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Network Vision/LTE - Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands Market


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So make the switch already and stop spreading so much negativity, it accomplishes nothing.


I switched to Sprint from AT&T about three years ago now. I was extremely unhappy with their non existent Android smartphone selection (at the time, they had like one low end Moto model and the Nexus One off Google's store) and I didn't like the direction their data plans and policies were going (throttling, threatening customers over suspicious of tethering, etc); I had also experienced several extremely awful cases of bad CS (reps messing up my account/plan for no reason, etc.).


I've been pretty happy with Sprint, but if they were to raise their prices significantly and/or cap my data use then I'd probably consider switching again (AT&T, Tmo, who knows). Heck I was ready to do it if I didn't see any LTE progresses thru the first half of this year, thankfully they came thru. There's nothing wrong with switching carriers if you aren't getting what you want or need, if more people did it the market would probably be more competitive.


Sitting there and complaining without adding any pertinent info to the discussion just annoys others though, just like your cute little slang or w/e.


Guess that nah gonna happen eh, trollin be easy...

just steps over this guy!..yyyeaaaaaaa!...i love the internet...u never really know who your talkin to or how much a person really knows...the people who try to post the lil scraps they grab off the internet is who look for props...stick with wacko 11...when he say  he have 4g on stx..then we know we ain far behind on stt( #nothereforprops)

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Much like I've given up trying to understand your posts.

You guys are still complaining over that, at least Impulse added some useful information to his post. If you can understand it then just simply skip over the post; that simple. I on the other hand, and other members including themuffinmam, can actually fully understand what he says. D-Relo shortens his words and his grammer is a bit off, but it is not that hard to understand; give it a rest. Nobody is perfect.



Woke up early this morning to no service but its back up again.

I also woke up with no service, but it came back around 7am.

Edited by Austrie
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Anyone still having issues with high ping and slow internet (both 3G and LTE) here in Puerto Rico? I wonder if it's a reported network outage, might have to call in tomorrow


Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk.



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Anyone still having issues with high ping and slow internet (both 3G and LTE) here in Puerto Rico? I wonder if it's a reported network outage, might have to call in tomorrow


Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk.

here on st thomas yes...(let me talk proper)...the pings are like 400 and dl speeds are like .06mb..but when you load up a webpage the speeds seem ok..kinda weird.

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here on st thomas yes...(let me talk proper)...the pings are like 400 and dl speeds are like .06mb..but when you load up a webpage the speeds seem ok..kinda weird.


sorry, but no, I'm asking specifically about Puerto Rico, it's been an issue for the past week.

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Anyone still having issues with high ping and slow internet (both 3G and LTE) here in Puerto Rico? I wonder if it's a reported network outage, might have to call in tomorrow


Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk.

yes having the same issue in mayaguez! if anybody know ! let us know!

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You guys are still complaining over that, at least Impulse added some useful information to his post. If you can understand it then just simply skip over the post; that simple. I on the other hand, and other members including themuffinmam, can actually fully understand what he says. D-Relo shortens his words and his grammer is a bit off, but it is not that hard to understand; give it a rest. Nobody is perfect.

That's the thing, when typing incorrectly like that it becomes a distraction for everyone else, if this was just a forum filled with just virgin islanders then no one would care but this is a forum that has members from many different backgrounds so typing in a way that everyone will understand will be the most beneficial to this thread.  We were taught proper grammar from kindergarten through high school, we were never taught to actually type the exact way we speak.  Also keep in mind that twospirits is part of the staff here on s4gru so if there is a complaint then he will know about it.  He also doesn't have the kind of patience as I do so lets not turn this thread into another back and forth session like a few pages back.


here on st thomas yes...(let me talk proper)...the pings are like 400 and dl speeds are like .06mb..but when you load up a webpage the speeds seem ok..kinda weird.

Thank you for understanding, and lets try to maintain that from here on out.  Virgin Islands Creole or our broken english is very difficult for mainland americans(and mostly everyone else for that matter) to understand and its even worse when it is type written.  



Anyway back on topic, haven't had any other interruptions since yesterday morning and for the most part I would say that 3g speeds have been consistent.  Also for me, speeds have been averaging around 1meg or so and ping times have been averaging at around 180ms no matter the time of day.  Maybe we will get a 4th of July weekend lte surprise.  

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I am starting to drop lots of calls again but data is working fine so far though.

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So when we finally get LTE, is it going to be throughout the island where we get 3g or only certain parts?

hmm i thought of it the opposite way like the island is so small we have no excuse..but! my bro has att and when he was is smithbay he lost 4g and went to 3g..so i guess it may still have dead spots?

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hmm i thought of it the opposite way like the island is so small we have no excuse..but! my bro has att and when he was is smithbay he lost 4g and went to 3g..so i guess it may still have dead spots?

Even though the island is small the terrain isn't exactly flat so there will be issues no matter what.  Thats why places like around the antilles school area will always have issues with sprint because there is no line of site to any other tower on the island.  On the other hand if I go offshore fishing 10 or 15 miles to the north of St. thomas I am still getting a great signal because there is nothing between me and the towers.

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On the other hand if I go offshore fishing 10 or 15 miles to the north of St. thomas I am still getting a great signal because there is nothing between me and the towers.


Taking a cue from Brooke Shields, themuffinman lets nothing come between him and his towers...






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hmm i thought of it the opposite way like the island is so small we have no excuse..but! my bro has att and when he was is smithbay he lost 4g and went to 3g..so i guess it may still have dead spots?



Even though the island is small the terrain isn't exactly flat so there will be issues no matter what. Thats why places like around the antilles school area will always have issues with sprint because there is no line of site to any other tower on the island. On the other hand if I go offshore fishing 10 or 15 miles to the north of St. thomas I am still getting a great signal because there is nothing between me and the towers.

Cell phone signal travels much farther than we think, I was actually on a flight 38,000 feet in the air and I was barely getting 1x. I couldnt do anything but it would go from -140 to -120 meaning it was getting a hint of signal.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2



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no good news yet huh..i got my sim unlock just in time from sprint...im in tortola using a chip from here...nice to travel with one phone :)

What kind of data speeds are you getting there?

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