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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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I didn't realize people were so mistrustful. Everything I have is automatic, online.


Actually, the term you are looking for is "paranoid crazy."  Both of these members probably drive the Lux 420SL.







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I didn't realize people were so mistrustful. Everything I have is automatic, online. But I also have automatic alerts if something unexpected shows up. (different part of the country, large amount, overseas, etc.) None of that has ever happened.


I used to have AutoPay with US Cellular, because it came with a discount, and it was nice because you could set a ceiling.  They would never take more than that amount, so it was easy enough to just set the amount below your bill and thus AutoPay was "set up" for the discount, but I'd have to go in and pay by hand.


Of course, I didn't actually do this; I had AutoPay set up right at my normal bill level.  When they DID screw up my bill, it simply failed to go through rather than resulting in me having to try to claw back money they'd erroneously billed me.  I was able to call and sort it out first.


I can't tell if AJ is being facetious or not.  These things DO happen, and it's much easier to get a satisfactory resolution when you are in possession of your money rather than trying to claw it back.  I don't use AutoPay for anything right now, though I do pay my bills online at least.


- Trip

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I used to have AutoPay with US Cellular, because it came with a discount, and it was nice because you could set a ceiling.  They would never take more than that amount, so it was easy enough to just set the amount below your bill and thus AutoPay was "set up" for the discount, but I'd have to go in and pay by hand.


Of course, I didn't actually do this; I had AutoPay set up right at my normal bill level.  When they DID screw up my bill, it simply failed to go through rather than resulting in me having to try to claw back money they'd erroneously billed me.  I was able to call and sort it out first.


I can't tell if AJ is being facetious or not.  These things DO happen, and it's much easier to get a satisfactory resolution when you are in possession of your money rather than trying to claw it back.  I don't use AutoPay for anything right now, though I do pay my bills online at least.


- Trip


I have everything set to e-billing. I have everything set to AutoPay. Each month, I get an email telling me the billed amount due. I then see the scheduled payment amount for the due date... and nothing happens until the due date which is 2-4 weeks away). So if something's wrong on the billed amount, I would call the billing department and sort it out well before the AutoPay would go through.


Everything that can, goes on a credit card. Other things go on a checking account. In the 10+ years of doing AutoPay, I've never been billed incorrectly, have had the wrong amount come out for either, or have been late on a payment. Both the credit card and the checking account provide for zero liability for fraudulent or incorrect charges. I have peace of mind that my bills are paid on time and for the correct amount. I have notification alerts set up for my credit card and my checking account, so I see every transaction. (Deposit/Withdrawal/Payment) I also get to hold onto my own money longer and earn interest, knowing full well that the payments will be made appropriately.


You can even set up AutoPay as a backup, and manually submit a payment earlier if you choose to do so.

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I didn't realize people were so mistrustful. Everything I have is automatic, online. But I also have automatic alerts if something unexpected shows up. (different part of the country, large amount, overseas, etc.) None of that has ever happened.

It isn't a matter of being distrustful. With a checking account if there's an error or a payment doesn't get stopped it's basically your cash getting deducted. If there's an error with your credit card you haven't lost any cash while the situation resolves itself.
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It isn't a matter of being distrustful. With a checking account if there's an error or a payment doesn't get stopped it's basically your cash getting deducted. If there's an error with your credit card you haven't lost any cash while the situation resolves itself.


Yup. Exactly right. Put Sprint on AutoPay with a credit card. Look at your bill each month. Know that will be the amount paid on the due date.


Even with checking accounts for other bills, I've never had an issue in 10+ years of AutoPay deductions (Power/Gas, etc.)

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Verizon is hyping up the LTE advanced stuff, and tech blogs are cheerleaders. The funny stuff most of their announcement is 2x carrier aggregation something Sprint did a year ago.

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Verizon is hyping up the LTE advanced stuff, and tech blogs are cheerleaders. The funny stuff most of their announcement is 2x carrier aggregation something Sprint did a year ago.


AT&T and T-Mobile also already have carrier aggregation.

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Verizon is hyping up the LTE advanced stuff, and tech blogs are cheerleaders. The funny stuff most of their announcement is 2x carrier aggregation something Sprint did a year ago.


