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Sprint/Clearwire Acquisition Discussion (Formerly: Dish offer to acquire Clearwire for $4.40 per share in cash.)


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Sprint shareholders vote on June 12. Clearwire shareholders vote on June 13, barring anymore distractions.


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Just remember that the Dish offer is opposed not only by Sprint but by the other strategic investors, namely cable providers. Not only do they compete against Dish in the broadcast video arena, but if the Dish bid goes through, they will compete against them in the fixed broadband, video on demand and OTT video. They have a lot to lose if Dish prevails.


Hate to quote myself, but wanted to expand my thought further. Could the cable providers be in cahoots with Softbank/Sprint to offer OTT video to their subscribers over Clearwire spectrum? I see no other reason for Sprint to be holding on to that much spectrum.

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Hate to quote myself, but wanted to expand my thought further. Could the cable providers be in cahoots with Softbank/Sprint to offer OTT video to their subscribers over Clearwire spectrum? I see no other reason for Sprint to be holding on to that much spectrum.

It's possible. Not something I've considered before.


Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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Just to go a bit further, I can see small, strand or pole mounted DAS for Clearwire spectrum along with the WiFi antennas with the actual base station logic in the cloud or at a macrocell site communicating with the DAS over cable fiber. Sprint gets a widely deployed network, cable providers keep the wolf away from the sheep, everybody is happy, except Dish!

Edited by bigsnake49
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Hate to quote myself, but wanted to expand my thought further. Could the cable providers be in cahoots with Softbank/Sprint to offer OTT video to their subscribers over Clearwire spectrum? I see no other reason for Sprint to be holding on to that much spectrum.

I would not be surprised. Here in Austin Time Warner is rolling out free Wifi for subscribers to combat the pull of Google Fiber. It would make sense if Comcast and TW wanted to offer mobile TV as a similar way to fend off Google or other competitors. I know that these companies already offer rebranded Clear internet in some markets as it is. 

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They did. I believe they stopped offering Clearwire service after they sold their AWS spectrum to VZW.

You hit the nail on the head.


When SpectrumCo sold their AWS spectrum to VZW, they signed some form of non-compete clause, if I'm not mistaken. That's part of the reason why Cox now offers a triple-play bundle with a Verizon mobile device. 

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Sprint and Dan Hesse also need to get the SEC involved on Crest. A hedge fund with 0 skeletons in their closet? I'd love to see that. Sprint melting Crest into a million pieces of molten rubbish would send a pretty clear message to the world.


At this point, I don't care if Sprint destroys Crest to the point where careers and lives go down the drain. Frankly, that's what Crest deserves.

Damn.  Tell us how you really feel.  LOL....but I actually agree with you 100%.

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So Ergen is setting himself up to litigate again. Nothing new for that assclown. Sprint has to get ready for the lawsuit, or go on the aggressive themselves. I advocate for the latter.

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Well, I guess we will see who is telling the truth.  I am on the biased side, but I believe Sprint more than Dish, especially with Dish's predatory history. Also their comment against Comcast is BS. Comcast has those rights, because it is in the EHA, which was the point Sprint was mentioning. You need to amend the EHA to include Dish for them to have those rights. Dish would need 66 2/3 vote to amend the EHA.

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Ok! That's it! Where does Charlie live? And who wants to go with me with some elephant tranquilizers? I've just about enough from that clown! :mad::devil::sly::bang:

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He is only going to bang his drum louder and harder the closer we get to time for Sprint + SB vote. I wonder what's next from this bipolar skitzoid.


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This could be the real reason why Sprint is thinking about extending the Softbank-Sprint vote. If Sprint swallows up Clearwire, then it is impossible for Dish to spas on Clearwire if the Softbank deal become the clearly preferred offer. I truly believe Dish's 4.40 offer was a response to CFIUS approving Softbank's ability to buy Sprint. 

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I am really begaining to loath dish. From what I can see the only reason they made this offer is to tie up sprint network plans until sprint agrees to Build dish's network on dish's terms. I thought that was blackmail, but I guess companies can get away with that kind of behavior. I will never use a dish product or service even if they gain control of sprint I so loath them.

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I am really begaining to loath dish. From what I can see the only reason they made this offer is to tie up sprint network plans until sprint agrees to Build dish's network on dish's terms. I thought that was blackmail, but I guess companies can get away with that kind of behavior. I will never use a dish product or service even if they gain control of sprint I so loath them.



If dish does get control over sprint then I'm switching. Maybe just maybe I might hold onto sprint to see what their plans are with sprint's network and plans.

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Dish/Charlie's released a press release refuting Sprint's claims regarding their offer for Clearwire shares now:





So Ergen is setting himself up to litigate again. Nothing new for that assclown. Sprint has to get ready for the lawsuit, or go on the aggressive themselves. I advocate for the latter.


Preparing for lawsuit hell, NV to stall, and SoftBank to back out :(

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I think Charlie is trying to intimidate SoftBank in giving up. This is all a rouse and a charade to scare Masayoshi Son off the playground. He's trying to give the message that Sprint and Clearwire aren't worth fighting for. Mr. Son is much smarter than Charlie, I think it will backfire. Charlie is just an obnoxious bully, and he's doubling down.


Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta


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I think Charlie is trying to intimidate SoftBank in giving up. This is all a rouse and a charade to scare Masayoshi Son off the playground. He's trying to give the message that Sprint and Clearwire aren't worth fighting for. Mr. Son is much smarter than Charlie, I think it will backfire. Charlie is just an obnoxious bully, and he's doubling down.


Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta


Jack Grubman on CNBC put it best,  " Charlie Ergen might be a great poker player, but he has a crappy hand and all his cards are facing up". I really do not believe Masayoshi Son will back down. Economic scale never goes away, plus 2.6Ghz spectrum may be the key to international LTE roaming and Sprint would have the monopoly on it. Those two factors could fund the deal on their own.  If Sprint and Softbank were to actually take market shares from ATT or Verizon, they could become the largest purchaser of smartphones. 

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Jack Grubman on CNBC put it best,  " Charlie Ergen might be a great poker player, but he has a crappy hand and all his cards are facing up".


Lol!  :lol:

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