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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. Well, I keep my Mega in a folio and keep it in my pocket and I do not have a overheat heat issue. The only time I do notice it getting a tiny bit hotter than usual is when I am streaming to my Chromecast for long periods of time. But it is still not hot to the point that it shuts down.
  2. Looking at the profiles, everything is okay except that Dad/hamster and Gor-don. I would have preferred a twin separated at birth dog (Otasans' brother) or even a cat (although cats are harder to film) but a hamster that is always confined to a cage or bubble. Don't like it. Also the goth college roommate Gor-don. not to sure about that character either. Oh well it is what it is. TS
  3. Keyboard # 27 That is all. TS
  4. yes I do have the Mega (its mine all mine) but the G2 is to replace one of my other lines the Note 2 which had the screen go ka-plu-yee. I guess i could do the same with transferring the one from the Note 2 to the G2. TS
  5. Thanks for the info. Yeah I know, first seller never gave me a tracking number or even a date of when it was shipped out. Emails were partly ignored and even when he answered it was hard to understand his replies. After a week I disputed the sale. Hopefully Paypal rules in my favor. So in the meantime I'm looking at other sales and came across that one I mentioned in my post above. So if the sim card is free at Sprint, then I'll won't make a fuss about lowering the price. My only fear is if the first seller did indeed send out his G2, then I'll have 2 G2s when I only need one and then go through the process of giving his money or device back. anyway, again thanks TS
  6. LG G2 members, question. shouldn't a brand new G2 come with a sim card or does one have to buy that separately? I know it doesn't control cdma authentication but I believe it controls something else (can't remember off the top of my head at the moment) so shouldn't it come with a sim card? Reason I ask is because I am getting another G2 since the first seller crapped out on me and this new one I'm looking at says no sim card. TS
  7. I will have to agree with what most of you have said. if you take that image of the 4 handsets in front of the Flatiron building and blow up the image, it shows the following... 1 handset shows 1.11 download 1.28 upload 2 handset shows 7.52 download 18.09 upload 3 handset shows 3.49 download 1.15 upload 4 handset shows 22.59 up and 20.24 down Considering that he states that the average download speeds are 3.5 for AT&T 2.1 for Sprint 8.6 for T-Mobile and 26.9 for Verizon, I would assume that the 1st device in that pic is Sprint, second device is T-Mobile, 3rd device is AT&T and last device to the right is Verizon. Regardless, none of these show a Spark icon so I concur that he did not have a Sparks enabled S4. TS
  8. Well if you ever find yourself in Insomnia land again, just come back to this thread and stare at the picture below. You are getting sleepy, very sleepy.
  9. Yeah I know, I was hoping it was anything other than the LCD screen, but eh what can you do. Although I bought a LG G2 last wed, it still hasn't arrived. It drives me nuts that folks on swappa just don't give you a tracking number. As for the sd card, my better half kept everything on the phone side and most pics were already up in the cloud. TS
  10. Hope you don't mind, but I merged your three back to back posts into one. As for the Mega, Yeah, I still have it and to be honest, I haven't checked. Been so busy its not even funny.
  11. Had a strange thing happen to the Note 2 this past Monday. It rebooted by itself and stayed on the boot screen showing Samsung Galaxy Note 2. It just stayed there. I pull the battery and rebooted and same thing. This particular device isn't rooted nor did I install anything to it recently. I'm going to have to take it in to have it checked. I also noticed that lately this one, even after plugging in at night to charge, by morning it sometimes isn't charged. Followup: For some reason the LCD got damaged. So only options was to do the insurance thing or get another device. I went the other device route and got me a LG G2 on swappa. Gonna miss the pen though to be honest, but I need a triband phone. TS
  12. What about the stepchild Queens or the NJ suburb of Staten Island? How they fair in this? TS
  13. Didn't Masa do it over in Japan, but doing a massive price cut and that helped him get customers. I'm curious as to how much of a price cut he did over there. Maybe that could be a sampling of what might entail in regards to a price war happening here. TS
  14. twospirits


    That's odd, it seems to work according to this thread. There are two other methods in that thread also that you may try.
  15. Directory of all S4GRU Market Maps Members, Below you will find the complete spreadsheet list of all available maps on S4GRU. These maps are available only to Sponsors with the exception of the first row map "Sprint LTE Coverage Maps via Sensorly", which is available for all to view. To become a Sponsor and see these maps, please go to this thread. Please Note: If you encounter a map that is not on this list, please notify any of the staff via private messaging, so I can enter it in the list. The spreadsheet is filtered, so you can select locals, state, etc. Maps are forum specific (Blue = Premier Sponsors, Green = Sponsors, Beige = Interactive) You will not be able to see a map unless your Sponsor level matches. Rows highlighted in Pink are maps no longer being updated. View this spreadsheet on Google Drive to sort by local's, state, etc. Special thanks to MacinJosh for helping me fix the G Doc posting issue.
  16. twospirits


    Try to see if this will work, enforced stream silencer. No root necessary. I've used it on my EVO 4G, Photon 4G. It may work with the EVO 4G LTE. Instructions,.. 1-download the apk from Google (above) onto your phone (remember which folder you downloaded it to) 2-Enable "Unknown Sources in Applications Settings". 3-Browse to the file with your devices file manager. (or swipe down the notification bar and click on the download) 4-Open the app and check the "checkbox". You can then test the stock Camera app and you shouldn't have the shutter sound anymore. TS
  17. While Robert has the final say, I don't think this will work as one hopes it would. Besides the reasons jamisonshaw pointed out, if a member posts in a thread, they most likely are subscribed to it and could get a notification. For those that haven't or find it bothersome getting swamped with emails, a simple pm can suffice to draw their attention. TS
  18. I'm curious, is tomorrows conference being televised/streamed anywhere? That Charlie Rose interview mentioned above by the WSJ is airing tonight. Reairing on the east coast at 11:30 pm on pbs.
  19. Don't shoot the messenger. I got that percentage from this article, which as they say, if it's in the internet then it must be true. Yet, this Forbes article somewhat collaborates the percentage by stating a third of US Citizens do have a passport and the rest not. So to me that makes it 35 do and 65 do not, unless I'm reading it wrong. Regardless of the percentage, I still do not see it happening anytime soon for International roaming agreements. TS
  20. I never understood that "Americans" term to only refer to US Citizens when any country in North and South America can be considered Americans, but I digress, that's for another topic. Although 54% of US Citizens have never travel outside the US and 35% don't even have passports, the reason most do their international travel there is because they are the closest to US. Beyond that I guess it depends on what list you look at to determine which country gets visited the most by US Citizens. But most are in Europe. Either way, I would love for more roaming agreements but I don't see that happening.
  21. I agree with this, and I do believe they already know about this place. As for the last part, maybe send Masa a tweet on his twitter account. TS
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