Be sure to read the FierceWireless Interview with Verizon's Mike Haberman. Given the different amount of Spectrum holdings Verizon has across the country, its 3x Carrier Aggregation footprint may not match up to its 2x Carrier Aggregation footprint:



However, Haberman declined to say exactly how Verizon’s three-channel carrier aggregation footprint would compare with the carrier’s two-channel carrier aggregation footprint. He said the most common configuration for two-channel systems would combine a 10x10 MHz block of the carrier’s 700 MHz spectrum holdings with a 20x20 MHz block of its AWS spectrum holdings. He said that, if Verizon has the resources, it will also add a third carrier to that system, such as a 5x5 MHz block of its PCS spectrum holdings.


“It depends upon the other spectrum holdings that are within that market,” Haberman said of the third channel. “Some markets might be able to afford a 15x15 PCS spectrum, some a 10x10. So that third carrier that comes in will be defined by the spectrum that’s available.”


With holdings of more than 160MHz of 2.5GHz spectrum in the top 100 U.S. markets, Sprint's in a unique Spectrum position to do Two Channel Carrier Aggregation, Three Channel Carrier Agregation, and beyond to Four Channel and Five Channel, all utilizing 20MHz wide channels.

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Key section from that:





This is where Sprint can shine. Sprint has holdings of more than 160MHz of 2.5GHz spectrum in the top 100 U.S. markets.

Not being a jerk but we have heard that for what seems like years. " Sprint this and Sprint that. Problem is Sprint can't get it done. This is another example of being behind the 8 ball. Sprint has all this spectrum but by he time they get it going the others have already made announcements or upgraded their network and easily downplay what sprint has done. Outside of a few markets sprints lte coverage is best described as "spotty". All of us here know it's a cell density problem. Sprint should have known this as well. Everyone said b41 didn't do well past a certain range..... Sprint should have been submitting small cell permits years ago they knew they needed densification. Which brings us back, How long before Sprint actually finishes a project?


Everyone saw data was going to be the dominate thing in the industry. Every carrier has acquired new spectrum over the last few years. It comes down to getting it deployed- which is where sprint is lagging. Whether it's permits/fiber/ employees getting bribed/birds/weather. There is always an issue or extra issue sprint somehow seems to have in its way.


It's obvious to us sprint is trying however, they just can't seem to move fast enough to make a big enough impact. Sprint got there lte deployed... Everyone else was done. Sprint got their speeds up ..... Everyone else already had faster speeds... Sprint was touting CA as the "here we come" .... Everyone else is using CA.

At first everyone was all about speeds it was the wow factor. Now sprint is getting the speeds but the wow factor with speeds is no more as everyone else already went through that.


Please forgive my little rant it isn't directed at any individual, however sprints mistakes have cost them dearly and will continue to until they actually get things completed..... Early.

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Be sure to read the FierceWireless Interview with Verizon's Mike Haberman. Given the different amount of Spectrum holdings Verizon has across the country, its 3x Carrier Aggregation footprint may not match up to its 2x Carrier Aggregation footprint:



With holdings of more than 160MHz of 2.5GHz spectrum in the top 100 U.S. markets, Sprint's in a unique Spectrum position to do Two Channel Carrier Aggregation, Three Channel Carrier Agregation, and beyond to Four Channel and Five Channel, all utilizing 20MHz wide channels.


This is what I like about Sprint best. They have such an amazing potential to become much stronger than any of the competition. All Sprint needs to do is get all the current sites up with band 41, and fill in the gaps with new sites, then they'll be all set. Its one of those reasons  understand the perspective of people not wanting Sprint to spend money on 600mhz spectrum because of wanting to have Sprint use that money on sites.


However, when Sprint does get this going and starts winning big in the reports and reviews, I think it is going to trigger a time when carriers will fight to merge. Particularly having AT&T go for T-Mobile. Masayoshi Son wants T-Mobile so they don't have to spend much on new sites, with having T-Mobile's sites add to Sprint's network well enough, due to T-Mobile's reputable site density. Then having the extra spectrum and customers already with the merger, makes a more valuable decision to go after than trying just to build more sites.


Those are Sprint's options. Build sites, become great, trigger merger attempts at other companies not able to compete well enough with Sprint, or to purchase T-Mobile and get ahead that way, effectively closing the gap for other carriers to stand a chance at surpassing Sprint. I imagine that is why we don't hear much about Sprint's upgrades lately, as Masa is waiting for the right time to do this.

