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Network Vision/LTE - Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands Market


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thete has been a lot of improvements around the north west of the island in speeds in 3g. i have see speeds from 1 megs to 2.3 megs i think is worth wait until they are fully develop

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It will still be a few months until Sprint LTE starts popping up around San Juan.


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner



are the LTE panels all ready put up? Do they just need to turn on LTE or do they have to go back and and install all the LTE panels?


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S III

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are the LTE panels all ready put up? Do they just need to turn on LTE or do they have to go back and and install all the LTE panels?


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S III




The answer is yes, the panels are up and running on most sites. All sprint needs to do is finish the backhaul and connect them in order to start testing.



Edited by Gab2012
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Having used sprint now for a day in the San Juan area I would say they don't offer any form of Internet. Until they deploy vision they might as well say they offer 0g. Unlimited nothing Internet.


Then switch. Thats what the 14 day trial is for. We can't do anything about it until the new network rolls out. Thats the whole purpose of this forum.


You can jump ship to AT&T if an iPhone is what you want. But its going to cost you more and it will come with overage fees.


You can also buy it from Open-Mobile(If they get it) or Claro which will also have it soon.


If you like android phones then T-Mobile would be ideal for you too.


I know you may seem frustrated about sprints network but it is what it is and you get what you pay for these days.


Also, Sprint is taking a step in the right direction by publicly releasing information regarding network progress in Puerto Rico.


My personal advice for you is to wait. When sprint rolls out unlimited 4g LTE, everyone will want to go to sprint.

Edited by Gab2012
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So sprint is basically ready to go on LTE, so the only thing missing is the backhaul? How long does that take to complete?


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S III


Not all sites are complete with physical work. Maybe 30% to 50%? According to the schedule, first LTE sites will start going live in November.



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Do you have any info in what areas will start turning LTE on first?


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S III


In our Premier Sponsor section we have the entire schedule, site by site in Puerto Rico. It shows the dates that new panels and RRU's install, the date 3G improvements are schedule to go live at each site and LTE.


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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Well I may wait it out but I have to say that what Sprint is selling right now is really a scam. It does not matter how cheap it is. Guess I should not be surprised after reading the forums but honestly what they offer in most areas I have been to is basically no Internet access or no Internet access that is of any use to most people. That is shameful.


Before anybody jumps the gun, I am not trying to bash sprint. I want to come back. I had sprint in the early 2000s and liked them.


As far them being cheaper I think that is debatable. On ATT I am grandftahered into the unlimited data. basically I pay $90 for what sprint gives me for about $80. Now granted sprint is truly unlimited vs. throttled once you hit 5 gig but even throttled the data on ATT is infinitely faster then what I seem to get on Sprint right now. Even if I was not grandfathered the 3gig most people get is not bad. given the coverage and performance.


Is unlimited data really a good idea? I kind of have my doubts on this one. How long before sprint launches their new sites and they get inundated with the user base that consumes the must data (me for example). Is that the reason they got themselves into the position they are in right now?


I'm rooting for them and would love to see them succeed but what they are selling RIGHT NOW and presumably for several years in this market is a scam.

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Well I may wait it out but I have to say that what Sprint is selling right now is really a scam. It does not matter how cheap it is. Guess I should not be surprised after reading the forums but honestly what they offer in most areas I have been to is basically no Internet access or no Internet access that is of any use to most people. That is shameful.


Before anybody jumps the gun' date=' I am not trying to bash sprint. I want to come back. I had sprint in the early 2000s and liked them.


As far them being cheaper I think that is debatable. On ATT I am grandftahered into the unlimited data. basically I pay 90 for what sprint gives me for about 80. Now granted sprint is truly unlimited vs. throttled once you hit 5 gig but even throttled the data on ATT is infinitely faster then what I seem to get on Sprint right now. Even if I was not grandfathered the 3gig most people get is not bad. given the coverage and performance.


Is unlimited data really a good idea? I kind of have my doubts on this one. How long before sprint launches their new sites and they get inundated with the user base that consumes the must data (me for example). Is that the reason they got themselves into the position they are in right now?


I'm rooting for them and would love to see them succeed but what they are selling RIGHT NOW and presumably for several years in this market is a scam.[/quote']


This post is border line violative of our posting guidelines: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1197-s4gru-posting-guidelines-aka-the-rulez/


There are lots of issues why Sprint's 3G is performing so poorly. It is not only because of unlimited. Sprint did virtually no network upgrades for the past two years while data usage more than quadrupled.


Spirit was counting on 4G WiMax network to be developed much more by their partner Clearwire, and they expected people in WiMax markets to be willing to sit in 4G mode. But a huge percentage didn't want to use WiMax daily for many good and various reasons.


Sprint was not upgrading its 3G network also because most if it was going to be discarded with Network Vision upgrades, and they were trying to save cash for Network Vision costs. These are the things that were the biggest factors contributing to the decline of the Sprint 3G network.


However, Network Vision involves replacing the entire Sprint network, including hardware at every site in the nation. Including Puerto Rico. After it is done, not only will it fix all the woes of the old network, but Sprint will have the most advanced state of the art network in the U.S. Sprint is also funding network maintenance now at a much higher rate than they even did before the network started to decline.


Fortunately for PR, it will be one of the first markets that will be 100% complete. Everyone has to do what they have to do for their own personal needs. However, let's keep our negative Sprint posts to a minimum. We do not allow repetitive negative posts, or Sprint rants.


Thanks for your understanding.


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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As far them being cheaper I think that is debatable. On ATT I am grandftahered into the unlimited data. basically I pay $90 for what sprint gives me for about $80.




How is that debatable? Admittedly, I don't know if the rules of math are different on the Island of Enchantment, but here in Sin City, $90>$80 every day of the week. :lol:

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<br /><br />Nice speeds! what part of Mayaguez is that


now that does definitely look like a speed test on my phone, though not with that astronomically high ping time. that's crazy! is that on 1x or truly 3G Ev-DO like the statusbar indicator say?

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now that does definitely look like a speed test on my phone, though not with that astronomically high ping time. that's crazy! is that on 1x or truly 3G Ev-DO like the statusbar indicator say?


EvDO Rev A according to Settings > About Phone > Status


Its in the mayaguez area near the Holiday Inn and Western Plaza

Edited by Gab2012
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If you go by this map, Mayaguez really only had one sprint tower. Is that correct?






You said "had" does that mean that we will have more towers for the sprint NV/LTE???


sent from my super smart phone.....htcEVO4g

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If you go by this map' date=' Mayaguez really only had one sprint tower. Is that correct?




This map does not show all the PR/VI sites. This is a filtered map. If memory serves, it was the anticipated sites with LTE that were figured to be ready at launch.


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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If you go by this map, Mayaguez really only had one sprint tower. Is that correct?





This map is no where near all of the towers. There are also towers on Vieques and Culebra that aren't showing and there are more than 3 towers in the Virgin Islands.

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That was right in front of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez across from the "Town Center".


Sweet, I'll pop by tomorrow for lunch and check out the speeds. Right now my home speeds are a disaster (Holiday Inn area)

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