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LTE Plus / Enhanced LTE (was "Sprint Spark" - Official Name for the Tri-Band Network)

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That might be. How many people live in the top 100 markets in the nation?



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

There's 20 million people in my home state of NY, so I'm pretty sure 100 million would constitute well under the 100 top markets.





Top 10 states are well over 100 million people.

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Markets, not States.



Since Sprint doesn't specify detailed information about what they consider top 100 markets, we could only speculate. But yeah, markets does not equal state.


Regardless, it seems like the wording between 100 million POP and top 100 markets is causing some confusion. 100 POP is a lot more feasible in that short amount of time. Good to see they are moving quickly on 8t8r installs.

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Except they say cities not markets


Sent from my HTC M8


They're going on every sprint cell site in every city in every market and more.


Marketing is marketing and is no way representative of the actual status of the network or the network deployment. Not to mention marketing loves to use top 100 markets and cities interchangeably which makes it all the more confusing. 

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No, its going on every single sprint site, it will  be on the top 100 markets by the end of this year.



vygevavy.jpgThe Sprint website only commits to about 100 cities over the next 3 years


Sent from my HTC M8



Like I said in the Happy Connecting thread, a typo that someone rushed.


The press release states 100 cities by year end.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

There have been statements saying both 100 markets by years end, and 100 markets within three years.


Regardless, Spark deployment is not stopping at the top 100 markets. While I doubt it gets deployed to every single site (like rural highway sites where it doesn't make sense) the vast majority of sites should be upgraded. We're already seeing permits pulled for Band 41 additions in cities that definitely are not considered part of the top 100 markets.

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That's probably a good sampling of places they'll be.


Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

It's interesting how using either "metro area population" or "city population" yields wildly different results.


For instance, the Lexington, KY metro area appears at #107 on the first list, the list that ranks metro areas by population.  However, on the second list that solely takes into account the city proper, Lexington appears at # 64.  Makes a huge difference in rankings, especially considering that Sprint is aiming for the top 100 (of whatever category they deem appropriate/workable/realistic given their particular circumstances and needs.


But I'd say they'd likely go with the top 100 metro areas, not the city proper rankings. It would be more beneficial to them (sorry Lexington).


That said, they do still plan to eventually upgrade ALL of their towers with 2.5 ghz b41, right?  Or has that changed?

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It's interesting how using either "metro area population" or "city population" yields wildly different results.


For instance, the Lexington, KY metro area appears at #107 on the first list, the list that ranks metro areas by population.  However, on the second list that solely takes into account the city proper, Lexington appears at # 64.  Makes a huge difference in rankings, especially considering that Sprint is aiming for the top 100 (of whatever category they deem appropriate/workable/realistic given their particular circumstances and needs.


But I'd say they'd likely go with the top 100 metro areas, not the city proper rankings. It would be more beneficial to them (sorry Lexington).


That said, they do still plan to eventually upgrade ALL of their towers with 2.5 ghz b41, right?  Or has that changed?




They're going on every sprint cell site in every city in every market and more.


Marketing is marketing and is no way representative of the actual status of the network or the network deployment. Not to mention marketing loves to use top 100 markets and cities interchangeably which makes it all the more confusing. 

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As long as it isn't Sarah Palin. Could you imagine the same tech articles written by Sarah Reedy vs Sarah Palin?  O....M....G.  I think I'd die.  


Are you suggesting a Celebrity Death match of the Two Sarahs?   :popcorn:



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Now, if only Sprint could get eCSFB working on the B41 tower(s) near me. I can hit 35 Mbps or so in LTE-only mode (just checked), but can't connect to the site if I tell my phone that it needs to do voice as well as data. B26 and B25 are widely available, but it'd be nice if network load was spread a bit more evenly so B26 would be less congested in-building.

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Are you suggesting a Celebrity Death match of the Two Sarahs?   :popcorn:



YES but only if the following two conditions are met:


1. Filthy mud wrestling MUST be involved.


2. This must take place at Sarah Palin's house.  That way the Russians can watch, too.

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Speaking of Light Reading, Karl Bode apparently doesn't think that the public unveiling of 8T8R is "wow inducing" (second comment).


EDIT: Forgot the link: http://www.lightreading.com/mobile/devices-smartphones/pics-sprints-day-at-the-broadcast-museum/d/d-id/709580?

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Now, if only Sprint could get eCSFB working on the B41 tower(s) near me. I can hit 35 Mbps or so in LTE-only mode (just checked), but can't connect to the site if I tell my phone that it needs to do voice as well as data. B26 and B25 are widely available, but it'd be nice if network load was spread a bit more evenly so B26 would be less congested in-building.

Are those issues only on old Clear equipment conversions or do the band 41 ecsfb issues also affect Sprint NV 2.0 installs? 


Just wondering if I have something else to "look forward" to or not.  LOL

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Are those issues only on old Clear equipment conversions or do the band 41 ecsfb issues also affect Sprint NV 2.0 installs?


Just wondering if I have something else to "look forward" to or not. LOL

The clear network is operated by a skeleton crew whose job is to mainly keep things up and running and not really much else.


Clear Band 41 does have ecsfb issues on some sites and sectors and that's because of overwhelming amount of work for the few remaining personnel.


Each band and equipment has to be configured for ecsfb compliance and I really doubt Samsung, Nokia, or alcatel-lucent would let their best equipment be activated without making sure it's ready for prime time. These equipment are the absolute best each company has to offer and screw ups will make a lasting impression from potential new partners and customers.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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Are you suggesting a Celebrity Death match of the Two Sarahs?   :popcorn:


Sarah Reedy could be Miss June on the Women of Wireless calendar.





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Speaking of Light Reading, Karl Bode apparently doesn't think that the public unveiling of 8T8R is "wow inducing" (first comment).

Does Karl Bode like anything in the real world?



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Cool. Kicking it up a notch in the ATL. :)


Mav. :ninja:


Sent from my Sprint Tri-Band LG G2.

Are you referring to the 8T8R field tests that Sarah mentioned in her article?  Those actually wrapped up longer ago than she alluded to as installs are already occuring in cities other than Chicago.  I don't think I can say anymore outside of a premier sponsor area. ; o )

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