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New framily commercial


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Here's the official PR release on the new "Frobinson Framily" campaign.




The hamster is voiced by Andrew Dice Clay.  Who knew he was still around?


I think the mom is Judy Greer. I love the character she voices on Archer. 


That is hilarious.  I thought it was Dice Clay, at the very end.  In fact I watched the ad again, but the second time I didn't think it was him.  


I guess when you are in a hamster ball you sound different.

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The Good:

I think it's a promising start - hope these spots develop into a 'framily' of entertaining ads as we go along.

I've watched them a few times already, just for the summer-y feel. I guess I can't wait for this winter to be over. +1 for subliminal messaging!  :tu:


The Bad:

Not liking the new font with Serifs, where it appears in Bold (Twitter feed on the Frobinsons page). Feels dated and and does not look very clean even on an HD screen.

Oh yes, and the 'Billing separately' line. I understand 'billing' goes better with 'saving' but that's just poor grammar. Should have either been 'billed separately' or 'billing separate'.  :imo:

Edited by CaptainSlow
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What is with the cartoon birds? This almost seems like a joke.

I first thought it had to do with twitter XD. People might be asking themselves wtf just happened and might watch again to figure it out.
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Happy connecting!

I do love this new slogan! It says "Get out there and meet some people, or team up with your old buddies!" It's actually a slogan that isn't talking about having "more bars in more places" or being "the now network", but it actually has to do with the "most important" part of the network: The people using it! You can have all these fancy smancy technologies to make your network the best in the world, but if you don't have people to use it, then what's the point? I think these new commercials are very welcoming, and I think this is a very good start for advertising the New Sprint. Just my 2 cents :)



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The entire concept of these 2 videos is to show diversity. A hamster as the father, a crazy aunt, a grandpa (black), gordon, and a little french girl who sings with animated birds like she's out of some disney movie gone mad... I think the videos are good. Sprint's framily brings all these random ass people together to provide them with cellular service. 


This is much better than the initial waste of money that sprint was pushing out. 


And this is the part I like about these, they're not focusing on any one group. 

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Now that I think about it, I'm glad they included the people they did. Even the gerbil or hamster - whichever it is. 


And I forgot to mention in my first post that these no matter what are x100 times better than the original "Framily plan" commercials.



You can slap a lot of information in commercials. The standard 30 seconds doesn't seem like a lot of time to do much with, but there really is a lot you can jam pack in there and enlighten the consumer on what you're promoting/selling.

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Looking at the profiles, everything is okay except that Dad/hamster and Gor-don.


I would have preferred a twin separated at birth dog (Otasans' brother) or even a cat (although cats are harder to film) but a hamster that is always confined to a cage or bubble. Don't like it.

Also the goth college roommate Gor-don. not to sure about that character either.

Oh well it is what it is.



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Looking at the profiles, everything is okay except that Dad/hamster and Gor-don.


I would have preferred a twin separated at birth dog (Otasans' brother) or even a cat (although cats are harder to film) but a hamster that is always confined to a cage or bubble. Don't like it.

Also the goth college roommate Gor-don. not to sure about that character either.

Oh well it is what it is.



Except now they get to write all these puns based on his love of Zorbing. 


Gor-don will be awkward and creepy for comedic effect. Expect him to have few lines and just kinda "be there" constantly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ouch Ouch and Double Ouch,


Ad Review: Sprint 'Framily' is, Frankly, Frightful.


But to be honest, it is exactly what I and alot of folks in the street think of the commercials. Sometimes things do get lost in translation or at least in trying to copy something that works in another part of the world may not work over here.


They should have gone with Bingo. Just saying.



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What is odd is that in the article I posted they liked the previous James Earl Jones commercials but I found nothing attractive about them nor anything that spoke Sprint, plans, phones etc. yet the even further back  zombie commercial was funny and actually did talk about Sprint products. Go figure.


I may have to look out for the AT&T commercial, i haven't seen one yet. So i can't comment on them.



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I thought the zombie commercial was good. It was funny, and worked. If it wasn't for it I would still be sitting on Everything Data.


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All of the commercials have been gimmicky. Blaming advertising for poor performance is an often traveled scapegoat. This "Framily" thing had caused more people around me to talk about Sprint than I can remember in years though. The conversation unfortunately ends with memory of experiences and complaints though. Short of bragging about coverage or speed, I believe the Framily may actually be doing exactly what it was meant to do.


Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk



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Bad advertising that everyone is talking about is very effective. That's more preferred over having good (and expensive) advertising that no one even notices. I agree that it would be best to have good advertising that everyone talks about. But anymore these days, people prefer to talk about the train wrecks.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro



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Bad advertising that everyone is talking about is very effective. That's more preferred over having good (and expensive) advertising that no one even notices. I agree that it would be best to have good advertising that everyone talks about. But anymore these days, people prefer to talk about the train wrecks.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro


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Bad advertising that everyone is talking about is very effective. That's more preferred over having good (and expensive) advertising that no one even notices. I agree that it would be best to have good advertising that everyone talks about. But anymore these days, people prefer to talk about the train wrecks.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

All I have to say is,



"Hey Mike, guess what day it is?"


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk



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All I have to say is,



"Hey Mike, guess what day it is?"


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk


There's a good example.  Most people hate that commercial.  But it's everywhere!



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I actually loved that commercial---the first 6 or 7 times. I think the repetitiveness of it wore thin after awhile to be sure.


But honestly, if I were Masa and looking to acquire various entities to enhance Sprint's position, I'd go directly to whatever agency Geico uses and buy them out in a heartbeat. There are other insurance agencies with good commercials these days too, but Geico has been cream of the crop for a long while IMO and a healthy distance from all other comers, and even with staying with the first two gecko/caveman motifs have continually branched out with other newer/creative/funny ideas too.

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I agree, the Geico commercials are great and Flo from Progressive isn't too far behind. And to be perfectly honest the older T-Mobile commercials with the hot chick on the bike was also very good. Instead, now they have Rumpelstiltskin as their mascot.


Separated at birth or the same person? You decide.




TS out (washing my eyes out with ajax.)

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Flo from Progressive has a Facebook page, which I find a really interesting concept.


Speaking of Geico , has anyone seen the new commercial for M&M's with the Geico gecko and camel??? Another interesting concept!


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk



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