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Data Caps really stink


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The whole problem I have with data caps/tiers, is that they are fundamentally different from the 'minutes/texts' tiers that we don't seem to have a problem with.


And why is, because minutes and texts have a definitive use/cost structure. A minute is a minute whether you call your mom or your girlfriend/wife. A text is a text regardless whether the recipient is on-net or off-net.


Whereas, data usages is inherently an unknown and completely variable factor, and it can't be completely predicted before use, like watching the clock on a phone call or limiting your number of texts.


When you go to youtube to watch a video, or you read an email with attachements, it is theoretically possible to know how much bandwidth you will use, but in most cases it is not known beforehand. Further, simply browsing the web is a completely unknown usage factor, because nearly every modern website generates pages dynamically, and often has 3rd party content (ie ads) which introduce further variability even when refreshing the same page.


The phone companies obviously see huge dollar signs in tiered pricing, and as noted above, tiered bandwidth tends to force nearly all parties involved (users/phone manufacturers/apps/content providers) to be more efficient, than say when you have an unlimited pipe and you don't have to be 'careful' about going over some arbitrary limit.


I totally agree with you on this. Most people don't know what a gigabyte is. It really hard to keep up with data use especially when you get close to going over

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Yeah but come on now...let's be real. We all know checking a few website, email, nav is just a blip compared to streaming video and downloading files (apps etc). We'd all love to be able to stream video 24x7 but it ain't gonna happen.


Remember in the 90's when long distance was expensive? I see data the same thing. It'll cost a pretty penny now but in 10 years it'll be practically free.


Like pyroscott said if there is no incentive to not use data, people will jam up the networks like we're all aware of on a certain carrier. It's like having free roads...the roads get jammed up with cars b/c there's no costs (other than gas and your time). Paying for data is like having toll roads.

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I should have known it was something like that. :rolleyes:


I'm thankful to live a quiet' date=' sheltered life. I think I'd become Amish, if it wasn't for the fact I couldn't bring my smartphone and tablets with me.




you could become one of those shifty Mennonites


Sent from my CM9 Epic 4g Touch using Forum Runner

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Like pyroscott said if there is no incentive to not use data, people will jam up the networks like we're all aware of on a certain carrier. It's like having free roads...the roads get jammed up with cars b/c there's no costs (other than gas and your time). Paying for data is like having toll roads.


I agree about usage. However, I am grateful to have unlimited as long as I can. If I have no choice but to deal with caps, then so be it. But I'm looking forward to unlimited LTE for the time being. Boy howdy!



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Not as bad but I find myself always checking my broadband connection stats to make sure I didn't go over my 200 gig limit. I don't want the dreaded phone call trying to bump me up from my cheap locked in price.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge

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Not as bad but I find myself always checking my broadband connection stats to make sure I didn't go over my 200 gig limit. I don't want the dreaded phone call trying to bump me up from my cheap locked in price.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge


I'm so glad that Comcast suspended data caps on their cable usage for now. Of course, I barely used 102GB last month. :lol:

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I wouldn't mind data caps if overages weren't insane. My friend has 200MB on ATT and if he goes over he has to pay more than it would have cost to get the 2GB plan for that month. Why not have a set $/GB amount? That way you could associate your usage directly to a dollar amount and wager whether it is worth my money. The way so much of it is now is so clearly trying to screw over users rather than reducing use.


I'm happy with Sprint. I rarely use more than 5GB per month but if I do, it's OK. Seriously, moving my thumb all the way over to the WiFi widget on my home screen is just too much, I can't be bothered with such a thing.

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Yeah but come on now...let's be real. We all know checking a few website, email, nav is just a blip compared to streaming video and downloading files (apps etc). We'd all love to be able to stream video 24x7 but it ain't gonna happen.


Remember in the 90's when long distance was expensive? I see data the same thing. It'll cost a pretty penny now but in 10 years it'll be practically free.


Like pyroscott said if there is no incentive to not use data, people will jam up the networks like we're all aware of on a certain carrier. It's like having free roads...the roads get jammed up with cars b/c there's no costs (other than gas and your time). Paying for data is like having toll roads.


I stream what I want when I want how long I want ;)


Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2

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My whole point of this thread is that I really miss unlimited when using my Verizon hotspot. I never thought unlimited was that big of a deal. It is so nice not to have to think about data usage and metering myself.


I will adapt if one day I have to. But I am glad to have unlimited now. Data caps are a pain.


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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My whole point of this thread is that I really miss unlimited when using my Verizon hotspot. I never thought unlimited was that big of a deal. It is so nice not to have to think about data usage and metering myself.


I will adapt if one day I have to. But I am glad to have unlimited now. Data caps are a pain.


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


I agree, but slow 3G speeds cause the same sorts of headaches for me. I'm constantly having to make sure noone else is using the internet during the day while I'm working and become a "speed" nazi instead of a data nazi. :) When things get really bad at certain times of the day I'm always bugging everyone to make sure noone is streaming YouTube or playing a game on Kongregate because I'm working.


When the backhaul to my tower improves things will get a lot less stressful. 10/27 can't come fast enough (assuming the schedule holds). :D

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Or, one other option if I had Verizon LTE here, is their HomeFusion with 30GB of data for $120/mo. Of course that's supposed to be a fixed solution and not mobile. For that amount of data it's probably the best option out there price-wise.


But if my 3G backhaul improves I'll be happy enough with Sprint 3G.

