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Married to it




by Christina Herron
Sprint 4G Rollout Updates

Thursday, February 14, 2013 - 3:10 AM MST


Travel back with me a few weeks ago. It’s a cold Saturday afternoon, and I am standing and staring into a gated area near a cell phone tower. My date for this outing is frantically taking pictures and discussing the exciting upgrades to the equipment which have occurred since our last visit. I have no idea what he is talking about, all the mechanical stuff looks exactly like it did a few weeks ago. To me, it happens to look exactly like the 3 other sites we visited today. Not wanting to look totally stupid, I just smile and nod.

Yep, this is what I do for fun for my 17th wedding anniversary. I am officially married to a cell phone dork.

Since May 2011, I have had many a romantic dinner which usually includes at least a drive-by various cell towers. I have smiled and nodded through countless conversations which are dominated by the words, “LTE”, “Wi-Max” and “backhaul”. I still have no idea what any of this means.

I have taken vacations based on the availability of 4G coverage. This past summer our family ended up in Waco, Texas. Not exactly the place one would call a cosmopolitan vacation destination. At least we got to go to the Baylor football season opener. We ran tests in between plays, and my husband would constantly grab my phone to look at an Engineering screen. I have changed hotel and restaurant reservations based on cell tower locations.

My kids can spot a cell tower from 5 miles away. Family outings generally include a visit to one. My oldest son understands which panel is which on the cell tower. He also understands the secret language of cell phone technology which my husband speaks. I just continue to smile and nod.

Many friends ask me in wonder why I allow my date nights to be interrupted by visits to cell phone towers and discussions about things I don’t understand. The answer is simple; I have the best husband in the world. S4GRU is my husband’s passion. He loves all things Sprint, cell phone, and the technology that goes with it. He is passionate about the site and getting the information to its members. He gives unselfishly to it while still honoring all his work, home and community obligations. When he isn’t working on this site; he is being an awesome dad, devoted husband, faithful employee and a good citizen. The only sacrifice I make is that I occasionally have to smile and nod, so I don’t look like I have no idea what is going on. He sacrifices his sleep, his free time and sometimes his sanity to make sure we are all happy. I couldn’t ask for more than that.

Today is Valentine’s Day, the day of romance. I am looking forward to a romantic dinner at my favorite restaurant and maybe a box of Godiva chocolate. There are two things I am pretty sure of. There will be at least one stop at a cell tower during the night, and I will probably be doing a lot of smiling and nodding.


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After finally getting my wife to come out and test a newly accepted LTE tower Wednesday, I have to admit that I love my wifes same nodding and acceptance of me for wanting to be a supernerd, in addition to my endless rants when I bring my work home. (10 years of marriage helps)


Thanks for supporting your husband to pursue this passion, I am grateful for your patience!

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Nice article. We need more estrogen on this site. It sucks being the lowely gay guy to provide balance here lol lmao.

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Nice article! I will definitely let my wife read this as she's my tower scouting driver. Last trip we made our daughter was with us looking for towers and actually found one when I couldn't see it through the trees. Funny stuff!

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Nice article. We need more estrogen on this site. It sucks being the lowely gay guy to provide balance here lol lmao.

You're not the only one. Although I'm probably a bit too butch to provide any sort of balance.

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You're not the only one. Although I'm probably a bit too butch to provide any sort of balance.

Ditto! Besides, my husband is as much of a techno-geek as I am! He doesn't get my obsession with customizing my phone, though. So now that I'm no longer trying to fix all of Microsoft's bugs in Windows Mobile by creating custom ROMs five times a day for my HTC Touch Pro II, I just have to resist the temptation to stray from the stock ROM on my Note II.


Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!


And Robert, if you are not aware of how much of a saint you've got there.........

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Nice article. We need more estrogen on this site. It sucks being the lowely gay guy to provide balance here lol lmao.


Definately not the only one on here :)

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Wow, so many wives being super patient with their husbands supernerd obsessions, lol! My friends I live with just started ignoring me and just don't care to hear about it, so I don't say much to them anymore.


Happy Valentines Day to you two!

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I sent this to my wife and she replied back "At least I'm not the only one... :)"


LOL! We should probably band together and start some sort of support group :)

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I sent this article to my wife.

She will soon know that she is not alone.

There are times when she has shook her head in disbelief when I activated the Sensorly app before beginning a car ride.

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I sent this article to my wife. She will soon know that she is not alone. There are times when she has shook her head in disbelief when I activated the Sensorly app before beginning a car ride.


I hope she gets a good laugh- I'm afraid I may end up lynched by a horde of cell phone dork wives...

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Nice article! I will definitely let my wife read this as she's my tower scouting driver. Last trip we made our daughter was with us looking for towers and actually found one when I couldn't see it through the trees. Funny stuff!


Our kids know more about cell phone technology than shows on the Disney Channel. We are raising a horde of dorks to take over the world.

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I am writing through my husband's account! This article is great. God love men and their cell phone hobbies. So glad to know I am not the only wife that has to listen to this. I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. Although tonight- his phone was turned to airplane mode. I take what I can get! Happy Cell phone Towering hunting!

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I am writing through my husband's account! This article is great. God love men and their cell phone hobbies. So glad to know I am not the only wife that has to listen to this. I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. Although tonight- his phone was turned to airplane mode. I take what I can get! Happy Cell phone Towering hunting!


Glad you liked the article. Just so you can feel my pain- we visited FIVE towers tonight. Talk about a romantic evening :P

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You're not the only one. Although I'm probably a bit too butch to provide any sort of balance.


O! Thank you jesus. I think the only thing worse than straight guy sports talk is nerdy guy techno talk. lol jk....Im so into it...

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Hey if we have to simile, nod and stand in a thousand shoe/clothes stores and watch housewives of everything the least they can do is pretend to enjoy our techno-babel! Maybe that's why I'm divorced? Hehe... :P

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Robert should start a sub site for the wives. lol

This story had an effect on me, now I don't feel so bad when I put my wife through this. :-)

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Hey if we have to simile, nod and stand in a thousand shoe/clothes stores and watch housewives of everything the least they can do is pretend to enjoy our techno-babel! Maybe that's why I'm divorced? Hehe... :P


I don't ever watch any of the "Housewives" shows, but I have been known to drag poor Rob into craft stores/bookstores/shoe sales/clothes shopping etc. He has been very patient with that- so I can certainly return the favor. :)

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My girlfriend can relate to this so well as I have been tracking down cell towers and collecting info related to them for about 15 years now. One time I even got questioned by a security guard for being on private propery after hours and taking pics of a tower.

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Mrs. RCM got a kick out of this article though I can't say I've planned vacations around site locations and what not. Now installing Sensorly on her phone then thanking her for her help is another thing. I think she's accustomed to "scenic routes" but rolls her eyes at me asking friends to give me a heads up on a particular site if they see any activity. I barely tolerate her Harry Potter thing, so we're even.

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