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eHRPD Sightings

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Does eHRPD require any work on site at the towers or is it something they change at the switch that feeds the tower?


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

I believe the work for eHRPD is done directly at the base of the tower. The only thing that happens is that they first install the LTE core (eHRPD), then they install it to the EVDO technology, so yes most of the work is done at the base of the tower. Some of the backhaul however is done both at the top and bottom of the tower, since i have seen some employees of sprint working all the way on the top of the tower. Im sorry, i wouldnt be the one climbing up on a tower like that, just to install backhaul and newer equipment lol.

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I'm getting ehrpd all over York, PA as well as New Oxford, PA

Id say if anyone can post more speedtests of eHRPD, then it could be helpful. Im guessing shortly after eHRPD goes active, the backhaul is added to the site as well. This will help the EVDO network, as well as the LTE network when it becomes active.
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I'm seeing it in Sylacauga, Alabama...I know it's been done in the past month, because I have speedtests showing I was on 1xRTT in October, then speedtests showing me on eHRPD on Nov 11.


This was a fluke I think in my phone being hung on eHRPD...no voice, but eHRPD data?? Look:




This was true eHRPD, I ran this and speedtest to test it, but speeds are negligible, I've seen faster speeds, but seems like the tower doesn't have the right amount of backhaul yet

















Very nice. Oh by the way, i like the network name you have on there lol. "Wicked Sensations". Day = made :D

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I'm seeing eHRPD in Tacoma and surrounding suburbs (University Place, Lakewood, Puyallup, etc.) This week.


Sent from Photon Q LTE - Tapatalk

What have your data speeds been like after eHRPD has went active?
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Does eHRPD require any work on site at the towers or is it something they change at the switch that feeds the tower?


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

No need to visit a site to deploy eHRPD. It just changes the routing inside the network. All handled by software controls.


Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk



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Having eHRPD on or off has made no diff in speed here, as it just changes routing and control. I HAVE seen increases in both signal (tilt adjustments) and speed (improved backhaul) separately, though, over the past months.


Sent from Photon Q LTE - Tapatalk



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I tested another tower that has gone live with eHRPD this morning and got the highest I've ever gotten in a cellular speedtest (by that, I mean highest download..I've seen upload speeds higher)... which is:






Doesn't seem like much, (and it really isn't much), but for my area and the tests I've seen in the past, it IS a total opposite from what I'm used to.

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Your actually somewhat close to my location. Have you noticed any speed improvements?


It is too hard to tell, as my phone will connect to EHRPD but will not have any data connection what so ever. Traveled to Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall. and has EHRPD, but still no connection.

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I have not seen any presence of eHRPD anymore as of last week. My guess is they were just testing it, but i have noticed some speed improvements in my area. At my home in Chicora, PA, i am sadly stuck on a roaming network(Verizon), and the speeds are horrendous, but when i get close to my school, which is just up the hill from downtown Butler, i see speeds varying from 0.90-1.50Mbps down, but the upload staggers around 0.10-0.35Mbps.

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eHRPD active in Las Vegas. Yay! Probably has been live for some time' date=' but I finally got my hands on an LTE device to verify.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2




Its been live since the end of October. I know Vegas was live because Pahrump was. What phone do you have?


Sent from my LG-LS840 Viper 4G LTE using Forum Runner

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And now my 3g is in and out, but mostly out. Won't stay connected for more than 20 seconds.


Sent from my LG-LS840 Viper 4G LTE using Forum Runner


That happens with some sites. To get back to a stable 3G connection you will have to disable eHRPD by changing from CDMA/EVDO/LTE to CDMA/EVDO mode.

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That happens with some sites. To get back to a stable 3G connection you will have to disable eHRPD by changing from CDMA/EVDO/LTE to CDMA/EVDO mode.


Yep. That's what I did. Really strange too. But today was the first day that eHRPD landed in the Central Valley, so I'm excited.

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Is anyone else having trouble with the upload on EHRPD? I get a download speed' date=' but when it becomes to a upload, it will freeze.[/quote']


My Viper was having that problem, but i can't test again to see until eHRPD starts working properly in Visalia.


Sent from my LG-LS840 Viper 4G LTE using Forum Runner

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Is anyone else having trouble with the upload on EHRPD? I get a download speed' date=' but when it becomes to a upload, it will freeze.[/quote']


I have had this problem several times. Upload will not work on eHRPD, only download. I would not have a clue to what's causing that to happen

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Ehrpd sighted in central Iowa!!!! Thinking it happened Friday night as I noticed it during the day Saturday.


I do not know if your market is on the third round LTE deployment list or not, but a good indication would be when a significantly bigger market goes live with LTE in your area, and if your close to the bigger market that gets LTE activated, you will probably get it shortly after. Usually sprint lights up the smaller markets directly after initiating a larger market.

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