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Not being a jerk but we have heard that for what seems like years. " Sprint this and Sprint that. Problem is Sprint can't get it done. This is another example of being behind the 8 ball. Sprint has all this spectrum but by he time they get it going the others have already made announcements or upgraded their network and easily downplay what sprint has done. Outside of a few markets sprints lte coverage is best described as "spotty". All of us here know it's a cell density problem. Sprint should have known this as well. Everyone said b41 didn't do well past a certain range..... Sprint should have been submitting small cell permits years ago they knew they needed densification. Which brings us back, How long before Sprint actually finishes a project?


Everyone saw data was going to be the dominate thing in the industry. Every carrier has acquired new spectrum over the last few years. It comes down to getting it deployed- which is where sprint is lagging. Whether it's permits/fiber/ employees getting bribed/birds/weather. There is always an issue or extra issue sprint somehow seems to have in its way.


It's obvious to us sprint is trying however, they just can't seem to move fast enough to make a big enough impact. Sprint got there lte deployed... Everyone else was done. Sprint got their speeds up ..... Everyone else already had faster speeds... Sprint was touting CA as the "here we come" .... Everyone else is using CA.

At first everyone was all about speeds it was the wow factor. Now sprint is getting the speeds but the wow factor with speeds is no more as everyone else already went through that.


Please forgive my little rant it isn't directed at any individual, however sprints mistakes have cost them dearly and will continue to until they actually get things completed..... Early.


Because it was a funding, leadership and executive team issue. Those issues have been addressed. There's finally funding. There's leadership from Marcelo (and Son). The new Executive Network Team (Saw as CTO and Ottendorfer as COO, Technology) can finally execute on what they want to do. The right pieces are in place, and it took going through Network Vision to lay the foundation for what you're seeing in Chicago happen.... and for what's next.


Reread this Press Release and the Investor Update from the last earnings call. That's real progress.

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Not being a jerk but we have heard that for what seems like years.

So take everything you've said at face value and as the truth. What should be done about it? Fire the CEO, get a new board of directors, and get a huge investment from a multinational owner? Oh, wait. They did that.


The Monday morning quarterbacking about Sprint is lame. They know what the problems are. We know what the problems are. They have a finite amount of capital and they are trying to save the company by spending what they have to spend. Pretty much end of story.

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So last conference call Sprint CFO was talking about Capital spend.  And I gotta, say Listening to his answer of Churn Infuriated me. I'm paraphrasing here. But he was asked about Churn and Network Spend. And he said that if Churn Spikes up he will spend more on capital. I'm sorry but I viewed that answer ass backwards. So hes literally saying we'll see how it goes.  I really do hope Sprint has changed. I live in the Chicago Market but spend quite a bit in the Phoenix Market.  Chicago service is satisfactory.  Service in Phoenix is a different Matter.  I wouldn't exclusively use Sprint in Phoenix. Even with the $50 unlimited trial they have going on. I still cant recommend them to my friends in Phoenix, Too many glaring holes.  The tower that services my house in Ahwatukee still doesn't have 4G.    So, Sprint is very inconsistent and that is what is killing them.   And as of this moment they can talk about speed and all that fun stuff. I'd rather have a few megs of reliable service everywhere then islands of blazing speeds strategically located. 


Because it was a funding, leadership and executive team issue. Those issues have been addressed. There's finally funding. There's leadership from Marcelo (and Son). The new Executive Network Team (Saw as CTO and Ottendorfer as COO, Technology) can finally execute on what they want to do. The right pieces are in place, and it took going through Network Vision to lay the foundation for what you're seeing in Chicago happen.... and for what's next.


Reread this Press Release and the Investor Update from the last earnings call. That's real progress.

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Where the funding has been addressed? I don't want to be a jerk too , but Sprint is basically cutting budget everywhere. They spent 370 freaking millions on CAPEX in the first half of 2016. Does that look to you a company on a tear of aggressive deployment?BTW sprint small cells can do only 2x carrier aggregation max.


Sprint might have the spectrum, but Verizon has the $$$. Money talks from equipment vendors, deployment, to permits. No to mention once big evil red remove CDMA completely in a city like New York they will match Sprint total 120mhz spectrum.


Verizon hasn't even deployed the 850mhz cellular into LTE, once that happens they can create a lower band big pipe 700mhz, 850mhz and maybe 600mhz if they get it.

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It isn't a matter of being distrustful. With a checking account if there's an error or a payment doesn't get stopped it's basically your cash getting deducted. If there's an error with your credit card you haven't lost any cash while the situation resolves itself.



While I don't currently use AutoPay, I would do consider doing it tied to a credit card.


I, however, pay a few bills electronically, like Sprint, by having charging it to my credit card.


