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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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You are quite obsessed.


Look in the mirror.  A person who has been expelled from a place but continues to return exhibits obsession.


Obsession for maximus.  By Calvin Klein.





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Please stay on topic.


Thank you.  But S4GRU staff has the latitude to determine what is topical discussion.



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The best and most clear response from the FCC to a Public Agency that I can ever recall regarding 800 Rebanding. Oakland is practically blackmailing Sprint saying we will hold you up on anything and everything related to Rebanding because we suffer from interference in a few places, of which, is mostly AT&T. Including holding millions of dollars in equipment that they aren't even using. What a joke.


Sprint is not in the clear, of course. They will have to address the interference, albeit outside of rebanding. And they will have to entertain Oakland's change order request, and go to mediation if they don't approve it. But I love the language the FCC used here in slicing right through the BS and outline a practical approach that allows the rebanding process to complete and still give Oakland an opportunity to resolve its issues within the processes available.


Common sense rules the day. Now if the FCC would just throw out the licenses of spectrum squatters who never have met their build out requirements years ago in the same effective manner.

This is the crap that Sprint has been dealing with for the last ten years. I was involved peripherally but I quit in disgust. FCC is spineless. They should have had penalized PS a long time ago.

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This is the crap that Sprint has been dealing with for the last ten years. I was involved peripherally but I quit in disgust. FCC is spineless. They should have had penalized PS a long time ago.


I agree.  That's what makes this toothy and strong response from the FCC stand out so much.  To another government agency, no less.

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what is confusing to me is, they did not specify *how* your supposed to watch TWD on your sprint phone... is it via sprint tv (probably not), an AMC app or website, some other app/website, or simple piracy ?

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what is confusing to me is, they did not specify *how* your supposed to watch TWD on your sprint phone... is it via sprint tv (probably not), an AMC app or website, some other app/website, or simple piracy ?

Piracy probably, sprint seems to turn a blind eye to torrenting, at least if its within reason.
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what is confusing to me is, they did not specify *how* your supposed to watch TWD on your sprint phone... is it via sprint tv (probably not), an AMC app or website, some other app/website, or simple piracy ?


You can watch The Walking Dead on Netflix or Sling TV.

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Another FCC order, though not as interesting as the last: http://bit.ly/188Hspn


- Trip

Thanks for posting this. I read virtually the whole thing over my coffee this morning. Very interesting.


It amazes me that the Arizona Public Service Co. has managed to waste a whole year in the rebanding process fighting an argument it knew it would lose. The precedent has been set through other rebanders, repeatedly.


It ends up damaging Sprint significantly that ASPC dragged them through a long mediation process, then rejecting the Mediation and go back to the FCC to be final arbiter. Harris' quote is too high. Even after the FCC generous take off on the costs, by a million bucks.


But in my mind, even though Sprint was successful, it should have paid the extra million last year and they could be completing rebanding now. That million bucks is nothing to Sprint, all things considered. And delaying B26 deployment in Arizona is not a good idea. They'll be lucky if they can get ASPC done before December 31st. And ASPC is going to do this as slow as they can get away with now that they have lost.


I do get why Sprint fought back. If they overpaid every licensee that had to move by a million bucks, it would have seriously jeopardized the whole program and set a dangerous precedent. However, this is the tail end of rebanding and speed of the few remaining licensees relocating has a real and demonstrable effect on its customer base. And that has got to be more than a million bucks. But I'm not sure where the ASPC sites are located and exactly what areas will be impacted if they are the last hold out in Arizona.


Thanks again for the post. Love these. :tu:

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Thanks for posting this. I read virtually the whole thing over my coffee this morning. Very interesting.

It amazes me that the Arizona Public Service Co. has managed to waste a whole year in the rebanding process fighting an argument it knew it would lose. The precedent has been set through other rebanders, repeatedly.

It ends up damaging Sprint significantly that ASPC dragged them through a long mediation process, then rejecting the Mediation and go back to the FCC to be final arbiter. Harris' quote is too high. Even after the FCC generous take off on the costs, by a million bucks.