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I'm so glad that Comcast suspended data caps on their cable usage for now. Of course, I barely used 102GB last month. :lol:


Wow, I just noticed that when I logged into my Comcast account to check usage. With wifey on maternity leave, we/she has been watching a ton of Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc. I know we'd go over the cap this month, so I'm happy :)


Did they suspend it due to the olympics and to allow as much streaming as possible because they own NBC now?

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Wow, I just noticed that when I logged into my Comcast account to check usage. With wifey on maternity leave, we/she has been watching a ton of Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc. I know we'd go over the cap this month, so I'm happy :)


Did they suspend it due to the olympics and to allow as much streaming as possible because they own NBC now?


No. They suspended it until they, market by market, decide what cap/overage system to put in. for example, Nashville will soon have 300GB caps for all tiers, with $10 per 50GB overages after the first three times you go over. Other markets may have tiered bandwidth allotments tested.

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Robert, you explained exactly what was keeping me from switching to VZW, since they have LTE coverage not far from me. I can imagine myself being the exact same way with constantly worrying about my data usage. I'd rather have slower data for the short-term versus fast data and an anxiety disorder in the long-term. :)

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I think more than anything, it's that LTE begs to be used. Low pings, great speeds, it just wants to be unleashed. It's a wireless multimedia beast. However, with data caps I feel restricted and only end up doing things I could do just fine with 1Mbps. What a let down.




It's like someone handing you the keys to a brand new bugatti veyron and tell you to go and enjoy yourself, then they say "Oh and by the way, don't leave the parking lot." Where data caps are now is a total joke.

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I'd say data caps for me are more like trading in a model t with unlimited fuel for a Bugatti when you only get one tank of gas included per month. If you work close to home, and don't do much else, the Bugatti will work just fine. There is always the option to pay for more fuel, but if you have a long commute, you're going to want to take the train to conserve fuel. The model t, on the other hand is slow, often broken, and can't go on the interstate, but you can go anywhere you want, and it's included in the price.


From CM10 Toro on Forum Runner

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As an owner of a Bugatti Veyron LTE hotspot, I'm looking forward to trading it in for Sprint LTE...which may just be a Porsche Carrera 911. But I will take the unlimited Porsche over a parking lot Bugatti.


Yes, many Sprint customers currently have an unlimited Model T, but their Porsche is coming.


If Verizon LTE is a Bugatti Veyron, will that make Clearwire LTE a Koenigsigg with a JATO pack installed on the back??? :)


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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As an owner of a Bugatti Veyron LTE hotspot, I'm looking forward to trading it in for Sprint LTE...which may just be a Porsche Carrera 911. But I will take the unlimited Porsche over a parking lot Bugatti.


Yes, many Sprint customers currently have an unlimited Model T, but their Porsche is coming.


If Verizon LTE is a Bugatti Veyron, will that make Clearwire LTE a Koenigsigg with a JATO pack installed on the back??? :)


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


I don't know about anyone else but that sounds like lots of fun right there.

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As an owner of a Bugatti Veyron LTE hotspot, I'm looking forward to trading it in for Sprint LTE...which may just be a Porsche Carrera 911. But I will take the unlimited Porsche over a parking lot Bugatti.


Yes, many Sprint customers currently have an unlimited Model T, but their Porsche is coming.


If Verizon LTE is a Bugatti Veyron, will that make Clearwire LTE a Koenigsigg with a JATO pack installed on the back??? :)


Hmm, I think Robert has been eating Cracklin' Oat Flakes for breakfast again...




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Hmm' date=' I think Robert has been eating Cracklin' Oat Flakes for breakfast again...





Well that explains why I woke up from a haze with a JATO pack and glow stick the other day. I better just stick with my Corn Flakes.


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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Robert, you explained exactly what was keeping me from switching to VZW, since they have LTE coverage not far from me. I can imagine myself being the exact same way with constantly worrying about my data usage. I'd rather have slower data for the short-term versus fast data and an anxiety disorder in the long-term.


I've had a clear subscription for about 18 months that I keep almost canceling and then I have to travel and am away from home for a month or two and end up using it for my hotel broadband. I'm nominally a Verizon customer but the price is too high to use it the same way I'm using the clear service - about one week in I've used 14 GB wimax, or about 60 GB per month.


At $10/GB that would be $600.


I usually get around 4 to 6 mbps on clear which is perfectly fine for what it is. Now and then it does seem to get bogged down (eg YouTube needs bugferubg) and I will flip over to a Verizon LTE hot spot but it is perpetually in the back of my mind that I've got to switch back to wimax soon.


And despite all the practical radio theory and application, I don't notice too much difference in LTE 700 vs wimax 2500+.


I do think that unlimited data days are numbered though, and you can run models different ways, but from what I can tell, mobile data demand is growing much faster than cell tower density and spectrum availability and unless something changes in radio fundamentals its hard to imagine how unlimited data will continue to be economical to provide.


Interesting anyway.

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I wouldn't mind data caps if overages weren't insane. My friend has 200MB on ATT and if he goes over he has to pay more than it would have cost to get the 2GB plan for that month. Why not have a set $/GB amount? That way you could associate your usage directly to a dollar amount and wager whether it is worth my money. The way so much of it is now is so clearly trying to screw over users rather than reducing use.


I'm happy with Sprint. I rarely use more than 5GB per month but if I do, it's OK. Seriously, moving my thumb all the way over to the WiFi widget on my home screen is just too much, I can't be bothered with such a thing.

200MB? That's a day for me


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

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200MB? That's a day for me


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


Yes. It causes me great pain to watch him suffer. Always in search of WiFi. He has the Atrix 4G too with the lapdock (the only reason I can't talk him into a Photon), it's quite a neat setup but very underutilized with the restricted data.

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