is down, and gone are the complex plan days. 


Not at all implying Sprint is being shady. It does clearly say about the limits on their site, etc.My mention was if salespeople don't let customers know about it, then it can be a problem. Furthermore, the 50% discount was a mess for many customers who've complained about it online getting different quotes and such, which makes the plan seem complicated. People generally don't like complications, and things like speed limits on various uses (unlike a clear, flat speed cap on everything), adds complication to customers having to go over every form of use of theirs and make sure their experience level is met by the speed limit given.


It is easier to say "will show up to 480p" for video, than "up to 500kbps" audio streaming", as many customers may not know what that means. You're right when you say many won't care, but then there are those who will and still may not know what this limit means, until they try listening to HiFi audio. Granted, at this moment, there are a majority of people stuck on low bitrate Spotify and happy with it. However, time will likely change things with people going the HiFi route.

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