As you stated, there is a lot more protection with a credit card, because it isn't your money directly being touched,and you also have the protection of the Zero Liability Fraud Protection.


With electronic payment or AutoPay, connected to my checking account, if something were to go wrong (even an over charge), it would be my money that I would have to fight to get back, and I wouldn't have the Zero Liability Fraud Protection.

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While I don't currently use AutoPay, I would do consider doing it tied to a credit card.


I, however, pay a few bills electronically, like Sprint, by having charging it to my credit card.


As you stated, there is a lot more protection with a credit card, because it isn't your money directly being touched,and you also have the protection of the Zero Liability Fraud Protection.


With electronic payment or AutoPay, connected to my checking account, if something were to go wrong (even an over charge), it would be my money that I would have to fight to get back, and I wouldn't have the Zero Liability Fraud Protection.


You see your e-bill amount for Sprint. AutoPay pays that amount automatically on the Bill Due Date. It charges to your credit card. If you have AutoPay setup for your credit card, you don't have to pay your Credit Card until the due date. You have plenty of time to review all of this.


There's more on how this works for checking accounts here: http://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/blog/you-have-protections-when-it-comes-to-automatic-debit-payments-from-your-account/


  • Monitor your accounts. Tell your bank right away if you see a payment that you did not allow (authorize), or a payment that was made after you revoked authorization. Federal law gives you the right to dispute and get your money back for any unauthorized transfers from your account as long as you tell your bank in time. Click here for a sample letter.
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So last conference call Sprint CFO was talking about Capital spend.  And I gotta, say Listening to his answer of Churn Infuriated me. I'm paraphrasing here. But he was asked about Churn and Network Spend. And he said that if Churn Spikes up he will spend more on capital. I'm sorry but I viewed that answer ass backwards. So hes literally saying we'll see how it goes.  I really do hope Sprint has changed. I live in the Chicago Market but spend quite a bit in the Phoenix Market.  Chicago service is satisfactory.  Service in Phoenix is a different Matter.  I wouldn't exclusively use Sprint in Phoenix. Even with the $50 unlimited trial they have going on. I still cant recommend them to my friends in Phoenix, Too many glaring holes.  The tower that services my house in Ahwatukee still doesn't have 4G.    So, Sprint is very inconsistent and that is what is killing them.   And as of this moment they can talk about speed and all that fun stuff. I'd rather have a few megs of reliable service everywhere then islands of blazing speeds strategically located. 


The cost structure for deploying Small Cells isn't the same as a Macro Cell Site build. It's hard to get a read from spending alone given this change in cost structure.

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So take everything you've said at face value and as the truth. What should be done about it? Fire the CEO, get a new board of directors, and get a huge investment from a multinational owner? Oh, wait. They did that.


The Monday morning quarterbacking about Sprint is lame. They know what the problems are. We know what the problems are. They have a finite amount of capital and they are trying to save the company by spending what they have to spend. Pretty much end of story.


Monday morning qb? We all know about sprints spectrum. It's been years in the conversation. At some point sprint has to get something completed. The spectrum can't be used the way it's meant because they are still upgrading towers and fiber lines. Yes they have changed their management and so forth. Let's be real if son wanted sprint where he claims with urgency he would spend more on getting this stuff done. How is it everyone else seems to be moving faster? It seems like every step ahead sprint takes the others then take 2

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RE: auto pay


The best thing to do is have a credit card that gives good points or good percentage back.


Then put all the bills you have, that can be paid via credit card, auto pay on to that good points card.


Then you will automatically start accruing those points, just for paying your normal bills.


As long as you continue to pay your total amount of bill payments to your credit card, you don't even get hit with interest charges.


For example, I have approximately $400 of auto pay bills going to a discover card (1% cashback all transactions).


I make $200 payments (every 2 weeks), that cover the monthly bills, no interest charges, and a slow continuous increasing amount of cashback funds.

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RE: auto pay


The best thing to do is have a credit card that gives good points or good percentage back.


Then put all the bills you have, that can be paid via credit card, auto pay on to that good points card.

If you're using an AMEX card, you could be getting 10% back on each monthly bill.

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Hey be careful. Kia k900 is $70k+ :D


I think if sprint had money all gmos be converted and most clearsites too. Like me talking about a porsche and buying a kia . Money aways wins in America.

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yup different cards have different returns and often for different classes of goods (ie groceries or gas, etc).


keep in mind the above 10% offer is for a limited time, and availability of offers vary depending on your particular card and credit score.

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