But in my mind, even though Sprint was successful, it should have paid the extra million last year and they could be completing rebanding now. That million bucks is nothing to Sprint, all things considered. And delaying B26 deployment in Arizona is not a good idea. They'll be lucky if they can get ASPC done before December 31st. And ASPC is going to do this as slow as they can get away with now that they have lost.

I do get why Sprint fought back. If they overpaid every licensee that had to move by a million bucks, it would have seriously jeopardized the whole program and set a dangerous precedent. However, this is the tail end of rebanding and speed of the few remaining licensees relocating has a real and demonstrable effect on its customer base. And that has got to be more than a million bucks. But I'm not sure where the ASPC sites are located and exactly what areas will be impacted if they are the last hold out in Arizona.

Thanks again for the post. Love these. :tu:

My reading of the fcc doc makes me believe sprint is under legal obligations not to over pay. It states that Fcc rules require the cheapest option that can be completed in a reasonable amount of time. With that said who would complain if sprint over paid? I have no idea.

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wasn't sure where to put this so i'll just throw it in here so more people see it.


last fall 3 of my lines got new phones on easy pay, they did the sprint buy back on their phones for a bill credit. last month the bill credit finally showed up. my normal bill is $445/mo and i had buyback credits of $728 and am setup on auto pay. So last month the credit covered my bill and nothing happened with auto pay because it said i had a negative balance of $283.


now this month rolls around and i'm showing an alert on my account that says i'm past due and i am unable to make any changes to my services online until i make a payment. After a painful conversation with sprint chat support i come to find out that my buyback credits only apply to my service charges and NOT to any phone installments (from easy pay). so i technically have a past due amount of $129 which was all the phone payments from last month.


no where in the system did it alert me that i would still need to pay the phone installments and being on auto pay it did not realize this either and so it didn't charge me anything since it showed i had a negative balance.


so just wanted to let everyone know that if you get any kind of bill credit or buyback credits that would cover your entire monthly bill and you have an easy pay phone installment on your account that you still need to pay that, even if the system doesn't tell you to, otherwise your account will be flagged as past due.

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wasn't sure where to put this so i'll just throw it in here so more people see it.


last fall 3 of my lines got new phones on easy pay, they did the sprint buy back on their phones for a bill credit. last month the bill credit finally showed up. my normal bill is $445/mo and i had buyback credits of $728 and am setup on auto pay. So last month the credit covered my bill and nothing happened with auto pay because it said i had a negative balance of $283.


now this month rolls around and i'm showing an alert on my account that says i'm past due and i am unable to make any changes to my services online until i make a payment. After a painful conversation with sprint chat support i come to find out that my buyback credits only apply to my service charges and NOT to any phone installments (from easy pay). so i technically have a past due amount of $129 which was all the phone payments from last month.


no where in the system did it alert me that i would still need to pay the phone installments and being on auto pay it did not realize this either and so it didn't charge me anything since it showed i had a negative balance.


so just wanted to let everyone know that if you get any kind of bill credit or buyback credits that would cover your entire monthly bill and you have an easy pay phone installment on your account that you still need to pay that, even if the system doesn't tell you to, otherwise your account will be flagged as past due.

Had the similar problem only my credit didn't cover the entire bill. The easy pay messed up on how it billed me and I got a credit for that but according to sprint the way they did the credit causes my account to go pass due. That was two bills ago and I am still trying to get thus fixed. I have paid two bill since then my account shows I am paid in full but also says I am passed due. It has everyone I talk to at sprint stumped.

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AT&T says it won't chase after customers as price wars ease





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It's not the first time they've made a similar statement, so how does this add to the latest news, let alone Sprint news?

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It'll be easier to poach att customers.



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The problem with cites in California is they are trying to get money from any sources they can because they spent themselves into a hole and can't get out of it because of the tax base dwindling.


Dwindling tax base? Huh? Oakland is growing rapidly both in population and in commercial economy.


16,000 new residents in 3 years.

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The big deal here is that it's paid within 15 days! That is super impressive. Usually it's the "within 2-3 billing cycles" or whatever. 15 days is really awesome.

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*sigh* Fire up US Cellular LTE roaming and I'll be right over...
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